I honestly don’t get why fans not being a fan of a movie is a problem.
I have a cousin born in the 70s went to USC film school grew up a huge Star Wars fan and pretty much all Sci-Fi as kid.
He works in LA for WB. He has worked for Frank Darabont personally as an assistant on Green Mile, Shawshank, Redemption, The Mist, LA Noir, and Walking Dead(don’t get me started on this lawsuit) he spends way to much on movie collectibles and has one of the 100 actual helmets they used for Darth Vader in the original trilogy in his home in a glass protection.
He has kids he brought up to love Star Wars and even though he wasn’t a huge fan of episodes 1-3 his kids loved them.
Bringing this back to TLJ. He was so depressed after this movie and I am telling you he was like they are just runining the franchise for fans who have been loyal. Killing everyone off and the story sucked and he joked right after he saw it they are just going to be bring Lando back just to kill him in episode 9 and it’s funny because they just announced Billy Dee will be in episode 9 this week.
When we talked at Christmas about it he was disappointed as he loved the franchise and thought episode 8 was just not good.
The TLJ being disliked by fans isn’t because people want to hate it. I thought TFA was good and step up a good trilogy while TLJ was just a waste of a trilogy. There were no shock storylines created. JJ IMO will clean it up but make no mistake TLJ has legit critics. Not the twitter mob stupidity crap but actual criticism.