Marrone venting |

Marrone venting


All American
Aug 26, 2011
The deal with people I work with is they get paid to do a job. Other factors are critical: must be right for the culture, have higher standards than what the business has them and to buy into team goals first.

So any stuff about how thankful we should be to Marrone is misguided to a degree, IMO. He had a job to do. He was being paid more than he ever had been in his life. And provided he did well, he had the opportunity to get more money from SU or the market.

The market responded from inquiries he put out there. He got a new job due to the good work he's done here and before. And then he proceeds to, well, lie and hurt the place that taught him much of what he knows, he claims, as a man. And he goes DEEPER than any other rookie NFL coach in withdrawing resources from the School he so loved.

He does that in business, especially in a family business, he's blackballed by a lot of people. In sports coaching, a bit of a different story. For me, my range of emotions are so done with Marrone - from hope and trepidation that he stays/doesn't leave to the anger of HOW he left and pathetically over-reached on raping the program of talent.

So to me the Marrone era boils down to him learning on the job and doing a pretty good body of work over four years...but the way he left overshadows much of the good stuff. And I think he is an utter and complete asswhole.

There. Phew. Thanks for this forum's existence to allow me to pathetically vent about this. Go get 'em Shafe...behind you 100% to do a damn good job.
How dare you! Dont you realize that our beloved TBFOIB only left Syracuse because of negative fan mail and the fact that he wasnt supported and worshiped by the administration? Doug is a Saint or maybe he was a Saint or something like that. Plus regardless of what CTO or others on this board think they know Doug has never lied and he would never do anything to hurt Syracuse now that he is done taking the entire staff. He loves Syracuse it was his dream job. It has to be true it was in his binder!
The deal with people I work with is they get paid to do a job. Other factors are critical: must be right for the culture, have higher standards than what the business has them and to buy into team goals first.

So all any stuff about how thankful we should be to Marrone is misguided to a degree, IMO. He had a job to do. He was being paid more than he ever had been in his life. And provided he did well, he had the opportunity to get more money from SU or the market.

The market responded from inquiries he put out there. He got a new job due to the good work he's done here and before. And then he proceeds to, well, lie and hurt the place that taught him much of what he knows, he claims, as a man. And he goes DEEPER than any other rookie NFL coach in withdrawing resources from the School he so loved.

He does that in business, especially in a family business, he's blackballed by a lot of people. In sports coaching, a bit of a different story. For me, my range of emotions are so done with Marrone - from hope and trepidation that he stays/doesn't leave to the anger of HOW we left and pathetically over-reached on raping the program of talent.

So to me the Marrone era boils down to him learning on the job and doing a pretty good body of work over four years...but the way he left overshadows much of the good stuff. And I think he is an utter and complete asswhole.

There. Phew. Thanks for this forum's existence to allow me to pathetically vent about this. Go get 'em Shafe...behind you 100% to do a damn good job.

This sums up my feelings pretty well. Except, ironically, my feelings had more cowbell.
Vent and move on.

It's the 2nd part people are having trouble with...
And he goes DEEPER than any other rookie NFL coach in withdrawing resources from the School he so loved.

LOL - come on. The only other newly hired NFL coach to come from college is Chip Kelly. And he was hired a mere three days ago.

Marrone has taken five assistant coaches from Syracuse. Kelly is reportedly taking four from Oregon. Odds are good that Kelly will take more from that school as the days/weeks go by.

Wanting to coach with people you've worked with before and trust is part of the business.

I'm thankful for Marrone because he didn't have to come to Syracuse. He had a great job in New Orleans, they knew they would be very good to great in 2009. He was already on short lists of some franchises. It was a tremendous risk for him to come to Syracuse. He did an unbelievable job of turning the program around and he didn't have to do that.
LOL - come on. The only other newly hired NFL coach to come from college is Chip Kelly. And he was hired a mere three days ago.

Marrone has taken five assistant coaches from Syracuse. Kelly is reportedly taking four from Oregon. Odds are good that Kelly will take more from that school as the days/weeks go by.

Wanting to coach with people you've worked with before and trust is part of the business.

I'm thankful for Marrone because he didn't have to come to Syracuse. He had a great job in New Orleans, they knew they would be very good to great in 2009. He was already on short lists of some franchises. It was a tremendous risk for him to come to Syracuse. He did an unbelievable job of turning the program around and he didn't have to do that.
I thought that Doug applied and lobbied hard for the job. I didnt realize that he rode in on a white horse with golden wings and offered to save us. You are kidding Doug begged for the job.
I thought that Doug applied and lobbied hard for the job. I didnt realize that he rode in on a white horse with golden wings and offered to save us. You are kidding Doug begged for the job.

Bill Polian among others said he was making a name for himself within the league. Of course he came hard for the job...he wanted to be head coach of his alma mater and knew he would do well.
I'm curious as to whether Crusty ever got a response to that E- Christmas card. Ididn't see anything on the board and I doubt it.
It's not Dougie leaving that has me pissed off. It's the fact that he keeps coming back like a thief in the night to grab another assistant coach or staff member or whatever ain't nailed down.
Bill Polian among others said he was making a name for himself within the league. Of course he came hard for the job...he wanted to be head coach of his alma mater and knew he would do well.
and he did do well. Not at first but he finished strong. I have posted a zillion times that Doug deserved a great extension based on the results. I have also complimented him on his approach to recruiting and his results as i believe he did a good job. I have had a chance to speak with him a few times and i know people who deal with him often and i believe that Doug is arrogant stubborn and a tad paranoid. The way that he left the program is beyond horrible. I have no idea what happened but Doug left in such a way that he will never be welcomed back by those in charge.
When I read this title, I honestly was hoping that Marrone had opened up and gone after Syracuse. Now that would be fun.
and he did do well. Not at first but he finished strong. I have posted a zillion times that Doug deserved a great extension based on the results. I have also complimented him on his approach to recruiting and his results as i believe he did a good job. I have had a chance to speak with him a few times and i know people who deal with him often and i believe that Doug is arrogant stubborn and a tad paranoid. The way that he left the program is beyond horrible. I have no idea what happened but Doug left in such a way that he will never be welcomed back by those in charge.

Arrogant, stubborn, and paranoid. Sounds like a head football coach.

I'll never agree with those who think the way he left the program is "beyond horrible." Could it have been handled better? Maybe. It's a shame that he won't be welcomed back by SU, considering how much he helped the program in four short years. People that high up in the university's athletic department shouldn't make decisions based on emotion and should look at it the way it is.
LOL - come on. The only other newly hired NFL coach to come from college is Chip Kelly. And he was hired a mere three days ago.

Marrone has taken five assistant coaches from Syracuse. Kelly is reportedly taking four from Oregon. Odds are good that Kelly will take more from that school as the days/weeks go by.

Wanting to coach with people you've worked with before and trust is part of the business.

I'm thankful for Marrone because he didn't have to come to Syracuse. He had a great job in New Orleans, they knew they would be very good to great in 2009. He was already on short lists of some franchises. It was a tremendous risk for him to come to Syracuse. He did an unbelievable job of turning the program around and he didn't have to do that.

Totally respect that point of view.

I was benchmarking all recent college-to-NFL hires...not to mention Marrone saying he would not take a coordinator, essentially causing SU to lie to its prize recruit, the slow drip defection of the other five assistants and the annexing of an S&C coach that was here be Robinson, which actually does affect SU beyond the football program.

I think Doug did a good job. I think he did a bad job in every way shape or form after hoisting the trophy in Yankee Stadium. Bad. Like stupid bad.
The truth is somewhere in the middle. He did a good job, brought us back to respectability. Also left and stole assistant coaches while writing a letter alluding to the fact he wouldn't.

10 years from now, it will all be a foot note - and we'll probably be ok with how it all went down.
I'll tell you what... to me, Scott Shafer showed more passion for Syracuse in one 45 minute or so press conference than Doug Marrone did in 4 years here. Now it could be that Scott is a terrific actor( I don't think so) and maybe Doug is just a low key guy. But on his radio show,at his breakfasts,on his tv show,etc. the guy always seemed focused but generally not very happy. I really don't view him as a Syracuse guy anymore. That may be unfair but I don't think he cares.
The deal with people I work with is they get paid to do a job. Other factors are critical: must be right for the culture, have higher standards than what the business has them and to buy into team goals first.

So all any stuff about how thankful we should be to Marrone is misguided to a degree, IMO. He had a job to do. He was being paid more than he ever had been in his life. And provided he did well, he had the opportunity to get more money from SU or the market.

The market responded from inquiries he put out there. He got a new job due to the good work he's done here and before. And then he proceeds to, well, lie and hurt the place that taught him much of what he knows, he claims, as a man. And he goes DEEPER than any other rookie NFL coach in withdrawing resources from the School he so loved.

He does that in business, especially in a family business, he's blackballed by a lot of people. In sports coaching, a bit of a different story. For me, my range of emotions are so done with Marrone - from hope and trepidation that he stays/doesn't leave to the anger of HOW we left and pathetically over-reached on raping the program of talent.

So to me the Marrone era boils down to him learning on the job and doing a pretty good body of work over four years...but the way he left overshadows much of the good stuff. And I think he is an utter and complete asswhole.

There. Phew. Thanks for this forum's existence to allow me to pathetically vent about this. Go get 'em Shafe...behind you 100% to do a damn good job.

I wish I could triple-dog like this. Good stuff Mad.

I posted right after this broke that he would be remembered by how he left, and whom he took with him. Little did I know that he would take as many as he did.

It says a lot about his true character, the same solid character that was used as a wedge in so many debates on this board.

Ah well, forget him. I'm all behind Shafer now. If Shafer does well, I'd expect Marrone's transgressions will be forgotten.
I'm curious as to whether Crusty ever got a response to that E- Christmas card. Ididn't see anything on the board and I doubt it.
No, I did not. Remember, I also sent a link to everyone on staff and got receipts from most so we pretty much know he was aware of it. On the other hand I did get a lengthy reply from Hackett to a complementary email I sent him after the NW game.
No, I did not. Remember, I also sent a link to everyone on staff and got receipts from most so we pretty much know he was aware of it. On the other hand I did get a lengthy reply from Hackett to a complementary email I sent him after the BE game.

We're those " internet guys";)
I think your post sums up my feelings pretty well.

Take the coaches - take the assistant weight training coach - take whomever.

But don't do it after announcing that you will do whatever to preserve the program.

Coach Marrone did not handle this situation well - he has truly disappointed me.
LOL - come on. The only other newly hired NFL coach to come from college is Chip Kelly. And he was hired a mere three days ago.

Marrone has taken five assistant coaches from Syracuse. Kelly is reportedly taking four from Oregon. Odds are good that Kelly will take more from that school as the days/weeks go by.

Wanting to coach with people you've worked with before and trust is part of the business.

I'm thankful for Marrone because he didn't have to come to Syracuse. He had a great job in New Orleans, they knew they would be very good to great in 2009. He was already on short lists of some franchises. It was a tremendous risk for him to come to Syracuse. He did an unbelievable job of turning the program around and he didn't have to do that.

Didn't Marrone basically beg for this job? (I know that's overstating, but I always thought he approached us, not the other way around)

He didn't come here as a favor to SU.

I can't compare Chip Kelly to Marrone. Chip Kelly is leaving Oregon in the rear view mirror, he might care about how they do for a year or 2, but I doubt much after that. Doug was one of us, he's supposed to care about the long term health of the program.

I think he was either desperate, or maybe the NFL experienced OCs he talked to were interested but wanted more control than Marrone was willing to give them.

Either way, I find myself siding with Mad's take. But I'm excited about Shafer getting a shot.
The way he came in with the emotional press conference and the whole career was pointing to this job bs .....he is not welcome here

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