Marrone venting | Page 3 |

Marrone venting

Can you appreciate that this was his "dream job" until he came here and it wasn't? To paraphrase Rahme, "Knowing what I know, I would never hold him to the 'dream job' comment."

Nobody made him say it, or some of the other things that he said, and allegedly said.

And I can appreciate the fact that many men and women think they've found their dream spouse and eventually learn that maybe they were wrong. The divorce rate verifies that. So yes people do have expectations that aren't met. I guess it wasn't Marrone's dream job?

I just don't like being set up and then let down the way that Marrone did it.

Here's hoping that Shafer puts this mess in the rear view mirror in a positive way.
Totally respect that point of view.

I was benchmarking all recent college-to-NFL hires...not to mention Marrone saying he would not take a coordinator, essentially causing SU to lie to its prize recruit, the slow drip defection of the other five assistants and the annexing of an S&C coach that was here be Robinson, which actually does affect SU beyond the football program.

I think Doug did a good job. I think he did a bad job in every way shape or form after hoisting the trophy in Yankee Stadium. Bad. Like stupid bad.
Any one knows whether it is Morrone going after those assistants or the assistants choose to follow him? Many here claimed as a fact that Marrone promised to not take any assistant. I just cannot see how he can make that statement. If any His coach staff ask him to bring them to Buffalo, it will be unfair for Marrone to deny them.
Many here claimed as a fact that Marrone promised to not take any assistant.

He didn't say that and I haven't seen anyone say that he did.

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He didn't say that and I haven't seen anyone say that he did.

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right he never said that . He is nothing to me . he could have taken a couple coaches and been good instead he gutted the coaching staff. goodbye dougie don't let the door hit you in the ass .....
I am not responding to this thread to "beat a dead horse" as I agree with most of the posts I have read so far. However, I wanted to comment on Marrone as a person; a person hired to be a leader of the SU football program, challenged to resurrect a program in a tail-spin from the previous coaching staff. Remembering the premise of how he came into the program - H.S. kid from the Bronx - Mac's staff brings him here on a scholorship, all the way around to interviews for the HC position back at his alma mater - we all know the story. It seemed like the perfect coach, dedicated to the university, respected by alums, athletic department and trustees, etc. etc...

However, what we witnessed during the past several weeks, more than anything else during the his past 4 1/2 years at SU, uncovers Marrone as a person and his character and role model for 85 football players between the ages of 18 - 22. Having said that, one of the things I was most impressed with this summer was SU taking the team and staff up to Fort Drum for a week. Knowing the US Army and as a military veteran myself, I am certain the military leaders up there, through discussions with the team, had an opportunity to share personal values and leadership skills with the players including Teamwork, Dedication, Character, Commitment, and the Army values of Loyalty, Service, Duty, Respect, Honor and Integrity and your Word is your Bond - great life lessons for young men. I thought is was a great idea and hope they have the opportunity again.

However, during the past two weeks, I believe, we witnessed the opposite from Marrone. He stated in his e-mail to his players after he was hired by the Bills: " I will do everything in my power to ensure that your next head coach will continue on the path toward making Syracuse University a national football powerhouse. I will always support Syracuse University Football." I suspect Marrone has already forgotten about SU as he has bigger fish to fry in the NFL now. Secondly, the fact that Marrone pillaged the SU coaching staff for his own benefit and against his own word is evidence to this fact that Marrone - who allegedly bleeds Orange - feels no conscience about leaving the program in disarray for the new head coach by ransacking the remaining staff.

He did it - it happens, I get that. But when you say one thing and do the exact opposite for personal and financial gain and at the mercy of your previous employer - in this case the university who gave him his start as an 18-year old scholarship FB player and again with his first start as a first-time head coach, your character certainly comes into question. Where are those core values of integrity, character and dedication? I view it as a significant level of disrespect and a slap in the face. I believe, for me, that what disappoints me the most about the Marrone situation. For impressionable young student athletes - Marrone leaves a message behind that not only is life about getting ahead, but don't need to have a conscience about running over people who trusted you while you do it.

At the end of the day, I think the team will definitely benefit from new leadership with Shafer and his staff and I really look forward to a new season for SU Football.
that is one of the best, most well thought out and presented posts (on any topic) I've read on these boards. Specifically as to as the situation here it concisely but comprehensively sums up the reality of a somewhat complicated situation.

You break it down very well, thank you for taking the time to "put to paper" the best post that captures the situation for most of the avid fans as well as the average casual fan. I hang a lot here and at games with the avid fan like myself and to pick a number out of the air, I'd say 75% of the fans feel the way as you write.

Most of my "regular" life surrounded by the average casual fan who doesn't live it like us and the feedback I'm getting is that it's a 100% of them, at least in my small sample size world, well they feel as you write. Some are down right angry which is what I found at a large family gathering yesterday for the hoops game. That surprised me a bit the level of anger.

This because I'm more dissappointed and not really angry. Dissappointed for the reason you laid out so well, that he's just another guy in this selfish world saying one thing while doing another. Which is frankly worse and more dissappointing than your average self absorbed narcissist as at least you know what you're dealing with with that type. The worst is someone who says to live one way, embody this noble approach to life, and then does just the opposite with his actions.

That's it in a nutshell. I didn't think anyone could capture better the feelings of so many of us here and in the community to warrant another post on it, but yours was great and you should consider sending it in to the newspaper as a letter to the editor. I hope you stick around and chime on on other issues around here.
The statement I've bolded above has evolved into fact on this forum. It's for this reason that so many have hatred for Marrone. And it's kind of funny, because I think we can all agree that no one on this forum was explicitly told by Marrone that he would never take any assistants with him to the Bills.

The way I see it, he told Gross "I'm going to do everything I can to not take any assistants with me," and I'm sure he was telling the absolute truth when he said it. Gross then told people that "He said he would try not to take any assistants." To which are own insiders on this forum were told "He said he wouldn't take any assistants with him." And when he did, then suddenly he's a liar here on this forum.

I don't have much of an issue with people venting and being pissed off about the situation. But vilifying the guy, putting "FU Marrone" in subject titles, saying he'll never be welcome at SU again, etc...all because of interpretations and assumptions that have been twisted into fact...some people need to get a freakin' grip.
No not any assistants. specifically not Hack
Here's the way I look at it. I can have my own opinions as can everyone else. Our opinions are based upon our own perceptions, realities and our own known facts. But there are 3 people on this board, whom I know very very well, that I not only respect as posters but as people and who are also well respected members of the Syracuse University community. When they are unanimously dissapointed (actually more than dissapointed) on how this all went down and was handled by Marrone, that says something to me because unlike most of us, they have a real connection to the University (and I don't know kcsu, so he doesn't count :) ).
To be clear the people i have met has been through my Father and before he passed away through my great uncle. My Uncle went to SU as did My father and many other family members. We have been blessed as a family to have done well and we have helped out the University. Not just the sports programs but the University. My Dads best friend played football for SU and my Father went on to become a doc and ended up in research. My Uncle was a doc and other family members ended up in Law or medicine for the most part. I run a software company. Anyway my dad talks about hanging out with Jim Brown and the guys and when we go back we almost always head to my dads frat for a beer down before the games. My Dad is a very private person and has never made a donation in his name as that isnt his thing. I would say that out of all the individuals involved with the football progam the one person who i know the best is Doctor Gross. My understanding of the situation is very simple. I truly believe that Doug told Doc and others that he was not going to hire Hack. As to other assistants i do not have a clue. Much of what i post about Doug results from the way he treated my father on two seperate occasions. Basically like he was doing all of us a huge favor in meeting with us. I can say that at the end of this tenure i believe Doug became a good football coach. I can also say that based on two meetings that i sat in on i felt that he was arrogant and stubborn. A my way or the highway kind of guy. Might be the NYC swagger might have been that he was just tired and really busy who knows still he did not leave a good impression. I like others am grateful for what Doug did to bring our program back. I will always be thankful for the work that he did and the results that he achieved. I wish him good luck in Buffalo and think that he will do better in the NFL than in college as he is a true CEO type of leader. This will be my last post on Doug and his leaving. I believe that my information is solid and i wish that he would have kept his word.
This has been one of the more unfortunate, but also interesting topics on this board.

It's great to read so many well thought out, and passionate viewpoints.
To be clear the people i have met has been through my Father and before he passed away through my great uncle. My Uncle went to SU as did My father and many other family members. We have been blessed as a family to have done well and we have helped out the University. Not just the sports programs but the University. My Dads best friend played football for SU and my Father went on to become a doc and ended up in research. My Uncle was a doc and other family members ended up in Law or medicine for the most part. I run a software company. Anyway my dad talks about hanging out with Jim Brown and the guys and when we go back we almost always head to my dads frat for a beer down before the games. My Dad is a very private person and has never made a donation in his name as that isnt his thing. I would say that out of all the individuals involved with the football progam the one person who i know the best is Doctor Gross. My understanding of the situation is very simple. I truly believe that Doug told Doc and others that he was not going to hire Hack. As to other assistants i do not have a clue. Much of what i post about Doug results from the way he treated my father on two seperate occasions. Basically like he was doing all of us a huge favor in meeting with us. I can say that at the end of this tenure i believe Doug became a good football coach. I can also say that based on two meetings that i sat in on i felt that he was arrogant and stubborn. A my way or the highway kind of guy. Might be the NYC swagger might have been that he was just tired and really busy who knows still he did not leave a good impression. I like others am grateful for what Doug did to bring our program back. I will always be thankful for the work that he did and the results that he achieved. I wish him good luck in Buffalo and think that he will do better in the NFL than in college as he is a true CEO type of leader. This will be my last post on Doug and his leaving. I believe that my information is solid and i wish that he would have kept his word.

Great post, kc. Thanks for sharing all of that.
Great post, kc. Thanks for sharing all of that.
Nirv you welcome. Lets hope that the orange make a great bowl game this year and that the bills make the playoffs. Time will make all of this better for everyone involved. At this point my primary concern is not Shafer or this years team but who is selected to replace NC. I hope that the University selects a true visionary and is supportive of all of our teams. The next 5 years are going to be incredibly important with JB leaving, our entry into the ACC, and the ever changing landscape of college athletics
Its the same people who can't get over Marrone leaving the way he did that would welcome Nick Saban with open arms. Time to move on and support the next staff. Coaches coming and going is part of the business. Last time I checked, every single person in this world has told a straight up lie to someone else. Its just overblown and over-covered when your talking about public figures.
Its the same people who can't get over Marrone leaving the way he did that would welcome Nick Saban with open arms.

Not true. I, and I'm sure many of us wouldn't want Saban, or Calipari on the basketball side. Given what has transpired over the past couple of weeks I wouldn't want Marrone either.
Not true. I, and I'm sure many of us wouldn't want Saban, or Calipari on the basketball side. Given what has transpired over the past couple of weeks I wouldn't want Marrone either.

I find it hard to believe the majority of the fan base would not deep down inside be happy if Saban were to come here, especially when the 4 star recruits come rolling in and the Dome is packed for every game. Saban and Calipari are two different animals, Calipari has left two schools with vacated wins.
There's a difference with welcoming in the devil you know vs a wolf in sheep's clothing. People don't mind getting screwed all that much when they can see it coming. Marrone finally put a really exciting product on the field and instead of having an extension announced the fans find out he was doing everything in his power to claw his way out, then it kept snowballing.

The guy was supposed to be a hero, but I guess that wasn't in his binder.

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The way I see it, he told Gross "I'm going to do everything I can to not take any assistants with me," and I'm sure he was telling the absolute truth when he said it.

So is he obsessive compulsive or something? "I really didn't want to take any assistants with me, but I just couldn't help it!" Maybe he has Tourette Syndrome.

Marrone gave us four years...a presidential term. So, are we better off than we were four years ago? Most would say we are, but I don't think we'll really know the answer for at least another year. We're changing conferences with a new coaching staff and a new quarterback. We could have had some stability in one of those areas heading into next season, and now we don't.

In the past, we've seen outgoing coaches talk recruits into staying. Marrone didn't do that with Zach Allen. SU fans should know better than anyone how fortunes can change based on the decision of an 18-year old quarterback. Where would this program be had Michael Vick stuck to his guns and followed in McNabb's footsteps?

Most of the people who fall between the range of disappointed and angry understand that this is commonplace with coaches. We understand the concept of moving on. The difference here - which apparently can't be hammered home enough - is that Marrone was supposed to be a Syracuse guy. Can his staunchest defenders even make that claim at this point?

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