Well now. If this is as serious as Kenny Smith seems to think, this is pretty significant.
This just hit me a minute ago - If you're an eternal optimist who never thinks we're going to lose please disregard this. But for those who considered our NC chances slim to none post Melo (I would include myself in this group), do you kinda feel differently now? Cause watching Kansas struggle in a home game vs a 10seed, I kinda do. Yah, Wiscy won't be easy and Ohio St will be a dogfight, but they aren't unwinnable games, particularly in Boston. I just felt like the chances of facing either UNC and/or UK in the F4 were very high and just did not like our chances one iota. Take one of those heavyweights out of the equation (not that it would be an easy game but it would no longer require a minor miracle), and the one left standing is one we wouldn't see 'till the finals (maybe they get upset before that?) and maybe there's actually a chance we win this thing. Still not one of the favorites, but there is hope at least.