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Mayor fires back


Have you donated to an SU NIL collective?
Staff member
Aug 16, 2011
Despite his histrionics and grandstanding, we will continue to investigate allegations. SPD has excellent leadership. DA is resorting to personal and professional attacks".
Despite his histrionics and grandstanding, we will continue to investigate allegations. SPD has excellent leadership. DA is resorting to personal and professional attacks".

Did not think for a second that the Mayor would let the DA's attack go unchallenged.
Onions!!! :D

The fact that the accuser didn't go to the DA or a state department leaves me thinking they don't belong in the case.

Why should we look bad for the accusers incompetence.
He was responsible for justice to be served and he sat on his thumb for 7 years.

Im confused, did anyone even come to the DA or are they just butting in now?
I'm glad I don't live in Syracuse. Also, I'm thinking there is a 96% chance that someone resigns over all of this and I don't think it will be JB.
Onions!!! :D

The fact that the accuser didn't go to the DA or a state department leaves me thinking they don't belong in the case.

Why should we look bad for the accusers incompetence.
He was responsible for justice to be served and he sat on his thumb for 7 years.

Im confused, did anyone even come to the DA or are they just butting in now?

Huh? Accusers don't go to a DA.
This is no surprise after reading the DA's statement. She pretty much had to have some sort if response.
Howbout a state department then? Instead of doing nothing then going on espn.
I'm glad I don't live in Syracuse. Also, I'm thinking there is a 96% chance that someone resigns over all of this and I don't think it will be JB.
I'm glad you don't either.
Easy. I think he may have meant the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. They have a hot line for child abuse allegations. Which then are investigated by the local county Department of Social Service child protectivew agency. (Counties are considered the administrative arms of the State).
She's right that the DA is grandstanding; she's wrong that he resorted to personal attack (which, as anyone who's aware of Fowler's situation knows, would have been low-hanging fruit for the DA).

Wonder who's going to blink first. Maybe this will all quiet down over the long weekend.
DSS would not have investigated charges that old, particularly with no at risk minor children in the home. Bernie would be so much better off if someone besides SU had done something back then.
DSS would not have investigated charges that old, particularly with no at risk minor children in the home. Bernie would be so much better off if someone besides SU had done something back then.

IMO, DCFS or DSS would have likely investigated, if informed by accusers, because Fine teaches at camps with kids. I don't believe it needs to be a domestic threat, just a threat to kids.
the standard is IMMINENT RISK OF HARM., particularly since no past harm would be provable. There would be absolutely15&act no reason to go forward with a CPS investigation. Plus, it can.t just be and investigation and just walk in and start questioning other peoples kids. Plus how do you identify them to start with DSS has no subpoena power for camp lists.. it would be a non-starter.
the standard is IMMINENT RISK OF HARM., particularly since no past harm would be provable. There would be absolutely15&act no reason to go forward with a CPS investigation. Plus, it can.t just be and investigation and just walk in and start questioning other peoples kids. Plus how do you identify them to start with DSS has no subpoena power for camp lists.. it would be a non-starter.

The risk of imminent harm would be easy to show. The risk of imminent harm is presumed when children are exposed to suspected pedofiles. DSS doesn't even technically need 'reasonable suspicion,' the mere possibility of imminent harm is sufficient grounds to launch an investigation. DSS wouldn't have to know the names of the kids, they could easy get and enforce a subpoena (although they might have to go through a show cause hearing).

If the accusers went to DSS, the department would have investigated: starting with the accusers and the accused, and then using subpoenas, if necessary, to identify the children potentially in need of protection. It is far from a non-starter: DCFS and DSS investigate dated allegations of child abuse regularly. These agencies don't have statutes of limitation.
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the standard is IMMINENT RISK OF HARM., particularly since no past harm would be provable. There would be absolutely15&act no reason to go forward with a CPS investigation. Plus, it can.t just be and investigation and just walk in and start questioning other peoples kids. Plus how do you identify them to start with DSS has no subpoena power for camp lists.. it would be a non-starter.

To add to what Fanfan reported, the CPS in NYS is required to began an investigation of EVERY report within 24 hours. Typically, the investigation includes an evaluation of the safety of the child named in the report. CPS has 60 days after receiving the report to determine whether the report is "indicated" or "unfounded". The law requires CPS to provide written notice to the parents or other subjects of the report concerning the rights accorded to them by the New York State Social Services Law.
To add to what Fanfan reported, the CPS in NYS is required to began an investigation of EVERY report within 24 hours. Typically, the investigation includes an evaluation of the safety of the child named in the report. CPS has 60 days after receiving the report to determine whether the report is "indicated" or "unfounded". The law requires CPS to provide written notice to the parents or other subjects of the report concerning the rights accorded to them by the New York State Social Services Law.

would that be true if the accuser was not a child?
would that be true if the accuser was not a child?

allegations about past abuse would suffice so long as the accusation presents a plausible risk to current minors, like in this case where the accused works with kids.
The mayor, the PD and especially the DA need to all shut the &%$# up. Sick of seeing Syracuse on the ESPN scroll because of the 3 ring circus up there. What is wrong with these people, just shut up and do your jobs. The DA is the biggest primadonna I have ever seen. Dude belongs on an OJ case.

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