OK. Time for the AZ lady to chirp in...
Lots of right on comments above.
First of all you just DO NOT drink and drive in this state. Yes it is a very tough state on this issue. I knew it before I even moved here. My son went to college here, and I have to say it is the only place where he took this incredibly seriously. They all know tent city and Sheriff Joe, and the pink underwear. Jail is tent city, not a fun place to be in the summer when it is 115 degrees. Some people I know were able to go to work during the day and report to tent city each night. I don't think that will be Donovan. These were people who had to work.
We do have UBER!!! And it is dirt cheap here. Probably would have been a $5 ride to his house. Drivers are everywhere not just in the touristy areas. PA Orange, I bet you can get an Uber driver even in North Scottsdale. They are everywhere.
He was close to home... call Roxie to pick you up...
yes, you made enough money to hire your own full time driver
ps he did not just hit a car in the rear, it was the wife of a police officer. That will not help his case.
His kids go to a private Christian school, his wife coaches the women's basketball team at said christian school, and his oldest kid is old enough to know that daddy is not setting a good example. In other words...think of your family when you pull these stunts.
Does he have a problem..most likely...and it probably goes way beyond drinking. I am sure it is hard to live life after the football field, especially for a QB who leads a team. Over the years you spend a lot of time away from home, and he does do that during part of the broadcast season, but he is home much more now. He is going through a lot of "life" adjustments, and I just want to say that I DO understand that...so get professional help with this because you are a Syracuse legend. Just act like it, please.