Melo feeling Yellow... | Page 2 |

Melo feeling Yellow...

Melo is at the forefront of the Knicks problems. It goes back to the fact of his wanting a max deal & forcing the Knicks to mortgage their future to trade for him. If he wanted to come to NY that badly, and he really put winning ahead of $$$ he could have come as a free agent & taken less. The Knicks would then have then had all of their young assets to obtain a second superstar. Instead, Knick management has had almost nothing to work with to try and put a great team around Melo. They have dug themselves into a hole by desperately trying to get veterans who could win now to put around Melo. In the modern NBA, with few exceptions, you need that second superstar to win. Melo made it impossible for the Knicks to get that guy. We will see the same thing again in two years if Melo stays, as I do not seeing him taking less than a max deal.

So Amare making more than Melo is not a problem? Amare has earned that money and Melo hasn't? Got it.

How dare the scoring champ demand that he be compensated in line with the value he brings. What a jerk. I am sure everybody here would willingly take a paycut so their company could bring in more talent. No brainer.

Bottom line: Amare's contract is preventing them from getting the pieces and stars they need.
I have noticed a dramatic change in melo's game over the past weeks...even though they were losing, he was digging in with his on the ball defensively( never will be a great help side defender), rebounding the ball, getting in the post more and shooting less jumpers, and passing the ball. His teammates couldn't hit a shot or help him out. Last night showed that he is very capable of being a good teammate.

On a side note, why wouldn't he opt out after this year and become a free agent? The nba is a business and he would be doing himself a huge disservice by not. I honestly thought LA had a better chance to get good, but that new Kobe contract ended that.
I still don't understand how knick fans are upset with not keeping Lin. The contract received from the Rockets was nuts and it would have killed the Knicks in that 3 and 4 year. They couldn't match that.

I also think it's too early to declare if melo will stay or leave. He needs to really think about what team will give him the best chance to win at his stage of his career.
If Melo leaves the Knicks at the end of this year, I'll hate him for the rest of his career. That is really hard for me to say, because he's untouchable for what he's done for SU, but if he does that, it's the ultimate "selfish" move.

He already made the Knicks GUT their roster just to get him mid-season a few years ago when he could have just come to the Knicks in the off-season. He refuses to play team ball, and lead by example, especially on the defensive end. He may not be contributing to the mess this year, but he isn't making it any better. Want to be paid like a MAX guy? Guess what? MAX guys don't stand around pouting after a 5-14 start like Melo is doing.

(Stephen A. Smith thinks he's already made up his mind...)

This is coming from a guy whose greatest regret in life is that his mother didn't have him a year earlier so he could have started his career on the hill in 02-03' instead of 03-04'. I LOVE MELO. I've also been a Knicks fan since the mid 90's, (grew up playing with Starks, Ewing and Oakley on NBA Jam as an English kid before moving to the US in 97)...

Thoughts? Is he gone? Has he made up his mind already? How will SU folks feel if he turns on the Knicks after the season's over? (I'm guessing A LOT of SU fans here are also Knicks fans.)
"hate is a strong word I personally don't like to use but I do have strong dislikes that I'll admit to ut "hate is over the top. Even politically, I won't go that far. I don't hate Sarah Palin. She is an ultra stupid person that gets far too much attention from her political party and news media and demonstrates he stupidity most of the time. I think that Martin basher's recent career killing statement goes beyond ugly even for her. I think that Cheney and W got us into a situation that resulted in American lives lost and LBJ did the same by giving us Vietnam but I won't say hate although he comes the closest to it. Nam was one of the worse chapters in our history.Slavery probably ranks number one in that spot. The aftermath of prejudice and racism pretty much seals the deal there.
There's something you need to face as a Knicks fan...

The Knicks are a poorly run organization. They're lucky to have gotten a first tier player like Melo as it is. He sells tickets and you can surround him with scrubs and he'll get you in to the playoffs. I think they'll rally this year.

When Carmelo is a free agent, by league rules he's free to evaluate his options and select the best one. I'll be honest - I don't think that's the Knicks.

melo is NEVER the problem.
melo is NEVER the problem.
No need to go that extreme, but this is really, really simple.

The Stoudemire contract has handcuffed the organization. They pay Melo a lot, but he produces a lot, and they pay Stoudemire a lot, and he produces very little.

Oh, by the way - supposedly after getting Melo the ticket prices for the Knicks went up 49%(!) -, then 4.9% on top of that the following season -, and then 6.4% on top of that this past offseason - So the Knicks are getting OUTSTANDING value on having Melo. Let me put that in an even bigger font size:

I don't know the specifics at all, but I always assumed there had to be a reason that the Knicks gave up their roster to get melo in the middle of the season, instead of waiting until the end of the year... Salary cap issues maybe?
I don't know the specifics at all, but I always assumed there had to be a reason that the Knicks gave up their roster to get melo in the middle of the season, instead of waiting until the end of the year... Salary cap issues maybe?
The Knicks had to trade for him to be able to offer him max money, which Melo made clear he wanted. No trade and only Denver could have given Melo the max $$$.
"hate is a strong word I personally don't like to use but I do have strong dislikes that I'll admit to ut "hate is over the top. Even politically, I won't go that far. I don't hate Sarah Palin. She is an ultra stupid person that gets far too much attention from her political party and news media and demonstrates he stupidity most of the time. I think that Martin basher's recent career killing statement goes beyond ugly even for her. I think that Cheney and W got us into a situation that resulted in American lives lost and LBJ did the same by giving us Vietnam but I won't say hate although he comes the closest to it. Nam was one of the worse chapters in our history.Slavery probably ranks number one in that spot. The aftermath of prejudice and racism pretty much seals the deal there.

I'm 28 years old. I don't "hate" anybody in the context that you're thinking of. I won't "hate" Melo, but when I use that word, it's used in the context of what someone would say "player-hating".

Clearly I don't "hate" him in as in what hate means for you... hater
Dolan is the problem in NY and always will be unless he sells the team. He is the one who has handicapped the Knicks for years. I cheer for the Knicks because Melo is on the team. If it is in his best interests to leave the team, then he should. And if he wants to win a title, he should. If some people hold that against him, that's on them, not on him.

I swear sometimes with all the Melo criticism on this board, that I must have made a mistake and surfed to the Georgetown or UConn board :(
Melo is a lone wolf, and I can't ever see him being something different. Dirk by comparison and Kevin Love are kind of the same type of player. Melos team is becoming more of a kevin love then a dirk 2 years ago though. He doesn't have the team around him.

Hes got to realize this and build strong enough of a team around him that could still be solid enough to be a playoff team even without him. Even if it means take a paycut. Hes already made how many million in 10 years. And anyone that is standing in the way of him doing so is only hurting him.
It's unlikely the Knicks will ever win a championship as long as Dolan and his sycophants are running the show at MSG. And I'm a Knicks fan. Melo can get 30 and 10 every game but he'll get all the blame when they don't win. The idiots running the Knicks will never put a winning cast around him because they don't have a clue how to build a team. Other than Chandler, who is the entire defense, the rest of the team outside Melo sucks. The backcourt is terrible. Even though the Knicks can pay him more than any team he leaves to go to, Melo wants to win a title and his clock is running...he doesn't have that many prime years left. I hate to say it but if he wants a title he just might have a better chance someplace else. I won't hold it against him.
"hate is a strong word I personally don't like to use but I do have strong dislikes that I'll admit to ut "hate is over the top. Even politically, I won't go that far. I don't hate Sarah Palin. She is an ultra stupid person that gets far too much attention from her political party and news media and demonstrates he stupidity most of the time. I think that Martin basher's recent career killing statement goes beyond ugly even for her. I think that Cheney and W got us into a situation that resulted in American lives lost and LBJ did the same by giving us Vietnam but I won't say hate although he comes the closest to it. Nam was one of the worse chapters in our history.Slavery probably ranks number one in that spot. The aftermath of prejudice and racism pretty much seals the deal there.

Lol...who are you fooling? You use the word "hate" quite often. You hate everything GOP. You hate A Rod. You don't hate Palin, but say she deserves the treatment Bashir spoke about? Maybe you should take this cap you are spewing over to the OT board. Even better yet, don't spew it at all.
If I'm the Knicks, I'd try to trade Melo for whatever I can get. By the time they have money again to rebuild, Melo will be 31. I'd either trade Melo for whatever draft picks/young prospects you can get, or float him to a team like the Clippers for Blake Griffin. Griffin might not be a super star, but he's an all-star caliber player that the Knicks can market, and he'll be 26 when the Knicks get another chance at building a team. Opens up way more options for them than hanging onto Melo does. I think it's best for both Melo and the Knicks that he leaves the team. Melo won't win in NY, and NY won't be able to build a contender around a prime Melo.
Lol...who are you fooling? You use the word "hate" quite often. You hate everything GOP. You hate A Rod. You don't hate Palin, but say she deserves the treatment Bashir spoke about? Maybe you should take this cap you are spewing over to the OT board. Even better yet, don't spew it at all.
I believe I was clear enough on the Bashir comment today that was way over the top even for her. No I don't like Palin but I think that stuff Bashir was saying is wrong. You do know of course that his was a reference to historical facts about how slaves were treated. It doesn't excuse the comment by any means but it does give him a reference point to his comment. He was released by the network and thats all that counts at this point. The action MSNBC took iwas in keeping with good journalism regardless of its editorial position to the left of center as FOX is the far right of course.
I believe I was clear enough on the Bashir comment today that was way over the top even for her. No I don't like Palin but I think that stuff Bashir was saying is wrong. You do know of course that his was a reference to historical facts about how slaves were treated. It doesn't excuse the comment by any means but it does give him a reference point to his comment. He was released by the network and thats all that counts at this point. The action MSNBC took iwas in keeping with good journalism regardless of its editorial position to the left of center as FOX is the far right of course.

Martin Bashir's take on Palin Way too easy on her
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by CaliCuse, Nov 18, 2013.

Unwatch Thread

  1. CaliCuseHall of Fame
    Aug 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    837 Its not a joke despite Palin's ignorance.The women has no sense of history.

    This was your post, Cali.

    It took MSNBC over 2 1/2 weeks to let Bashir go. They only did this due to outside pressure. If there was no pressure, I think he would still be spewing crap similar to what you spew.
"hate is a strong word I personally don't like to use but I do have strong dislikes that I'll admit to ut "hate is over the top. Even politically, I won't go that far. I don't hate Sarah Palin. She is an ultra stupid person that gets far too much attention from her political party and news media and demonstrates he stupidity most of the time. I think that Martin basher's recent career killing statement goes beyond ugly even for her. I think that Cheney and W got us into a situation that resulted in American lives lost and LBJ did the same by giving us Vietnam but I won't say hate although he comes the closest to it. Nam was one of the worse chapters in our history.Slavery probably ranks number one in that spot. The aftermath of prejudice and racism pretty much seals the deal there.

This thread is about Carmelo Anthony.
Melo with the worst +/- of his career last night.

I think that stat is misleading, just like time of possession, but still interesting.
Sorry Frozen. You are right. I bit on the Cali bait and helped get off topic.

You don't owe me an apology. I just hate these threads that are about an SU sports topic, then a certain poster chimes in (I won't mention his name) and then it turns into a thread about living in New Jersey, Sarah Palin, or the Back To The Future DeLorean.
You don't owe me an apology. I just hate these threads that are about an SU sports topic, then a certain poster chimes in (I won't mention his name) and then it turns into a thread about living in New Jersey, Sarah Palin, or the Back To The Future DeLorean.

Agreed. Lol
Melancer46 said:
If I'm the Knicks, I'd try to trade Melo for whatever I can get. By the time they have money again to rebuild, Melo will be 31. I'd either trade Melo for whatever draft picks/young prospects you can get, or float him to a team like the Clippers for Blake Griffin. Griffin might not be a super star, but he's an all-star caliber player that the Knicks can market, and he'll be 26 when the Knicks get another chance at building a team. Opens up way more options for them than hanging onto Melo does. I think it's best for both Melo and the Knicks that he leaves the team. Melo won't win in NY, and NY won't be able to build a contender around a prime Melo.

Zero chance the Clippers make that trade.

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