Speak for yourself. I don't hold any blame for that. My write in ballot was for None of the Above.
We haven't had a mayor with any vision or backbone since Lee Alexander. His reanimated body would have more political clout than what we have here now.
Syracuse needs someone with vision AND deep pockets that ISN'T owned by special interests or with a penchant for screwing over the little guy. Destiny, as it was originally envisioned, could have been a great thing for the city, but it was Congel's idea and NO ONE was going to trust him after the trail of wreckage he'd already left behind.
For once I'd just like to see the leaders of CNY do something positive for the area without all the BS and political posturing. It gets really old after awhile. No wonder young people want to move away from here. It isn't the weather that drives them out.