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Minnesota the Great

I don't see this wide spread Minnesota arrogance. We're Minnesota for crying out loud. The Gopher State. The Understate. We always expect to have the rug pulled out from under us. Too many lost Super Bowls, too many lost Stanley Cups, too many NCAA tourney 1 & done's, too many 4th quarter Gopher meltdowns, etc. We can't help what the B1G network or ESPN says. I agree we're not overly excited about playing Syracuse, but that's not because we think Syracuse is beneath us, it's because we went 6-6 last season, won two extra games this year to go 8-4 and ended up back in the same bowl again, against an opponent that we played just last year. Most Gopher fans I know were hoping for something bigger. I imagine Syracuse fans would have liked a shot at the Gator Bowl on Jan 1st matching up against an SEC foe like Georgia as well right?

You guys want to play "better" programs, try scheduling in the regular season.

They have scheduled five AQ games OOC the last five years.

USC twice, Cal once, and SU twice. That's it, that's the list.

You did manage nine games against MAC and MW teams (7-2) and six 1-AA (4-2).

You guys are the midwest version of Rutgers. Even scheduling for success, including adding an SU program that was coming off of 10-35 as one of their few AQ opponents, they have gone 25-37 the last five years.

By contrast SU is 31-31 the last five years, and has played 7 games against B10 teams, 3 against Pac-10 teams, 1 SEC game, and 2 games against ACC while still in the Big East. That's 13 scheduled AQ opponents OOC in five years vs 5. On top of that SU beat two B-12 opponents in it's bowl games, KST and WVU. It's not great but SU went 6-9 in those games.

In the same stretch SU only played 5 MAC and CUSA games (5-0) and six 1-AA (6-0).

Take a look at that, and then maybe you'll begin to understand why SU fans take offense at the patronizing BS that has been posted here by Minnesota fans.
You guys want to play "better" programs, try scheduling in the regular season.

They have scheduled five AQ games OOC the last five years.

USC twice, Cal once, and SU twice. That's it, that's the list.

You did manage nine games against MAC and MW teams (7-2) and six 1-AA (4-2).

You guys are the midwest version of Rutgers. Even scheduling for success, including adding an SU program that was coming off of 10-35 as one of their few AQ opponents, they have gone 25-37 the last five years.

By contrast SU is 31-31 the last five years, and has played 7 games against B10 teams, 3 against Pac-10 teams, 1 SEC game, and 2 games against ACC while still in the Big East. That's 13 scheduled AQ opponents OOC in five years vs 5. On top of that SU beat two B-12 opponents in it's bowl games, KST and WVU. It's not great but SU went 6-9 in those games.

In the same stretch SU only played 5 MAC and CUSA games (5-0) and six 1-AA (6-0).

Take a look at that, and then maybe you'll begin to understand why SU fans take offense at the patronizing BS that has been posted here by Minnesota fans.

I think that you have to understand one thing, we are still basically, or were until this year I suppose, in recovery mode from what our last coach did to our program. We are very blessed to have stumbled upon Jerry Kill. I believe he will end up in the cfb HOF, easily, unless he messes up here at Minnesota, but so far he's on track towards putting us right into the mix of the contenders for the Big Ten title. Not yet this year, but he's building a good foundation that in a few short years could see us regularly vying for the conf title. He's done the same thing at every program he's been at so far. NIU wouldn't be where it is today if not for the foundation Kill built there before he left to come to Minnesota.

And we do have a tough conf schedule, so I don't think its a requirement to schedule only AQ teams, especially not when 2 of our 4 ooc opponents are bowl bound teams, one of which is ranked as being as good as Syracuse is by CBS. After we establish it as a pattern, winning 8 games a year or more, then yeah, for sure, then we should schedule better competition in the ooc. But we scheduled one truly bad team, and there is a Gopher connection there, New Mexico St's coach is or was at the time the game was scheduled, a former Gopher player. But otherwise all the other Div 1A teams on our schedule are either Big Ten teams or bowl bound teams.

And I'm sorry to say, but North Dakota St is rated as a better team than over half of the teams on your schedule this season. The Sagarin ratings have them rated AHEAD of Louisville even. And its not like they just got good this year, but they've been a dominant force in Div 1AA for several years now. One of their players got an invite to the Senior Bowl this season.

And its not like Syracuse is a shining example of a program known for scheduling tough opponents. Syracuse has played 4 times as many Div 1AA teams as the Gophers have over the years. And almost twice as many Div 3 opponents. And Syracuse has lost to ten times as many teams currently rated as non-Div 1A teams as UMn has.

But maybe some posters may have added to their complaints about getting into the Texas Bowl again, that they thought Syracuse sucked, because they lazily just looked at their 6-6 record. But you might have to give them a pass, because at first glance, two 56 point losses and a 35 point loss do not do much to intimidate a future opponent.

Kind of like how Syracuse fans lazily went to a Wikipedia article and assumed they had more AAs than Minnesota, when they don't. Maybe the Gopher fans should have looked into the Orange more closely before making those derogatory comments? But they didn't. And maybe Syracuse fans should have shown more restraint when they responded, and been more accurate when dealing out so-called smack?? But they didn't.

A lot of people operating off of vague and general perceptions garnered from personal experience that almost 100% of the time lacks a foundation in facts and stats and the truth. Like Orange fans saying that they've never known the Gophers to be good at anything relevant in their lifetimes.

Their vague perception doesn't change the fact that the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB were littered with All-Stars, from the 60s into the early 90s, with players who played college ball at Minnesota. That since 1999, the Univ of Minnesota has been in serious recovery mode from a very bad decade all around for the most part. The bb scandal, the worst decade of football ever played at UMn, and not much going on in any sport other than Hockey, our academic rankings dipped a bit, donations were down, etc.. But almost all of that has turned for the better. We're ranked as one of the Top Ten Public Research Universities now and our academic rankings are rising. It may take another year or two to know for sure whether Kill is the real deal or not, and it may take 3-4 years to know whether or not Pitino is for real, but I suspect both will be found to be great coaches, and soon Orange fans may be very jealous of the riches Gopher fans will be enjoying. Our Hockey programs are at the top of the world, our Wrestling program is still going strong, ranked #2 in the nation right now. Our VB program is doing incredibly, our swimming and cross country teams regularly make the NCAAs, our women's gymnastics team is doing well, our baseball team has done well for Big Ten standards at least, our Golf team had a great decade, with a Natl Title and several top 10 finishes, but is now in recovery mode, our women's bb and women's soccer teams both show potential for doing well, our track teams also do quite well, and how can I forget to mention that Dance team that you are all so impressed with, an unstoppable dynasty as it stands, and if you add onto that, a great fb and mens bb team as well? Well look out Stanford, UMn could win a Sears Directors Cup even? We've ranked as high as #2 after the winter session without the fb or bb teams help.

And who knows, maybe we'll pick up Lacrosse?! Then you can whoop us in that and cbb. Syracuse is my bb team that I'm rooting for this season, btw. After my Gophers, of course.
Wow, I am long winded, ain't I? Just nothing else to do this time of year. Not working, its cold out, not much for games going on. Can't wait til X-Mas passes!!!
DynstyUgrl said:
First of all, I don't remember any Gopher fans talking crap about your school or program, at least not at first. What happened was Gopher fans heard that they were returning to the same bowl game they played in last year and that was a disappointment to them. They didn't know who their opponent was at first, they just knew they were going back to the Texas Bowl, and wouldn't you agree that could be considered kind of boring? Kind of a letdown? And upon finding this out, they feared they were going to get an opponent they wouldn't like, like Texas Tech. And so when they heard that they were playing a team that they played just last year, well that was kind of a letdown as well. It wasn't the quality of the opponent so much that disappointed them, just the familiarity of the opponent. I remember some Gopher fans even saying that they were happy that we got Syracuse instead of Texas Tech, at least. They just wanted an opponent that the Gophers haven't played recently or maybe never at all. And then, as often happens, their expressing their disappointment was understandably misinterpreted as their disrespecting your team, so some Syracuse fans took offense and launched a counter strike, making posts that were disrespectful towards Minnesota and the Gophers and so Gopher fans who didn't think that they had disrespected Syracuse, took offense and launched their own counterstrike posting things that were disrespectful of New Yorkers and Syracuse. And hence the vicious cycle began and to some degree continues still. It might help if both team's fans made an effort to respect each other and each other's schools. .


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I said "I don't remember", that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I've seen several of you say it happened, so it must have. I just didn't notice it I guess? But I know Gopher fans, and they are not too unlike all other sports fans, and I can't imagine someone not saying something derogatory. I guess I try to ignore it when they get all negative.

I can't follow twitter during Gopher games, because those same negative types tweet endlessly about how badly the Gophers suck and are going to lose or are going to blow a game, it makes it impossible to enjoy a game. They rag on individual players relentlessly. I almost get sick reading those messages, those players are often trying their hardest, and they came to our school of their own free will to try to help us out, so I feel its wrong to get so down on them. Only when the Gophers are totally and completely demolishing their opponents do those negative types ever say anything positive. And that doesn't happen very often.

So I can easily imagine that they would have something negative to say about the next Gopher opponent as well.

It's part of their way, if they denigrate our opponent then they can denigrate the team or the coach when we lose to such a supposedly horrible opponent.

Not everyone loves Coach Kill, or Coach Pitino, most do, but its those negative nancys. We have fans who hate our 3 time Natl Title winning Wrestling coach. And our 2 time Natl Title winning hockey coach as well.

So I shouldn't so quickly defend Gopher fans in general, because there is always that small minority of negative nancys.
I think that you have to understand one thing,

And its not like Syracuse is a shining example of a program known for scheduling tough opponents. Syracuse has played 4 times as many Div 1AA teams as the Gophers have over the years. And almost twice as many Div 3 opponents. And Syracuse has lost to ten times as many teams currently rated as non-Div 1A teams as UMn has.

What I understand is that you are nuts.

And if you are going to schedule like Rutgers, at least you should win.

Minnesota has more 1-AA losses since 2007, N.Dakota St 2x, South Dakota, than SU has against non BCS d-1 teams since 2000.

Since 2000 Minnesota has lost to Bowling Green, Florida Atlantic, New Mexico St, Northern Illinois, Ohio, Toledo in addition to the 1-AA losses.

Since 2000 SU last lost the three games mentioned above, one each to ECU, Akron, and Miami Oh.

Since you are into comparisons that would be 9 to 3, none of which are 1-AA for SU.
What I understand is that you are nuts.

And if you are going to schedule like Rutgers, at least you should win.

Minnesota has more 1-AA losses since 2007, N.Dakota St 2x, South Dakota, than SU has against non BCS d-1 teams since 2000.

Since 2000 Minnesota has lost to Bowling Green, Florida Atlantic, New Mexico St, Northern Illinois, Ohio, Toledo in addition to the 1-AA losses.

Since 2000 SU last lost the three games mentioned above, one each to ECU, Akron, and Miami Oh.

Since you are into comparisons that would be 9 to 3, none of which are 1-AA for SU.

I'm nuts eh? I see we are keeping this civil.

I've never claimed that UMn, over the past decade has scheduled the toughest sos's around. I've not even claimed that UMn has been all that good in the last decade. But seriously, Syracuse hasn't been all that good either.

Neither of our teams are looked at with much esteem by the cfb elite out there.

Syracuse has had TWO, just 2 Top Ten teams since their Natl Title in 1959. And they've only made the Top 25 once since Minnesota first started its rebuilding process back in 1999 when Glen Mason finally got us to a bowl game for the first time in a decade. That's almost 15 years with only 1 Top 25 appearance? Minnesota's had TWO, just 2 Top 25 teams, in 99 and 03. So here you are quibbling over which one of our teams sucked the worse?! Which one of us played and lost to the lesser teams?!

And you can name off NDSU and Bowling Green as if they suck so bad, but BG was ranked this year, right? Something SU hasn't experienced in a long time. And NDSU would beat both of our teams, this year, last year and the year before!!!
NIU has been pretty good as well lately, and like I said, a former Gopher player is the coach at N Mex St, so thats why they got on our schedule. Not saying BG was good the year we lost to them, but were they worse than the #73 Pitt team you lost to this year? Just being a BCS team doesn't automatically mean you are any good.

And historically the Big Ten has been a tougher conference than the Big East ever was, even in the Big Ten's slumping state. The ACC could be different? I guess we'll see. Before Syracuse joined the Big East, I have no clue, you were independent? And so it is hard to pin down your schedule strength unless you go over each seasons scedule's individually. Not going to do that, sorry.

I will assume that people like Billingsley have taken a lot of that stuff into consideration, and despite Syracuse's have more wins than UMn, has UMn ranked #16 all-time and Syracuse is ranked #50. # of wins doesn't mean squat if the wins were not quality wins.
UMn wouldn't need the "n" if it could compete with Michigan.

Too funny there Trueblue. Friggin Meatchicken. Kinda hate em. Not as much as Wiscon SIN BAD gers. :)

At least we dominate the other U of M in hockey.
DynstyUgrl said:
I'm nuts eh? I see we are keeping this civil. I've never claimed that UMn, over the past decade has scheduled the toughest sos's around. I've not even claimed that UMn has been all that good in the last decade. But seriously, Syracuse hasn't been all that good either. Neither of our teams are looked at with much esteem by the cfb elite out there. Syracuse has had TWO, just 2 Top Ten teams since their Natl Title in 1959. And they've only made the Top 25 once since Minnesota first started its rebuilding process back in 1999 when Glen Mason finally got us to a bowl game for the first time in a decade. That's almost 15 years with only 1 Top 25 appearance? Minnesota's had TWO, just 2 Top 25 teams, in 99 and 03. So here you are quibbling over which one of our teams sucked the worse?! Which one of us played and lost to the lesser teams?! And you can name off NDSU and Bowling Green as if they suck so bad, but BG was ranked this year, right? Something SU hasn't experienced in a long time. And NDSU would beat both of our teams, this year, last year and the year before!!! NIU has been pretty good as well lately, and like I said, a former Gopher player is the coach at N Mex St, so thats why they got on our schedule. Not saying BG was good the year we lost to them, but were they worse than the #73 Pitt team you lost to this year? Just being a BCS team doesn't automatically mean you are any good. And historically the Big Ten has been a tougher conference than the Big East ever was, even in the Big Ten's slumping state. The ACC could be different? I guess we'll see. Before Syracuse joined the Big East, I have no clue, you were independent? And so it is hard to pin down your schedule strength unless you go over each seasons scedule's individually. Not going to do that, sorry. I will assume that people like Billingsley have taken a lot of that stuff into consideration, and despite Syracuse's have more wins than UMn, has UMn ranked #16 all-time and Syracuse is ranked #50. # of wins doesn't mean squat if the wins were not quality wins.

You guys have been rebuilding for a long time.
You guys have been rebuilding for a long time.

Yep. A VERY long time. Hiring Glen Mason seemed like it might be the answer, but he had too big of a hole in his coaching ability. I think this new coach, Jerry Kill, might be the answer. So far he's shown no weaknesses, no holes in his game and it seems he's recruiting the right kind of players.
You guys want to play "better" programs, try scheduling in the regular season.

Take a look at that, and then maybe you'll begin to understand why SU fans take offense at the patronizing BS that has been posted here by Minnesota fans.

I haven't read this entire thread but from what I gather the crux of Minnie's objections revolve around:

#1)They believe they deserved a better opponent in the Bowl ( so winning in blow-out fashion is just an assumption on their part)
#2)They also aren't excited because they are going to the Texas Bowl twice in a row (we went twice in a row to the Pinstripe so to SU fans regarding their whining -meh)
#3)They think they deserve a better bowl (so not only SU is given no respect neither is Houston and the Texas Bowl)

Just some disjointed thoughts:
Didn't Minnesota lose last year? They think they have proven they are a worthy team by not only by losing last year but their last 5 bowl games? So their uber confidence is pretty strange. Wasn't Minnesota 6-6 last year? Wonder how disappointed the 7-5 Texas Tech team was playing Minny? Saw that last years game was the lowest attended Texas Bowl game in its history. So how many Minny fans were excited last year by attending the bowl game since Texas Tech was in their home state yet attendance was even lower than the next lowest attended bowl, the Rutgers-Kansas St matchup in 2006? Makes one wonder how many Texas Tech fans were excited to travel just 7 hours to play Minnesota last year? The Big 10 is 1-2 in this bowl with both losses in the last 2 years - Minnesota and Northwestern. Makes me wonder how thrilled the Texas Bowl is having Minnesota there twice also. Minnesota has a 5-10 record in 15 bowl games so maybe they don't get excited about any bowl games and SU shouldn't take it personally. :rolleyes: By the way Syracuse University is 14-9-1 in their 24 bowl games. We know it will be a battle and realize there is work to be done particularly in light of our injuries - they don't - good for us. The more I learn, the more confused I am about many of their fan's attitude and realistic assessment of their program's accomplishments to date but for us - it's a good thing.
I haven't read this entire thread but from what I gather the crux of Minnie's objections revolve around:

#1)They believe they deserved a better opponent in the Bowl ( so winning in blow-out fashion is just an assumption on their part)
#2)They also aren't excited because they are going to the Texas Bowl twice in a row (we went twice in a row to the Pinstripe so to SU fans regarding their whining -meh)
#3)They think they deserve a better bowl (so not only SU is given no respect neither is Houston and the Texas Bowl)

Just some disjointed thoughts:
Didn't Minnesota lose last year? They think they have proven they are a worthy team by not only by losing last year but their last 5 bowl games? So their uber confidence is pretty strange. Wasn't Minnesota 6-6 last year? Wonder how disappointed the 7-5 Texas Tech team was playing Minny? Saw that last years game was the lowest attended Texas Bowl game in its history. So how many Minny fans were excited last year by attending the bowl game since Texas Tech was in their home state yet attendance was even lower than the next lowest attended bowl, the Rutgers-Kansas St matchup in 2006? Makes one wonder how many Texas Tech fans were excited to travel just 7 hours to play Minnesota last year? The Big 10 is 1-2 in this bowl with both losses in the last 2 years - Minnesota and Northwestern. Makes me wonder how thrilled the Texas Bowl is having Minnesota there twice also. Minnesota has a 5-10 record in 15 bowl games so maybe they don't get excited about any bowl games and SU shouldn't take it personally. :rolleyes: By the way Syracuse University is 14-9-1 in their 24 bowl games. We know it will be a battle and realize there is work to be done particularly in light of our injuries - they don't - good for us. The more I learn, the more confused I am about many of their fan's attitude and realistic assessment of their program's accomplishments to date but for us - it's a good thing.

Historic results don't really mean much. Whether the Gophers are 5-10 in their past 15 bowl games has little to no impact on this game.

The reason for disappointment (as already stated) is because Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska all finished 8-4. Michigan finished 7-5. Out of the four, Iowa was clearly the best team of the bunch...but Neb, Mich, and Minn are probably toss ups. Of course as many assumed, the Gophers were the team passed up. Many of us saw the opportunity to play on NYD in the Gator Bowl. It really isn't any disrespect to the Syracuse football team. It is disappointing that the Gophers had their best season in quite a while, but due to the politics of bowl selection, play on the field isn't always rewarded. Being passed over in favor of 'helmet' schools has simply been a reoccurring theme.
So you think there is absolutely no connection between past performance in predicting future performance? What factors do you think bowl administrators weigh when choosing between bowl participants? What do you think they look at if they don't look at a teams' past bowl performance both on and off the field(attendance, support etc), who their wins and losses were against and how they ended the season - upswing or downturn, wins away vs wins at home? Not trying to be argumentative or demeaning, SU fans know well from our own past disappointments that being chosen for a bowl game has as much to do with bowl history both on the field, in the stands and tv sets turned on, national perception of not only your program or "brand" but conference strength top to bottom, travel history, power wins, program buzz, etc are all factors in making choices.
I haven't read this entire thread but from what I gather the crux of Minnie's objections revolve around:

#1)They believe they deserved a better opponent in the Bowl ( so winning in blow-out fashion is just an assumption on their part)
#2)They also aren't excited because they are going to the Texas Bowl twice in a row (we went twice in a row to the Pinstripe so to SU fans regarding their whining -meh)
#3)They think they deserve a better bowl (so not only SU is given no respect neither is Houston and the Texas Bowl)

Just some disjointed thoughts:
Didn't Minnesota lose last year? They think they have proven they are a worthy team by not only by losing last year but their last 5 bowl games? So their uber confidence is pretty strange. Wasn't Minnesota 6-6 last year? Wonder how disappointed the 7-5 Texas Tech team was playing Minny? Saw that last years game was the lowest attended Texas Bowl game in its history. So how many Minny fans were excited last year by attending the bowl game since Texas Tech was in their home state yet attendance was even lower than the next lowest attended bowl, the Rutgers-Kansas St matchup in 2006? Makes one wonder how many Texas Tech fans were excited to travel just 7 hours to play Minnesota last year? The Big 10 is 1-2 in this bowl with both losses in the last 2 years - Minnesota and Northwestern. Makes me wonder how thrilled the Texas Bowl is having Minnesota there twice also. Minnesota has a 5-10 record in 15 bowl games so maybe they don't get excited about any bowl games and SU shouldn't take it personally. :rolleyes: By the way Syracuse University is 14-9-1 in their 24 bowl games. We know it will be a battle and realize there is work to be done particularly in light of our injuries - they don't - good for us. The more I learn, the more confused I am about many of their fan's attitude and realistic assessment of their program's accomplishments to date but for us - it's a good thing.

I don't think its so much that Gopher fans feel that they "deserve" a better opponent as much as they just wanted a better opponent, so that we'd have a chance of upsetting a ranked team and maybe we could move up into the rankings ourselves. A big win over a ranked SEC team getting us to 9-4 just might eek us up into the Top 25 rankings?

Beating Syracuse 59-3 won't help us even. Maybe we'll get a few more votes, but what good does that do us. And realistically we aren't going to win by more than 1 score or maybe 10 points? And its just as likely that we could lose. That's not going to be accepted. The perception already is that we should win, so if we don't, we lose, and if we win, we don't lose but we don't necessarily win either.

As for going back to the Texas Bowl, yes, we are disappointed about going back to the same bowl again, and YES!!! Absolutely I am sure the Texas Bowl is disappointed in getting us again. I doubt they are very thrilled about getting Syracuse, too. Honestly. It's Houston. What interest do they have in either Minnesota or Syracuse?!

And specifically getting Syracuse again, after having played you just last year, its nothing personal, I think separate from all other factors, Syracuse is a great opponent for the Gophers. I don't mind seeing Syracuse on the schedule at all, just not in a bowl game that we were at last year and one year removed from the last time we played you. And I'm not going to slit my wrists over it, there were a lot worse options. I'd much rather have Syracuse than Texas Tech again or almost any of the none BCS teams out there, even a ranked one, because there is not upside in playing a non-BCS ranked team either. It's a no win situation. You almost have to beat an SEC team to move up, or maybe a Pac 12 team? We haven't played a lot of Pac 12 teams lately, cept USC, I'd have liked to played one of them.

Hey, if anything I'm enjoying some of the banter between our two teams fans.
Historic results don't really mean much. Whether the Gophers are 5-10 in their past 15 bowl games has little to no impact on this game.

The reason for disappointment (as already stated) is because Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska all finished 8-4. Michigan finished 7-5. Out of the four, Iowa was clearly the best team of the bunch...but Neb, Mich, and Minn are probably toss ups. Of course as many assumed, the Gophers were the team passed up. Many of us saw the opportunity to play on NYD in the Gator Bowl. It really isn't any disrespect to the Syracuse football team. It is disappointing that the Gophers had their best season in quite a while, but due to the politics of bowl selection, play on the field isn't always rewarded. Being passed over in favor of 'helmet' schools has simply been a reoccurring theme.
When was the last time the Gophers won a bowl game?
So you think there is absolutely no connection between past performance in predicting future performance? What factors do you think bowl administrators weigh when choosing between bowl participants? What do you think they look at if they don't look at a teams' past bowl performance both on and off the field(attendance, support etc), who their wins and losses were against and how they ended the season - upswing or downturn, wins away vs wins at home? Not trying to be argumentative or demeaning, SU fans know well from our own past disappointments that being chosen for a bowl game has as much to do with bowl history both on the field, in the stands and tv sets turned on, national perception of not only your program or "brand" but conference strength top to bottom, travel history, power wins, program buzz, etc are all factors in making choices.

Never said that. What I said was that the past 15 bowl appearances have little impact when the teams hit the field. Travel history means little when you are constantly sent to the worst bowl games and have repeat appearances year after year. Nebraska (a team that the Gophers beat this year) are playing Georgia once again...same as last years Capital One bowl. There was such little buzz from that fan base that their one school organized charter flight was actually canceled for the first time in years. The Gophers booked a second. Who knows what their attendance numbers will look like.
When was the last time the Gophers won a bowl game?

2004. Again, that has little to do with this years team. Just so you know...we played and beat Alabama in that game. The previous year we beat Oregon in the Sun Bowl. Does that have any effect on this game?
I don't think its so much that Gopher fans feel that they "deserve" a better opponent as much as they just wanted a better opponent, so that we'd have a chance of upsetting a ranked team and maybe we could move up into the rankings ourselves. A big win over a ranked SEC team getting us to 9-4 just might eek us up into the Top 25 rankings?

Beating Syracuse 59-3 won't help us even. Maybe we'll get a few more votes, but what good does that do us. And realistically we aren't going to win by more than 1 score or maybe 10 points? And its just as likely that we could lose. That's not going to be accepted. The perception already is that we should win, so if we don't, we lose, and if we win, we don't lose but we don't necessarily win either.

As for going back to the Texas Bowl, yes, we are disappointed about going back to the same bowl again, and YES!!! Absolutely I am sure the Texas Bowl is disappointed in getting us again. I doubt they are very thrilled about getting Syracuse, too. Honestly. It's Houston. What interest do they have in either Minnesota or Syracuse?!

And specifically getting Syracuse again, after having played you just last year, its nothing personal, I think separate from all other factors, Syracuse is a great opponent for the Gophers. I don't mind seeing Syracuse on the schedule at all, just not in a bowl game that we were at last year and one year removed from the last time we played you. And I'm not going to slit my wrists over it, there were a lot worse options. I'd much rather have Syracuse than Texas Tech again or almost any of the none BCS teams out there, even a ranked one, because there is not upside in playing a non-BCS ranked team either. It's a no win situation. You almost have to beat an SEC team to move up, or maybe a Pac 12 team? We haven't played a lot of Pac 12 teams lately, cept USC, I'd have liked to played one of them.

Hey, if anything I'm enjoying some of the banter between our two teams fans.

Maybe if you used the above logic and scheduled better out of conference, you would be going to a "better" bowl against a "better" opponent. My guess is that if you scheduled tougher teams like SU did OOC, that you most likely would not be in a bowl or would be in a worse bowl and would have no reason to be upset.

UNLV, New Mexico St, W. Illinois, San Jose St. - You should have started the whining at the beginning of the season, not now. Put some "Helmet Schools" in there, then you can bitch about what bowl you go to and have a shot at a ranking.
Should have swapped out W. Illinois for Stanford and San Jose St. with South Carolina. There, now you would be 6-6 like us. Feel better? 2 Guaranteed losses instead of 2 craptastic wins.

Those 4 OOC wins BTW, you gave up between 12-24 points to those powerhouses.
DynstyUgrl said:
I don't think its so much that Gopher fans feel that they "deserve" a better opponent as much as they just wanted a better opponent, so that we'd have a chance of upsetting a ranked team and maybe we could move up into the rankings ourselves. A big win over a ranked SEC team getting us to 9-4 just might eek us up into the Top 25 rankings? Beating Syracuse 59-3 won't help us even. Maybe we'll get a few more votes, but what good does that do us. And realistically we aren't going to win by more than 1 score or maybe 10 points? And its just as likely that we could lose. That's not going to be accepted. The perception already is that we should win, so if we don't, we lose, and if we win, we don't lose but we don't necessarily win either. As for going back to the Texas Bowl, yes, we are disappointed about going back to the same bowl again, and YES!!! Absolutely I am sure the Texas Bowl is disappointed in getting us again. I doubt they are very thrilled about getting Syracuse, too. Honestly. It's Houston. What interest do they have in either Minnesota or Syracuse?! And specifically getting Syracuse again, after having played you just last year, its nothing personal, I think separate from all other factors, Syracuse is a great opponent for the Gophers. I don't mind seeing Syracuse on the schedule at all, just not in a bowl game that we were at last year and one year removed from the last time we played you. And I'm not going to slit my wrists over it, there were a lot worse options. I'd much rather have Syracuse than Texas Tech again or almost any of the none BCS teams out there, even a ranked one, because there is not upside in playing a non-BCS ranked team either. It's a no win situation. You almost have to beat an SEC team to move up, or maybe a Pac 12 team? We haven't played a lot of Pac 12 teams lately, cept USC, I'd have liked to played one of them. Hey, if anything I'm enjoying some of the banter between our two teams fans.

Winning your bowl game against a top 5 conference always helps. The perception from fans that you are in a no-win situation is what hurts your program (players and coaches react to their fan bases collective groan on the day bowls are announced. Ask WVU how that worked out for them).

Plus, no matter how well your argument is presented - the Syracuse fan base, team, etc. will read it as disrespect. That's why this thread is so long ;).
ummm your Minnesota -no one else wants you- be glad you even got asked to the dance- you have less appeal than a turd covered steak at a vegetarian convention-

you have less national draw than north dakota state -


I agree. We always and I do mean always, get the worst bowl possible.
Should have swapped out W. Illinois for Stanford and San Jose St. with South Carolina. There, now you would be 6-6 like us. Feel better? 2 Guaranteed losses instead of 2 craptastic wins.

Those 4 OOC wins BTW, you gave up between 12-24 points to those powerhouses.

Maybe if you used the above logic and scheduled better out of conference, you would be going to a "better" bowl against a "better" opponent. My guess is that if you scheduled tougher teams like SU did OOC, that you most likely would not be in a bowl or would be in a worse bowl and would have no reason to be upset.

UNLV, New Mexico St, W. Illinois, San Jose St. - You should have started the whining at the beginning of the season, not now. Put some "Helmet Schools" in there, then you can bitch about what bowl you go to and have a shot at a ranking.

You keep trying to taunt us about our schedule, but the reality is we're ranked #47 Nationally in strength of schedule and you're ranked #48, as per Sagarin so stop embarrassing yourself with that nonsensical argument.
WildBronco said:
You keep trying to taunt us about our schedule, but the reality is we're ranked #47 Nationally in strength of schedule and you're ranked #48, as per Sagarin so stop embarrassing yourself with that nonsensical argument.

It's not about comparing. All things being equal - we'd like to play one less top 5 conference opponent in our OOC.

It's the fact that you guys are b%tching about not playing a better opponent, a "helmet school" in this bowl game - while scheduling none in your OOC. It just strikes us as backwards. If you want a better bowl - schedule and beat them. Raise your profile in the area you can control, rather than leaving it up to bowls who see you as less than Michigan and Nebraska. Or better yet - just stop b%tching.
You keep trying to taunt us about our schedule, but the reality is we're ranked #47 Nationally in strength of schedule and you're ranked #48, as per Sagarin so stop embarrassing yourself with that nonsensical argument.

Im going to venture to guess that Wagner is bring us down a bit there. End game, you guys got what you scheduled for. You scheduled 4 mid level non p5 teams vs 2 p, 1 mid, and 1 1aa game. You scheduled higher rated guarenteed wins than we did but there was no ambition to schedule a "helmet" school or even a lessor p5 school. You wouldve been better have a bad uva, wvu, etc on the schedule because at least there is a chance they might be good when you scheduled them. I'm not sure what out of conference games you have scheduled next season but I'd imagine there is a name program on it. This year was likely part of a plan to get you moving in the right direction. Its how va tech and others bulit their programs and like what you're attempting to replicate.

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