Mobile apps |

Mobile apps

How often would you use a mobile app for this site?

  • Never

    Votes: 19 17.1%
  • 1/4 of your visits

    Votes: 26 23.4%
  • 1/2 of your visits

    Votes: 35 31.5%
  • 3/4 of your visits

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • Each visit

    Votes: 6 5.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 13, 2011
I am looking into mobile apps like tapatalk. If one were available for, would you use it...
is this to try and improve the experience of just using your regular smart phone browser?
There are times when it would life a lot easier. It's going to take generation without windoze before the resistance fades away. Android or iOS or something like them is going to be a refreshing change.
whats the difference between the mobile app and the regular board through a smart phone? help a brother understand.,,,
A smartphone app helps condense the website and make it more accessible for its user. The user can scroll through the apps options and post with greater ease w/o having to zoom in or out and tap the wrong button, add, option over and over and over and over again. I used to hate tapping the basketball board forum over and over again because the scout site hadn't loaded completely, and I thought I was tapping the football board.
A smartphone app helps condense the website and make it more accessible for its user. The user can scroll through the apps options and post with greater ease w/o having to zoom in or out and tap the wrong button, add, option over and over and over and over again. I used to hate tapping the basketball board forum over and over again because the scout site hadn't loaded completely, and I thought I was tapping the football board.

oh ok sounds like a great idea then, comon thomas english muffins , make it happen :cool:
If you are on something mobile you simply hit an icon and you are in (either on wi-fi or data stream). No more having to open your browser and search for a bookmark and praying your roving works. There is more...
A smartphone app helps condense the website and make it more accessible for its user. The user can scroll through the apps options and post with greater ease w/o having to zoom in or out and tap the wrong button, add, option over and over and over and over again. I used to hate tapping the basketball board forum over and over again because the scout site hadn't loaded completely, and I thought I was tapping the football board.

Not only that, but while viewing the site earlier today on my iPhone, the browser crashed a couple times. A mobile app would be much appreciated.
I'd love a mobile app, but i guess IMO take your time with it, if its too limiting in scale, zoom buttons options etc... then I'd end up back to the browser in most cases. I'm sure I'd enjoy the interactivity on the phone with notifications etc however.
i would definitely use a mobile app version of the site
Would the app be just for the forum or will it also facilitate any articles that the site may soon put up?
As long as the app actually works, I'd use it frequently. However, a ton of apps on my iPhone freeze and crash too often to make them worth using (I'm talking about big time Facebook app, for example, is almost not worth even trying to open at this point since it crashes nearly every time I try to use it).
Please -- one step at a time. I'm sure that an app would have to be rolled out as a beta and developed over several months. Let's not put too much on people who are essentially volunteering their time. Suggestions not demands are the order of the day. This has got to be a cooperative thing that we all pitch in to make better!
If Facebook is having problems you can imagine how difficult his task will be. You know you only get the buggy version if you have fewer than 2 friends :)
I used to hate tapping the basketball board forum over and over again because the scout site hadn't loaded completely, and I thought I was tapping the football board.

This happened to me all the time and drove me crazy. I would love an app for the site. I would use it all the time!
Glad I wasn't the only one. I felt like a real idiot. Doesn't prove my case that I'm not though...
Happy to have my first post on this site be something supporting this direction. This would be a GREAT move.

the mobile app would be a godsend, especially since verizon no longer give unlimited data for 30 bucks. The app would probably bring the data usage for the site down to about 20% of what I used on my BB at Scout. That is a lot of data.

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