I think part of the problem with having a true rival is our location. Generally speaking there aren't opposing fans in CNY and the other Northeastern campuses are far away. So teams do not bring a bunch of fans and there is not a lot of interaction between fanbases.
Because of our alumni we have plenty of fans between Boston and DC, which helps when we are on the road. But there is no vice versa.
-UB is what 150 miles? Plus we have no history and they are G5.
-Army 225 miles? They have Navy.
-Penn State/Rutgers/Temple/UMass 250? Penn State is way above us, Temple/UMass way below us.
-Delware/UConn 275? Both are well below us.
-BC 300? They don't have much of a fanbase and get students/players from Catholic schools.
-Pitt/MD/Navy 350? Navy has Army. Pitt has WV and isn't close enough for their fans, nor our fans.
WV 425? They have Pitt and are far away.
Also havingTHE rival generally is across ALL sports. Because of BBall that eliminates any chance with WV, Navy, BC, Delaware, UMass, Rutgers, Penn State, Army, and UB.
Really the only one who could fit across both sports is UConn if they were in the same FB and BBall conference as us.
For just FB, I think the best chance at an annual TG weekend game would be Rutgers. They are a poor fit but the best fit IMO. Maybe MD too if we did a BBall combo.