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Aug 26, 2011
What is the accusers motivation for making the accusations at this point. Aren't all of the allegations relating to incidents that are beyond both the civil and criminal statutes of limitation at this point?

I suppose even in the absence of the ability to bring a civil suit it could be a shakedown, but its a tough row to hoe because of the scrutiny that Bernie and SU will be under. It would be very difficult for Bernie or SU to reach a financial settlement (when there is no risk of civil litigation) to make this go away because it isn't likely to go away under those circumstances.
What is the accusers motivation for making the accusations at this point. Aren't all of the allegations relating to incidents that are beyond both the civil and criminal statutes of limitation at this point?

I suppose even in the absence of the ability to bring a civil suit it could be a shakedown, but its a tough row to hoe because of the scrutiny that Bernie and SU will be under. It would be very difficult for Bernie or SU to reach a financial settlement (when there is no risk of civil litigation) to make this go away because it isn't likely to go away under those circumstances.

Despite the SOL, would this open up the prospect of a lawsuit against the University? Maybe he's looking to establish the basis for that.
Let's be careful about questioning the alleged victim's motives here. It's not as if he came forward only AFTER the Penn State scandal broke.

Maybe his motivation is closure. Or money. Or maybe he's lying. If so, why?

I don't know what to believe yet. I just know that blaming the victim, or alleged victim, is not generally the way to go in a situation like this.
Despite the SOL, would this open up the prospect of a lawsuit against the University? Maybe he's looking to establish the basis for that.

Seems like the last thing that happened was the University's investigation finding nothing in 2005. Even if the claim was somehow based on the University's inaction following the investigation, I think that is going to be beyond the statute of limitations as well.
i'm not taking sides one way or the other. but i think that sometimes normal, educated people (presumably such as yourself) give too much credit to the majority of other people, and tend to think that everyone else thinks as logically as they do. and it is just not the case.
As I posted before:

There are "other" reasons then financial gain that an individual might ... and I say might ... make false accusations. We really know very little of the alledged victim in this case. We know nothing of his personal background and, more importantly of his psychological make-up. We do know that, apparently, he came from a single-family home and that, according to the story he perceived Bernie as, almost, an adopted father. But otherwise we know little more or nothing.​

There are people who crave attention and notoriety ... there is no thought to monetary gain. At the same time they may possess a need to "strike out" at authority or the well known in order to gain that notoriety. Celebs are confronted with such individuals frequently. These are individuals who gain significant gratification of not only seeing their story (notice I did not say name) in the paper; on the news; on national broadcasting but also derive a sense of personal power by bringing "down" an individual with a significant name and standing. Obviously these individuals can sense the mood of the public ... and, in turn, the media ... and will choose allegations that "fit" that mood... knowing the media will follow. It is not atypical for these individuals to find others of the same psychological bent and then "feed" off each other's need for personal power and attention ... and thus power. These are usually indivduals, obviously, who have been "powerless" throughout their lives. One can see the effects and impact that such individuals possess and how they choose events that can feed their needs. For example, we have PSU and now Bernie Fine; we had the Catholic Church allegations and a sudden epidemic of accusations and allegations; and, worst we have the day care witch hunts ... many initiated by such individuals (in the case of the witch hunts a Social Worker with excessive psychological needs)​

I am only answering the question as to why an individual would make such an accusation if it wasn't true. I am not saying that the allegations are true or false. If false, though, the true victim becomes the accused ... and once again I return to the day care witch hunts... because those accusations never, ever go away. There is no such thing as exoneration in the minds of the public psyche.​

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