Moving to Syracuse.. |

Moving to Syracuse..


Gentleman of the Night
Aug 27, 2011
Feel free to move to the OT board, but I was hesitant to post it there since that whole population is a bit shady and may try to lead me astray just to entertain themselves...

In the event that this does get moved to the OT board: You guys are the best!

I'm moving to Syracuse in a few weeks (short notice), and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for areas to live. Nice areas vs. places to avoid. Liverpool - nice? Camilus? Dewitt?

I keep mapping locations for apartments on Craigslist to rent and everything sort of looks like crap, so maybe this would at least allow me to target a suburb or specific area.

I'm looking for relatively normal area - i.e. just want to avoid areas heavily populated by undergrads or criminals (or Bees preferably :) ). I'm figuring just staying away from the school itself should be enough to accomplish that, but if there are nice areas around the school that are pretty quiet that would be nice as well.

Anyway, any general help regarding neighborhoods is appreciated!
Feel free to move to the OT board, but I was hesitant to post it there since that whole population is a bit shady and may try to lead me astray just to entertain themselves...

In the event that this does get moved to the OT board: You guys are the best!

I'm moving to Syracuse in a few weeks (short notice), and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for areas to live. Nice areas vs. places to avoid. Liverpool - nice? Camilus? Dewitt?

I keep mapping locations for apartments on Craigslist to rent and everything sort of looks like crap, so maybe this would at least allow me to target a suburb or specific area.

I'm looking for relatively normal area - i.e. just want to avoid areas heavily populated by undergrads or criminals (or Bees preferably :) ). I'm figuring just staying away from the school itself should be enough to accomplish that, but if there are nice areas around the school that are pretty quiet that would be nice as well.

Anyway, any general help regarding neighborhoods is appreciated!
Bville is a great area, and easy commute to Syracuse. You can rent a townhouse for $800-900/mo. apts. cheaper. Armory Sq. is really and up and coming city iving area. The general snow line cut ofd is the Thruway, if that mattera to you.

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to rent? whats your budget?

Eh, I'm not really stuck on a budget. But I would prefer to go low over high since I'm going to be living alone, and for the first year I figure I'll just be getting acclimated to the area.

Probably wouldn't go higher than 1K...but I wouldn't expect to touch that tbh, it seems on Craigslist you can go much lower, and the higher end stuff isn't exactly mind-blowingly nice. :) I'm okay living anywhere, any type of apartment/housing, as long as the area is decent/safe/normal.
Feel free to move to the OT board, but I was hesitant to post it there since that whole population is a bit shady and may try to lead me astray just to entertain themselves...

In the event that this does get moved to the OT board: You guys are the best!

I'm moving to Syracuse in a few weeks (short notice), and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for areas to live. Nice areas vs. places to avoid. Liverpool - nice? Camilus? Dewitt?

I keep mapping locations for apartments on Craigslist to rent and everything sort of looks like crap, so maybe this would at least allow me to target a suburb or specific area.

I'm looking for relatively normal area - i.e. just want to avoid areas heavily populated by undergrads or criminals (or Bees preferably :) ). I'm figuring just staying away from the school itself should be enough to accomplish that, but if there are nice areas around the school that are pretty quiet that would be nice as well.

Anyway, any general help regarding neighborhoods is appreciated!
Fayetteville Manlius was pretty damn good last I checked. Excellent schools if thats applicable. I loved North Syracuse growing up and would consider it a good area as well. Nothing wrong with Liverpool TMK.I think Syracuse is a great city offering much in every facet of life.If you love hunting and fishing,all is abundant within relatively short drives Sports abound with the university baseball and the chiefs Cultural needs are available in theater and music.The state fair is a great experience the first few dozen times.
North Syracuse is underrated because there are multiple ways of sneaking into the city - same with Liverpool, in some cases. Fayetteville/Lyndon/Manlius are all hideous - especially when there's road construction going on. And the gas stations always charge more there. A willingness to experiment with side roads can pay off, though.

Camillus/Fairmount/Westvale (west side) can be a bit crowded, but it's reasonable. Rt. 31corridor in Clay has a lot of restaurants and stores, but mostly big chains. The unique places are in the city or very close. Rt. 11/Bear Rd area in N. Syr/Cicero is a little bit better, but Cicero itself is another dirge.

Are you more urban oriented, or suburban? What kind of nightlife (or daylife) do you like besides sports? Vegan? Ribs guy?
Fwiw just visited my family back in Syracuse a few weeks ago. As I drove through Camillus I remarked that it looked like a cooler place now than it was when I was in highschool.

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North Syracuse is underrated because there are multiple ways of sneaking into the city - same with Liverpool, in some cases. Fayetteville/Lyndon/Manlius are all hideous - especially when there's road construction going on. And the gas stations always charge more there. A willingness to experiment with side roads can pay off, though.

Camillus/Fairmount/Westvale (west side) can be a bit crowded, but it's reasonable. Rt. 31corridor in Clay has a lot of restaurants and stores, but mostly big chains. The unique places are in the city or very close. Rt. 11/Bear Rd area in N. Syr/Cicero is a little bit better, but Cicero itself is another dirge.

Are you more urban oriented, or suburban? What kind of nightlife (or daylife) do you like besides sports? Vegan? Ribs guy?
I bow to those living there now. My experience was admittedly many years ago. I always thoughtFM was a bit of an upscale area.A few years ago my wife and thought about moving back to that area. More me than my wife.. She was/is convinced the snow/ice is a no go . She remains the boss.When we made inquires FM seemed to come up quite a bit but that was Back in the early 1980s I was offered a job with Marine Midland's southern tieracquisition of another NY bank as a senior VP assisting the acquisition transition. I turned it down as details emerged that I would be instrumental in getting rid of anyone who was against the merger on any level. Going in as a spy with the card saying I was a 007 and a license to kill wasn't a prospect I could deal with. I'm not Mitt Romney regardless of the huge salary. IN NY state it was considered huge at that time. There wern't too many homes I couldn't afford with those numbers.Sometimes I think that my decision could have been different but I did all right for me and my family. My to sons got quality educations and are both doing very well for themselves and I have a grandson on the way. OK a clot messed up a few things but I don't have to think about lives that could have been ruined by my tapping their shoulder and telling them "You're fired! Too bad for you and your family! My conscience is clear from having done that. I would ever regret not having done that.;)
Tipp Hill ftw

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I lived in Dewitt/Erie Blvd/LeMoyne area and also up in Clay by Rt 31 and had not really experienced the Tipp Hill area. My nephew lives over there now and I like the area a lot. Seems like a nice place as long as you have off street parking.
Definitely love Tipp Hill. If your single and living by yourself it's the place to be. Everybody's real friendly and plenty of places to get a drink and a bite to eat. Centrally located to everything and only 5 minute drive to Armory, a cab there is like 10 bucks.

You'll appreciate being able to walk to the pubs or the zoo. Close proximity to get a Blarney Burger, a Brooklyn Pickle Roast Beef Samwich, a Twin Trees pie or just about anything from Coleman's.

It's a great place to be but I think I just gained 5 pounds typing this ...
Definitely love Tipp Hill. If your single and living by yourself it's the place to be. Everybody's real friendly and plenty of places to get a drink and a bite to eat. Centrally located to everything and only 5 minute drive to Armory, a cab there is like 10 bucks.

You'll appreciate being able to walk to the pubs or the zoo. Close proximity to get a Blarney Burger, a Brooklyn Pickle Roast Beef Samwich, a Twin Trees pie or just about anything from Coleman's.

It's a great place to be but I think I just gained 5 pounds typing this ...
Brooklyn Pickle! That's the move!

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Onondaga Hill area was always my favorite.

5 minutes from Tipp Hill, 7 minutes from downtown, and much nicer area in general than many of the city neighborhoods.

Oh...and Kelley's is within striking distance!
Hmmm... some comments. We lived in a Kings Gate Townhouse for 6 years before buying a house in Skaneateles. We loved it. But since we moved the area has become congested. The nice thing about Kings Gate is quick and easy access to 690. Of course it depends on what you want and like. The Rte 5 corridor through Camillus is beginning to rival the Rte 31 corridor through Cicero and Great Northern. We hate that because of the traffic congestion. The problem is that Kings Gate may be pushing that 1K limit. When we left (1999) we were paying 1200 for a 3 bedroom townhouse. I am sure that it is considerably higher now ... but 1 and 2 bedroom apartments may remain in that range. On Tipp Hill you are going to get a flat (probably owned by Pete Coleman) and no great breaks on rent. You will really need toknow your streets up there. Lived in B'ville and North Syracuse for a while. North Syracuse, like Camillus, is quick access to Rte 81 into city... but Rte 11 traffic congestion has again become problematic (at least for us). Baldwinsville was nice but not exactly a single persons cup of tea. While access to 690 is OK it can become problematic, busy and at times convoluted. Northern areas are very fast growing and population density is going off the scale. We hate it but you may like it. Same with Western suburbs... Camillus and Westvale. Don't go south ... nothing there unless you want a long trip up 81 from Lafayette and Tully. Not too many rentable areas in either Dewitt or Fayetteville ... better in Dewitt. Lived in a small apartment in F'ville when first married. Really nice... and expensive. F'ville may be off your scale. Either Dewitt or F'ville will force you down the Rte 5 East corridor... which is horrible!!!! If you want to be near the school nice areas to the east in the city ... near academics. Problem is you will be competing with students and first/second year instructors for the best locations. Not sure I would trust Craigs List. I would actually look to get a realtor before I would try Craigs List.
Hmmmm ... forgot to mention Armory Square. I lived there for about 2 years in a 1 bedroom. Pretty pricey but I loved the apartment and the area (except for the continual smell from Pastabilities). PARKING WAS A NIGHTMARE!!! But if you don't mind either 1) many parking tickets, or 2) exorbitant off street parking payments it is a great place to be and live. Back to Tippp Hill. Everybody seems to be saying great place. Just might say, Renter Beware. Scope the neighborhood out carefully (west vs. east side of Tipp Hill) and remember that parking is also horrendous (or can be). Remember alternate side parking and the streets are narrow and the snowplows really don't care what side of the street you are on. And also remember that you will be driving city streets (not highway) to and from workand/or school. Yes I lived on Tipp Hill for a period of time and I hated the alternate parking and the trying to find a parking space anywhere near my apartment and shoveling my car out after the snowplows.
Onondaga Hill has been mentioned. Shortage of apartment complexes as I recall. Probably high demand (never lived there) and might be pushing your pocketbook a tad. But iit would be a nice place to live. Access is good. People have not mentioned Solvay (No booos of hiisses). There are some nice areas in Solvay.
I reiterate. Get a realtor and take time to come and lookat the areas mentioned. Lots of great ideas have been mentioned in this thread. It depends on your age; what activities you want,etc. Good luck and welcome to Syracuse (and the surrounding areas). P.S. take a look a Skaneateles because I see it hasn't been mentioned.
I'n laughing at the notion that the traffic from F-M is awful. It takes what, maybe 25 minutes to get downtown with traffic?
I'n laughing at the notion that the traffic from F-M is awful. It takes what, maybe 25 minutes to get downtown with traffic?
Sorry, didn't mean to be insulting Fayetteville. Nice area live but as I indicated may be a little pricey. As far as the traffic... the 2 areas that were nightmares for me ... Lynden intersection and the lights in dewitt trying to get on 690. I hate sitting in my car inching toward stoplights. From Skaneateles it takes between 15 to 20 minutes to downtown and we are a tad further out than Fayetteville. I like Fayettevillle and think that it was a great place to live when I llived there. II love small towns.
Onondaga Hill has been mentioned. Shortage of apartment complexes as I recall. Probably high demand (never lived there) and might be pushing your pocketbook a tad. But iit would be a nice place to live. Access is good.

Good post, SkanSU.

Re: Onondaga Hill, check out High Acres apartment complex. Very, very affordable and much nicer than typical apartment housing.
I assume no kids and no serious g/f so it you are probably looking for a 2 Bdr at the biggest...where is your job going to be at? I think that is a big player in this.

If you like urban living try many new places coming to market. Staying under 1k might be an issue. To me off street parking is need it. I laugh at those thinking I-81 is others have posted there are alternative routes. I remember getting from North Syracuse to downtown in 10 mins as a kid.
I assume no kids and no serious g/f so it you are probably looking for a 2 Bdr at the biggest...where is your job going to be at? I think that is a big player in this.

If you like urban living try many new places coming to market. Staying under 1k might be an issue. To me off street parking is need it. I laugh at those thinking I-81 is others have posted there are alternative routes. I remember getting from North Syracuse to downtown in 10 mins as a kid.
Off street parking downtown is a nightmare and expensive. As I said before it was one of my favorite places to live. But coouldn't afford the parking tickets or the jacked up prices for parking lots.
North Syracuse and Cicero has changed a bit methinks Texan. I bought my first house there and it was a piece of cake getting downtown on 81. So much has expanded!! Businesses are all over the place and the north has become population dense. Traffic is much more problematic in all directions. Sometimes we have to drive up there to go to West Marine and I shudder having to drive up there anymore. Life was simpler then (sigh)
I'n laughing at the notion that the traffic from F-M is awful. It takes what, maybe 25 minutes to get downtown with traffic?

I was going to stay away from it on this thread because the general nature of this thread is to be helpful (versus the complaining about traffic after games...which drives me completely nuts).

But I do get a chuckle when I read people in Syracuse talking about "traffic." Some people truly do not know how good they have it.

I was going to stay away from it on this thread because the general nature of this thread is to be helpful (versus the complaining about traffic after games...which drives me completely nuts.

But I do get a chuckle when I read people in Syracuse talking about "traffic." Some people truly do not know how good they have it.


It's relative so it's pertinent. Nobody says it is LA or DC. But there is a difference between a 5 minute trip and a 30-45 minute bumper to bumper trip due to congestion or constant construction.

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Off street parking downtown is a nightmare and expensive. As I said before it was one of my favorite places to live. But coouldn't afford the parking tickets or the jacked up prices for parking lots.
North Syracuse and Cicero has changed a bit methinks Texan. I bought my first house there and it was a piece of cake getting downtown on 81. So much has expanded!! Businesses are all over the place and the north has become population dense. Traffic is much more problematic in all directions. Sometimes we have to drive up there to go to West Marine and I shudder having to drive up there anymore. Life was simpler then (sigh)

I was kinda lucky getting downtown as a kid as I was less than a mile to I-81. I get up enough to Cuse to know if can kinda suck in certain areas...especially if you have to drive Rt 31...frankly the Cicero interchange is atrocious...but there is a difference between 20-25 mins and 45-90 mins done by many in the larger areas. It just seems to me in past experience that a commute over 25-30 mins is the tipping point to me.

But back on subject...we kinda need to know where he is going to work and is he a homebody or a someone who likes to go out.

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