My Random Thoughts on WF Game |

My Random Thoughts on WF Game


Walk On
Aug 27, 2011
  • In all my years of following SU, one of the best comebacks I've ever witnessed
  • One of the worst first halfs of SU FB I've ever witnessed, on par with the GRob era
  • WF came prepared and took SU by complete surprise. Agressive, well balanced offense; attacking, penetrating defense. Grobe & Co outcoached HCDM & Co until the 4th qtr
  • Tyler Price and his WRs looked terrific. That said, our D in every respect looked very bad, at least in the first half
  • Whitlock kid looked terrific and terrorized Mackey. OL finally contained him somewhat later in 2nd half. Looked like that fast motor of his statred slowing at the end of the game
  • Props to Nassib. I don't think he did anything wrong and was more or less a victim of his inept OL and WR in the first half. I'm excited about him this season!
  • Seniors did a great job leading the comeback. Chew, Bailey, Provo and Harris showed guts
  • Nassib and Chew brillient in Q4, enough said
  • OL needs work. Good news is most of the problems are fixable. Besides Mackey's early game issues, Hay was getting blown out much of the game. Would like to see Alexander, in time, challange at RT
  • I think we are pretty well set at WR and TE, not worried here at all. Chew's a remarkable athlete. Provo's going to be a serious weapon. Lemon looks back to top form
  • Bailey is a FEATURED RB, period. Adams looked good
  • Kicking game was solid except for botched FG . Raupers looked very good most of the time
  • Kobena's going to be special on ST. He will also contribute at WR as he grows & learns
  • D line couldn't penetrate, Jones was contained a lot. DTs were losing badley in the trenches. Marinovich was non-existant. Things impoved in 2nd half- big plays by Goggins & Bromley
  • LBs weren't in the game in the first half. Vaughan and Spruill came alive in Q4. Davis, despite his rookie mistakes, impressed me. He made a big play to stop a drive late in game
  • Shamarko looked fabulous. Phil was not 100%-no grade. Lynn got better as game progressed. Scott and CBs were burned all day, but great pick by Scott to stop critical drive. Somewhat worried about this unit. If Anderson's out, we need to bring Wilkes back to corner. Eskridge will add depth at S
  • What won this game for us? Price going down was a psych to both teams; staff finally figuring out contigency plan at the right time; guts, resiliency & percerverence; Nassib; conditioning - those bright WF bulbs burned bright until Q4- we were better conditioned; Kharma-it was our turn to win a game like this
  • Sorry if a lot of this sounds redundant, JMO

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