My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
This is late because I stayed for the 2nd game of the doubleheader (the women played UC at about 4:10 PM and lost a heartbreaker, extremely ugly basketball, extremely ugly ending, enough said about that).

Nice crowd that could have reached the 30K barrier had the students showed up in big numbers. As others have surely mentioned, 3 entire sections of the upper deck was reserved for students, and less than half of one section was actually used. The students that did show were loud and solid. The disturbing lack of creativity and humor that has been a hallmark of SU students since the days of Edmund Dollard and Lew Andreas have been sadly lacking this year. At least a handful of big heads appeared today, though they weren't really big and I didn't see any that were inspired or Kennel Klub worthy.

Thought the crowd was overall quite loud and played a role in getting the victory. WVU panicked a bit at times, though I thought they showed pretty good poise most of the time.

Some dude from Liverpool sang the NA, screwed up one line but did a fine job singing the plodding, ponderous hard to sing saloon song. Props to him. An SU student had a chance to win thousands shooting a FT, a 3 pointer and a half court shot. He missed all of them, which I suppose was appropriate given how SU shot the ball today.

On the positive side, another dude did something very unusual by hitting his first shot in the Dunk & Bright shoot from the lane contest. He raised his arms in glory and pranced around the floor like he was Keith Smart and the year was 1987.

Not sure who the refs were. Karl Hess, Brian O'Connell and Gene Steratore maybe? Thought they were really inconsistent, let major contact go a lot but then called little ticking tack calls away from the ball, just flat out missed an alarming number of calls, made some calls really really late, etc. They blew them for both sides. I guess impartial incompetence is better than nothing. O'Connell in particular was a mess. This continues a regular trend this season in conference play. The refs, for whatever reason, are really struggling.

First half was really ugly. WVU played us in man most of the time. Tried a little pressure that was not effective. We were able to get into the paint and to the hoop seemingly whenever we wanted but were unable to finish and usually unable to even get a foul. Also had lots of wide open 3 attempts, all of which seemed to miss. Some of the worst outside shooting I have seen from SU. Ever.

Like the UC game, it seems like we stunk things up all half long, were down pretty big and in danger of getting blown out, then late in the half something clicked, we got a few baskets, again did a nice job running a play in the final seconds and ended up with a nice lead at halftime. Good to see us regularly scoring in the last play of a half. It has been a while since we have been able to do that well. Dion hit Scoop who got a 3 at the end of the first half.

Dion again had some plays where he looked really selfish but unlike the last couple of games, he did make a few good passes and he did play really good defense most of the time he was in. But he is forcing some really bad shots, getting caught stuck in the air with the ball and no where to go, and just generally getting out of control on offense on a regular basis. I thought JB really stayed with him today...I think Dion is a sensitive guy who needs support in order to do well and JB played him more than he deserved to play to try and show him he believes in Dion. But it really didn't work. He is still on the snide and a mess in general. Hope he pulls out of this soon. Did want to mention the one great play he made on offense when he beat his man in the 1st half, took it to the hoop and dunked with authority. Impressive and this drew the biggest ovation SU was to get all game long.

Thought Scoop had a decent game but was quite a bit off from where he has been in recent weeks. Thank God Brandon had another stellar game. When we started ripping apart the WVU man in the 2nd half, Huggy went to a 3-2 zone that was very effective and got them right back in the game. BT came in and made some big plays attacking that zone that gave the team a lift when it was badly needed.

Thought Fair and Southerland did decent jobs. Fair hit a really important mid range jumper late in the game that was crucial but was pretty quiet. Has to rebound better. The old 1 dimenional JS that could shoot the ball and do nothing else is happily gone. He is rebounding much better and I think his defenses continues to make inroads as the season progresses. That being said, he had a bunch of old 3s that he has to hit and that he did not hit today.

KJ had some bad turnovers and was out muscled for some rebounds but I thought he rebounded quite well given his height and frame and who he was up against. Made a huge 3 point play that might have been the turning point in the game and got some really big rebounds when we needed them most. Thought overall he did a good job.

Thought RC did okay on defense, had a couple controversial calls go against him, wasn't really aggressive on offense or on the boards. That has to change or he will not play regularly here.

Keita's hands are so troubled it is almost a running joke these days but he had by far his best game of 2012. Defense was good, denied the ball well, got some blocks, got in the hands of Kevin Jones and especially the Turkish dude who overuses steroids and his right handed hook. Also got a couple big baskets...was delighted to see him execute a pick and roll with Scoop so nicely. A thing of beauty, wasn't it? Even had a few rebounds, I think.

WVU had some prayers answered with some no talent guy making a 3 off the backboard, Kevin Jones hitting a 3 with no time left on the clock, #14 hitting 3 forced runners that had no business going in, etc. They had a bunch of offensive rebounds from freak bounces too that led to easy baskets. Was overall pleased with the SU defense. WVU struggled many times to get a decent shot off in their half court sets and were called for shot clock violations 2 times in a row in the 2nd half. Team effort, everyone played a role in this.

Nice win. WVU is, I think, a good but flawed team with little outside shooting and not much in the way of playmakers on their team. It doesn't help when you have a true frosh playing point. They play decent defense but are not where they were there a couple of years ago. You can't be playing a couple of frosh so much. I think they are going to be in trouble next year especially if Turkish McGuire does not come back.

Regarding the goal tend at the end, I definitely thought it was a goal tend. Awful call. Almost as bad was the no call when KJ got the ball, was hit, lost the ball OB and no call was made. Or the dozens of other blown calls in the game. No question we would have won the game regardless...the only remaining thing to be decided was whether it was going to happen in regulation or in overtime. I understand WVU fans don't understand the rules of basketball, too busy learning how to best incinerate sofas, but SU was clearly the better team, they could score when they needed to, and could stop WVU when they needed to and WVU wouldn't win this game if it were played 100 times. They were really fortunate to be within 10 late in the game.

Wanted to note that WVU brought a couple of hundred people to the game. Not a lot, nothing by our standards but for a BE team, this is a great showing. They have a nice fan base that travels really well, even for hoops. I respect the Eers a lot. Am sad I am unlikely to ever seen them play a hoops game in the Dome again. Good luck in the Big 12 guys. I hope you do well there.

After the game, KJ, JS, MCW and Trevor Cooney came back out and signed autographs for an extended period. Trev might not have...he was not recognized at least while I was there and I was not going to give him up to the graph hounds. Good to see these kids doing something to give back to the fans. KJ stayed a long time, posed for lots of photos and his fan friendliness was almost GMacian. That is one great kid. Happy he was able to step up and hit another big shot or two late to help win another game.
TV cameras showed a lot of Cooney sitting on the bench next to GMac. Is it my imagination, or is he starting to LOOK like GMac. Sure appeared that way to me.
TV cameras showed a lot of Cooney sitting on the bench next to GMac. Is it my imagination, or is he starting to LOOK like GMac. Sure appeared that way to me.
I thought the same thing, lol.
Thought he would get some time today at home at least in the first half when we were not making shots.
I just don't understand sometimes.
Good write-up. Can you clarify this passage re: Cooney:

"After the game, KJ, JS, MCW and Trevor Cooney came back out and signed autographs for an extended period. Trev might not have...he was not recognized at least while I was there and I was not going to give him up to the graph hounds."

I don't understand what that means? That Trevor came out to sign autographs but nobody wanted one from him?
Nice post as usual Tom. I was fortunate to have sat in THE seats this game. Thank you to CTO, it's always so much fun and gives me the special opportunity to see the game from a totally different perspective from there. Being an SU BB addict, we got there by 11:00am and watched the pregame- pregame warm-ups by ourselves from our special game seats. Saw James and Kevin Jones talking together during warm ups at midcourt. Watching WVU, I was struck by our size advantage even without Fab. Huggins is a very good coach to get the production he does out of the players he has. They are mostly young and they have many small guard-like players who box out and play like they are 4 inches taller which is admirable. Saw a number of moving picks , riding players without a saddle by WVU though which I don't really admire. Their coaching staff and players stand quite a bit on the sidelines, had to be tough for fans behind them to see the game.

Was disappointed in KJ for parts of this game. He was defended many times by a guard about 4 inches shorter than him. Was hoping he'd post up and either shoot/pass to the open man when doubled but he would come out high and drive. So glad that in the 2nd half that KJ committed himself to rebounding. Particularly without Fab and with our centers struggling, he has to be a force on the boards to win.

Our guards were getting by theirs but we have issues stopping and popping or passing if we can't make it all the way to the basket. Brandon was strong enough to take the bumping and reaching that occurred. Have no idea why Dion who also has the strength has been struggling to finish after taking hits. I thought Dion could have taken his man whenever he wanted to but was reluctant till the end and less effective than I would have thought. He appears to be off balance and fading away from the basket when he takes the shot. Great dunk though.

I know I'm biased but why does it seem that SU isn't allowed anywhere the same level of contact they are dealt, before a foul is called? On our drives to the basket it reminded me of a gauntlet-like pinball machine with the bumpers hitting back. We are playing physical teams but it appears because we aren't particularly physical ourselves, we get penalized more for less contact. I admit that our guards are bigger but they just don't put a body on their opponent when the shot goes up, way too many of WVU's guards got rebounds and loose balls after shots. They outrebounded us by 20 but just as crucial was the fact they had 11 more turnovers than us too.

Scoop's dad is one of the most vocal fans I think we've had. He reminds the refs constantly of the 3 second rule, which they totally ignore. Saw GMac's wife and new adorable baby boy. Caught a t-shirt thrown today. The t-shirt highlighted rivalry week and our February Georgetown and UConn home games and says it's "time to take the dogs out". Nice sentiment. I almost caught Brandon Triche in the first half when he was heading out of bounds too. Humbly I admit that I secretly granted him hoops mojo when we touched, blessing him with special scoring powers that I was happy he utilized so well.

Goal tending - yes - recognized it right away but no I'm not apologizing for the missed call. As other have pointed out there were a number of missed calls throughout and some ticky tack calls targeting our centers. Looked to me that WVU got the ball back for a chance to tie after the contraversial missed goal-tending call by missing a call in WVU's favor too. It just happens and we know that well.

By the way Baye has to have hip pointers from those high pick and roll plays - he took some big hits. Makes me wish for AO for payback, he must have made opponents pay on that play. Also JB seemed to be very irritated and frustrated with the teams' performance. His sideline demeanor with the team has definitely become much more animated. Hopefully our shooting improves , bad time for it to go south with our inside game more limited with the loss of Fab and some big games ahead. No sleeping on SJU! Go SU! 22-1 overall record 9-1 in the conference plus Georgetown lost - life is good!
I am sure our foul level will be like we are playing Duke every game til JB retires. Hopefully we get some kind of ACC officiating our first years, and not Duke visitor treatment.

I fear we will need to win every game a lot to have a chance in the ACC.
I know I'm biased but why does it seem that SU isn't allowed anywhere the same level of contact they are dealt, before a foul is called? On our drives to the basket it reminded me of a gauntlet-like pinball machine with the bumpers hitting back. We are playing physical teams but it appears because we aren't particularly physical ourselves, we get penalized more for less contact.

Referees tend to call what seems unusual to them. If a team typically pushes and shoves, they are going to get called only when they do more than that or do it so roughly that it stands out. If a team plays more traditonal defense, staying in front of guys, moving hands and feet, playing the passing lanes, etc., they get called for any contact. You can have a game with a roughly equal number of fouls, (this game was 14 for us to 16 for them), that wasn't really called equally because one team was allowed to do more than the other. This hurts us against several teams in the conference, (UCONN, Pitt, Marquette and the 'Neers). You wonder how many ACC teams play like that.
Wow, Cherie, what a game you had -- catching both a tee-shirt and Brandon Triche! Why am I never so lucky in those seats. Three weeks ago I got hit by a ball that almost broke (and badly sprained) my finger. (And a few years ago Jeff Green landed in my lap. He is a very large person -- besides being a Hoya).
Wow, Cherie, what a game you had -- catching both a tee-shirt and Brandon Triche! Why am I never so lucky in those seats. Three weeks ago I got hit by a ball that almost broke (and badly sprained) my finger. (And a few years ago Jeff Green landed in my lap. He is a very large person -- besides being a Hoya).

Usually things are much more boring for me. However in the middle 70's I went to an NBA game at the War Memorial - the Buffalo Braves against the Washington Bullets. I was a volunteer coach at the time and as a gift I got front row seats to the exhibition game. During the game Elvin Hayes and Bob McAdoo were vying for a ball and Elvin Hayes ended up in my lap. I was in shock, not hurt but everyone was so nice worrying that I was dead. Elvin actually kept apologizing. Little did I know that Mitch Kupchak was sitting behind me and he came over asking how I was. He was surprised I knew who he was. All during the game, players would come over and ask if I was sure I was okay. (I must have looked frailer than I really was). Probably that was the closest to what happened today but in a less conspicuous way than in that NBA game. Always fun - thank you.
Good write-up. Can you clarify this passage re: Cooney:

"After the game, KJ, JS, MCW and Trevor Cooney came back out and signed autographs for an extended period. Trev might not have...he was not recognized at least while I was there and I was not going to give him up to the graph hounds."

I don't understand what that means? That Trevor came out to sign autographs but nobody wanted one from him?
The players came out of the locker room and sat/stood in the same section, right behind the SU bench. They were all close to each other except for Cooney, who went over to (I believe) a couple of family members and sat with/talked to them. The autograph seekers and picture chi takers didn't notice Trevor sitting a section over from the others.

Don't think it was meaningful or anything...the other reason I mentioned it was because I thought it was interesting that no one recognized him. I guess that happens when you don't play in any games. Cooney is a ghost as he sits through his redshirt year. Has to be pretty tough for him. The one thing he has in his back pocket is that he knows he is going to get a lot of PT next season. Unless Dion somehow ends up returning....
Does anyone else find it hard to accept that we may never play WVU again? I know quite a few of you are older than I am (nothing wrong with that) but I've grown up my whole life playing these teams and just seeing it end life's upsetting really.
I got to sit in Cherie's seats (Thanks to Cherie and Jim, whom I've yet to actually meet in spite of so many mutual connections and multiple Facebook conversations, and to our courier, PeteCalvin). How she can say things are boring for her is beyond me. To the front and slight left was the SU bench, good view of the team and JB. To the right was the student section, who provided my almost 12 year old son with free vocabulary lessons AND a bewildering and distracting experience of some "really hot girls" prancing up and down the aisles. I was pleased that he now knows people other than me swear, and quite impressed with his eye for the ladies; he pointed out some real cuties. I didn't point out to him that I am old enough to be the father of both he and the college girls now.

Then there's the female badass Howdy Doody in the section. A dancing, screaming, woman with the wildest explosion of red hair I've ever seen. It's not a mane, it's more of a basket unraveled, and if anyone had a great time yesterday, it was this super fan. She was really into it. Rebel yell after the anthem, joining the students in the cheers, standing almost the whole time. Good for her. JuniorCollege asked me, "is she drunk or just really into it?" I think into it, and a credit to SU fans. Much preferable to the hand-sitters. Well done, Rebel Yell.

Some observations-

-Could've done without the balloons. Maybe I am just getting curmudgeonly.
-College basketball refs are apparently no longer able to count to 3 or not taught the three second rule. Turkish Delight Foreign Dude set up a compound in the paint every time.
-Bobby Huggins spent more time on the court than Kevin Jones did.
-From my angle, almost none of the 3's attempted by the Orangemen looked good leaving the hands. Low arc, off balance, there was always a flaw early in the shot.
-KJo gets yelled at by JB more than I get yelled at by Mrs.College.
-Goal tending? Sure was. No-call is a make up for the crap calls earlier.
Yes... I am going to miss playing the 'Neers' and I wish them a lot of luck in the Big 12. Always enjoyed their Board as well ... full of humor and great pics. Gonna miss playing Cincy, and Marquette, and St. Johns ... almost everybody (except Pitt ... we will still play them) ... Good luck and best wishes to them all. Cherie and CTO ... sounds like you both had a great time.
Does anyone else find it hard to accept that we may never play WVU again? I know quite a few of you are older than I am (nothing wrong with that) but I've grown up my whole life playing these teams and just seeing it end life's upsetting really.

I never really think too much about playing WVU in basketball. Football yes.
Does anyone else find it hard to accept that we may never play WVU again? I know quite a few of you are older than I am (nothing wrong with that) but I've grown up my whole life playing these teams and just seeing it end life's upsetting really.
I've liked playing WVU a lot. I live in NW Virginia and have a lot of friends that are WVU fans. I'm especially happy that we won the last in the current series via controversy. I was at Manley Field House in the early 1970's when we were beating WVU by 20 or more at the half and they came back to win. That loss has stuck with me for over 35 years and love beating WVU in any sport. I wish them the best but I'm really glad we said good-bye in a special way.
Then there's the female badass Howdy Doody in the section. A dancing, screaming, woman with the wildest explosion of red hair I've ever seen. It's not a mane, it's more of a basket unraveled, and if anyone had a great time yesterday, it was this super fan. She was really into it. Rebel yell after the anthem, joining the students in the cheers, standing almost the whole time. Good for her. JuniorCollege asked me, "is she drunk or just really into it?" I think into it, and a credit to SU fans. Much preferable to the hand-sitters. Well done, Rebel Yell.

Some observations-

-Could've done without the balloons. Maybe I am just getting curmudgeonly.

I told you this lady is a real character.She has to be in her 50's and is in constant motion. Her rebel yell is something to behold and shocks those not initiated earlier who are around her. To those who talk about the older fans who sit on their hands , I can tell you that it's the young ones who disappoint with their face in a smart phone throughout games and are the real deadheads.

Yes, the balloons.. it can get irritating batting them away but a few games ago I was the same way until I spotted the guy who was bringing them a few rows behind me. He has to be in his late 70's, 80's and the usher yelled at him and told him he couldn't release the balloons because of complaints. The usher then started popping all the balloons. The poor man started apologizing to everyone saying he'd brought them for ages and thought people liked them. This scene suddenly made me a solid balloon advocate. Here's a devoted older fan and his tradition of blowing up about 30 balloons, carrying them to the dome in all types of weather to release after the first basket and he gets yelled at... No way. I am a convert. Young kids in the section (particularly those who aren't "regulars") love it. I then realized that the gesture behind these balloons is way too impressive not to be appreciated and so I decided right then to embrace my very hidden balloon side. In fact I'm thinking of giving him $10 next game for the remainder of the season's balloon inventory.

Joe, I agree I like the seats in 105 too - you get involved with the students (who I think are the real reason for the season) and also have a good view of SU's bench(nice profile view -lol) . So glad you and your son enjoyed them and gave your child some valuable life lessons ;)
I've liked playing WVU a lot. I live in NW Virginia and have a lot of friends that are WVU fans. I'm especially happy that we won the last in the current series via controversy. I was at Manley Field House in the early 1970's when we were beating WVU by 20 or more at the half and they came back to win. That loss has stuck with me for over 35 years and love beating WVU in any sport. I wish them the best but I'm really glad we said good-bye in a special way.

That was the year of the first Final Four. We'd blown double-digit leads to Georgetown, 9first time we faced a John Thompson team) and, in the previous game, Rutgers. Fans were grumpy and players had to be doubting themsleves. I was glad when we got a 19 point halftime elad and expanded it to 21 early in the second half. We finally had alead we couldn't blow.

But we did.

And people were so down on that tema after that. if we'd had a forum like this, everyone would have been Blue Curtain. Thatw as February 8, 1975. One March 20, 1975, Jimmy lee hit that shot vs. North carolina in the Sweet 16. Two days later, Bug Williams flashed down the court and got the ball to Rudy Hacket t at the top of the key. Rudy threw in a hook shot to get us to OT vs. K-State and we won it in overtime to piuch our ticket to San Diego.

It's best not to give up on the kids, no matter how bleak things can look sometimes.
Does anyone else find it hard to accept that we may never play WVU again? I know quite a few of you are older than I am (nothing wrong with that) but I've grown up my whole life playing these teams and just seeing it end life's upsetting really.

I wish the ACC had gone right to 6 teams and brought in Connecticut and West Viringia. Then we could have had a northern divsion of Boston College, Connecticut, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia and Maryland.

But there always seem to be reasons why things I wish for can't happen.
Yes, the balloons.. it can get irritating batting them away but a few games ago I was the same way until I spotted the guy who was bringing them a few rows behind me. He has to be in his late 70's, 80's and the usher yelled at him and told him he couldn't release the balloons because of complaints. The usher then started popping all the balloons. The poor man started apologizing to everyone saying he'd brought them for ages and thought people liked them. This scene suddenly made me a solid balloon advocate. Here's a devoted older fan and his tradition of blowing up about 30 balloons, carrying them to the dome in all types of weather to release after the first basket and he gets yelled at... No way. I am a convert. Young kids in the section (particularly those who aren't "regulars") love it. I then realized that the gesture behind these balloons is way too impressive not to be appreciated and so I decided right then to embrace my very hidden balloon side. In fact I'm thinking of giving him $10 next game for the remainder of the season's balloon inventory.

Joe, I agree I like the seats in 105 too - you get involved with the students (who I think are the real reason for the season) and also have a good view of SU's bench(nice profile view -lol) . So glad you and your son enjoyed them and gave your child some valuable life lessons ;)

I am a balloon convert, too. Jack thought it was great- he loved the balloons. I now love balloon guy too. Jack and I both love pretty young women, so overall a great day. Thanks to your generosity, and to your own two sons for being such awful fans!!! :D

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