My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Very small crowd. The townies largely didn't show and there was almost no one in the student section.

The chicken tenders section (also features Saranac adult beverages) was not open. My peeps hearts were not broken but skipped several beats.

Carleton brought a few hundred people. Most sat behind their bench but I saw a few here and there throughout the Dome. Good turnout for them.

The backcourt area of the Dome was closed off. The staff didn't have time to finish covering the field turf with the blue tiles...they had maybe 17 hours to switch the Dome from football to basketball mode. Might have been the shortest turnaround ever. Props to the Dome staff for getting it done...I am sure it was difficult to make happen.

Nice first NA. That lady had good pipes. The cheerleaders have the skimpiest uniforms I can ever remember them wearing. Maybe the influence of all the warm schools in the ACC? I don't know but their unis are nicely designed and look good.

I think it would be have been highly appropriate to do the Canadian NA as part of the pregame festivities. It is bad enough that we have taken down the Canadian flag that used to be in one of the corners. I thought I read somewhere that it is hoped that the Carleton exhibition becomes an annual event. If so, let's address it next year. Oh Canada is a lot easier and more pleasant to sing than the SSB...can't believe this would be a problem. If so, let the SSS play it, or find a scratchy recording from Kate Smith.

The All Canadian superstar, #23, Phil Scrubb, played the whole game with a mouthpiece. That isn't very remarkable, but the fact that it was half in his mouth and half out all game long was pretty strange.

The two frosh both started. Silent G was the first man off the bench. Roberson was the first man replaced. Tyler struggled on defense yesterday. He did not do a good job staying near his man, who usually was a sharpshooter who liked hanging out deep near the baseline, outside the 3 point circle. After a couple early unguarded jumpers in his area, he was out and getting chewed out by JB. At this early point in the season, he looks like he might be a weak link in the zone. Once Silent G replaced him, our defensive problems at that position largely disappeared.

Speaking of Silent G, he had a good game. Didn't score a lot...but helped the team in other ways. I believe he hit one 3, and when he had an opening, he attacked the rim. Drew a couple of fouls and got some FTs. Ran the offense well, played a lot of PG on offense. Played solid defense, was solid with the ball, made some good passes, etc. His floor game was very good and he played the role of the solid veteran. A role this team needs him to play very badly...

Roberson didn't have a good day on offense either. Didn't move much, despite having a big size and strength advantage on his man (Carleton played man all game long expect when they pressed), he didn't try to post up down low. Just stood around on the perimeter and launched jumpers from there. I think he is still having problems adjusting to playing facing the basket. At least I hope that is what is causing the problems he is having on offense...

CMac played as advertised. Tall, sleek, quick, showed a good first step and had a couple strong moves to the basket. Needs to get stronger to finish some plays, but he has a lot of talent. Good handle, has a good outside shot and looks like he can pass it too. IMHO, he is more advanced on offense than Jerami was even as a sophomore. Will score his share of points but I can see him having trouble against physical defenders stronger than he is (which will happen a lot in ACC play). Should have dominated the glass and did not...isn't as interested in rebounding and doing the dirty work down low as you would like to see. His defense wasn't great...did not follow his man a couple of times and gave up layups, doesn't show great desire and toughness on that end of the court. But he is so quick and athletic, he still made a couple of nice plays. I think he and JB are going to have some discussions over the course of the season on this subject but he should eventually get it.

RC had a bad first half. Was not interested in rebounding, did not demand the ball despite a big size and strength advantage, and he got into early foul trouble. Sat for a long time in the first half after getting his first 2 PFs, got back in when Carleton was threatening to blow the game open around the 6 or 7 minute mark of the first, and almost immediately made a really foolish foul way out beyond the three point arc. That put him out of the game the rest of the half. Pretty sure he had no points in that half.

Second half, he came out motivated and assertive, demanded the ball and absolutely dominated inside play for stretch of about 5 minutes. Gave a glimpse at the player he could be when things are right with him. It must be frustrating for JB to coach a player like this. Great to see him play up to his potential. I think he got 13 points in the 2nd half...was just a different player out there. Though he didn't block many shots and again, was not a factor on the boards.

TC was guarded by Phil Scrubb, who in fairness to Trevor, has to be their best defensive player. He did a solid job on Trevor. Trevor struggled to get good looks, ended up settling for some so so shots where he was still well guarded, missed a few early and then kind of shut down on offense. Didn't even look at the rim for a while there. To his credit, he played well on defense and was a big reason Phil Scrubb had a bad day for the Ravens (he only had about 8 points late in the game and missed a lot of shots). Patterson and Joseph also deserve some props here.

Patterson came in early in the second half and went off, hitting a few 3s in rabid succession, which combined with the damage RC was doing inside, erased the Raven lead and got Syracuse a lead very quickly. It should be noted that Carleton didn't guard him closely...their scouting report must have said he was not a shooter, but credit Ron with making the shots he was given, and again, I want to credit his defense. Looks like he plays very hard on D and takes pride in doing this.

BJ didn't get a lot of run. Played the wing in the 2-3. Didn't look at score aggressively when he was in. Played okay on defense. Looked like he was trying not to make a bad play instead of trying to make good plays. I think there is a role for him with this team...would love to see him run around on offense and try to get open using screens, looping behind the basket, etc. Standing around the perimeter is not going to magically get him a lot of playing time. Definitely looks like he needs to get stronger.

CO got some early PT when RK got in foul trouble. Did not look alert or with it on defense, was not a factor on offense either, where it looked like he didn't want the ball at all. But the defense was the most worrisome part of his game...he just lost his man right away a couple of times, focusing too much on the ball. Got taken out and did not return. JB was not amused.

That leaves CJ. He played really well yesterday. Was under control, didn't force it inside, didn't force any shots that I remember, looked strong with the ball. Got inside and made a layup in half court offense 2 or 3 times (that is really hard to do for a PG). Hit a jumper or two. When he was cut off in the paint and couldn't get to the hoop, he pulled up and hit the runner nicely.

Also played surprisingly good defense...was active and his excellent quickness aided him here. Would have liked to have seen him dish off on a few of his drives...he is going to have to do that sometimes or the scouting reports will choke off those drives to the hoop. Didn't see him explode to the hoop in fast break situations much either, though he showed signs of ability to do that. Definitely a showman, he is going to react when he makes a good play and is going to be a huge crowd favorite.

Last quibble: he was out for an extended period in the second half, lying on the court, stretching his back, which had gone into spasms. To his credit, he returned to the game, and when he did, he took it over. Played really well late in the first and second halves of the game. His fine play late in the first got Syracuse back in the game. His fine play late in the 2nd ensured Syracuse would win. Really looks good at the FT line, which is always nice with a PG, especially one with a handle like his.

I think Carleton is a really well coached, smart and experienced team. They don't have the raw athletic ability to be a great US college team but they are a really tough team to play right now, with all the exhibition games they have under their belt. This was a surprising win, a really nice achievement for a young team trying to figure out how to play with each other. I am really pleased with what I saw.

The other Scrubb brother...I think his name was Tommy (wore #11), was an undersized PF with not a lot of athletic ability but was really a smart player. Used his body beautifully to protect the ball, anticipated well, found a way to get off his shot against bigger players a lot, and was the best player on the floor. Not bad for a 6'6 white kid without much quickness or jumping ability. I think he ended up with 25 points and 13 rebounds. Fun player to watch.

This team has some weaknesses for sure. Not a lot of quality depth almost anywhere. But the core is pretty darned good and if everyone stays healthy and eligible, they are capable of doing some good things this season. When they needed to, they played a very tight and nasty zone defense for an extended period of the second half that I frankly thought this team was not going to be capable of playing until January. It was quite impressive.

Last thought: really like playing Carleton in an exhibition and hope this becomes an annual tradition. I don't think you can find a better team to play early to help point out weaknesses in the zone, problems attacking a man defense, etc.
Great post, Tom, but your auto-correct (or whatever it is) strikes again.

I especially liked Patterson "hitting a few 3s in rabid succession." Maybe he should be called "Mad Dog," rather than "Buss."

And Kaleb Joseph somehow came out CJ. (I wish CJ were back this year, but his name in a post is not going to make it happen!).
Great post, Tom, but your auto-correct (or whatever it is) strikes again.

I especially liked Patterson "hitting a few 3s in rabid succession." Maybe he should be called "Mad Dog," rather than "Buss."

"I especially liked Patterson "hitting a few 3s in rabid succession."
patterson 4 "froth" 5.

Dear Tom, great write up! I always admire those of you - and there seem to be a lot on this board! - who understand what they see when they watch a game. I watch in almost total ignorance, loving it the whole time! I have learned so much since I have been on this board, and I bow down to the Maestros who help take me from the darkness -"gu" - into the light - "ru!"
BJ didn't get a lot of run. Played the wing in the 2-3. Didn't look at score aggressively when he was in. Played okay on defense. Looked like he was trying not to make a bad play instead of trying to make good plays. I think there is a role for him with this team...would love to see him run around on offense and try to get open using screens, looping behind the basket, etc. Standing around the perimeter is not going to magically get him a lot of playing time. Definitely looks like he needs to get stronger.


Great report.

I was wondering what was going on with BJ, he may not have even attempted a shot. He will be ok, but never really got into the game. Agree he will step up this year soon.

A good sign with patterson, gbinije, joseph and mcculough knocking down jumpers as we know cooney can, and BJ shot alot during the summer. Oddly enough this team has the potential to find the open man alot. Great point on the motion offense for BJ as well. I Wouldn't mind seeing us run 3 men in motion instead of the typical two over time as well. We will have the heads that can run in and out out of motion that you can't leave open. That shoudl help Rak and Joseph to drive one on one. And we can work on a spreading the floor from our forwards more to open up the center. THis could be the year we run 2 perimeter forwards alot more often, especially if Gbinije and BJ bang the boards.

imo, Joseph has the potential to knock down outside shots like scoop, with the ability to hit floaters in the lane like scoop/ennis with flynns speedburst into the lane. That is a HUGE ceiling. I really enjoyed his lateral movement with the ball and was super impressed at how balenced his handle was, it seemed equal with both hands to the point you couldn't tell which hand was his dominant at times.

And CMac looks tough all around can't wait to see him continue to grow this year.Something about him just shines. He didn't look to have to work extra hard to find his shot, and for rebounds like Grant did with speed. He has more of a patient mismatch Warrick look to his game like a forward that doesn't need to worry about the physicallity slowing him down as a fresh. Really can't wait to watch him and Joseph grow, so much potential between the two. They are both underdated McCullough on his jumpshot shot and joseph on his all around game because he played at a smaller school.

NO secret we all see us loosing multiple games on backup center alone if Dajuan doesn't get better. McCullough is to skinny for center.
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Dear Tom, great write up! I always admire those of you - and there seem to be a lot on this board! - who understand what they see when they watch a game. I watch in almost total ignorance, loving it the whole time! I have learned so much since I have been on this board, and I bow down to the Maestros who help take me from the darkness -"gu" - into the light - "ru!"
You are like the person who just enjoys a glass of wine without having to recognize all the assorted tastes/flavors it might have.
You are like the person who just enjoys a glass of wine without having to recognize all the assorted tastes/flavors it might have.

Great analogy! I am the same way with cheese. In sports, I move around in various points on the spectrum.
Maybe the CJ wasn't an auto correct. Maybe he though it Caleb and not Kaleb!! But I did the same CJ double take, lol!!

Also Buss was 4-5 from the 3. Even if they didn't think they needed to guard him closely, don't you think that at some point maybe they should have gotten that idea?

Good thought on the Canadian National Anthem. That totally would have been appropriate.

I also learn a lot on this board. While I do know the game fairly well for a female I don't have the technical knowledge that many of you have, just the general knowledge that the average fan has.
The cheerleaders have the skimpiest uniforms I can ever remember them wearing. Maybe the influence of all the warm schools in the ACC? I don't know but their unis are nicely designed and look good.

You really need to add pictures to your recaps. Well, at least if you are going to continue to review cheerleader uniforms.
It was also very interesting to me that Patterson came in to spell Joseph as the back up point guard.

Now, when he's in the game, he's playing alongside another 2G who can handle a little bit in Cooney, and it looks like Gbinije [if he's in] will be the primary facilitator of our offensive sets. But it is an interesting development.
It was also very interesting to me that Patterson came in to spell Joseph as the back up point guard.

Now, when he's in the game, he's playing alongside another 2G who can handle a little bit in Cooney, and it looks like Gbinije [if he's in] will be the primary facilitator of our offensive sets. But it is an interesting development.

That wasn't necessarily 100% by design. Kaleb tweeked something and went to the bench and Mike was already in at the 3. It does tell us something though because rather than bring in a forward and slide Mike to the backcourt he brought in Buss. Mike played the PG that whole stint on offense and forward on defense. It was a pretty interesting lineup though with Mike, Trevor, Buss, Chris and Rakeem. Lots of capable shooters to spread the floor, lots of room for Rakeem to operate 1on1.
It was also very interesting to me that Patterson came in to spell Joseph as the back up point guard.

Now, when he's in the game, he's playing alongside another 2G who can handle a little bit in Cooney, and it looks like Gbinije [if he's in] will be the primary facilitator of our offensive sets. But it is an interesting development.
I think that MikeG will always be in the game when Joseph is on the bench.
That wasn't necessarily 100% by design. Kaleb tweeked something and went to the bench and Mike was already in at the 3. It does tell us something though because rather than bring in a forward and slide Mike to the backcourt he brought in Buss. Mike played the PG that whole stint on offense and forward on defense. It was a pretty interesting lineup though with Mike, Trevor, Buss, Chris and Rakeem. Lots of capable shooters to spread the floor, lots of room for Rakeem to operate 1on1.

This is an interesting point. It looks like Coach will be able to play a little chess this year with the lineups. Depending on what he sees, he can go small or big without missing a beat. If the game is played more down low, we can go big and either push Mike to the back court or give him a rest. If they're parked outside or if they go with a 3-guard lineup, Mike can slide to the 3.

I'll admit that I was skeptical on Mike. He has seemed too passive to me in the past, but there's no doubt that his versatility is a great asset for Coach.
This is an interesting point. It looks like Coach will be able to play a little chess this year with the lineups. Depending on what he sees, he can go small or big without missing a beat. If the game is played more down low, we can go big and either push Mike to the back court or give him a rest. If they're parked outside or if they go with a 3-guard lineup, Mike can slide to the 3.

I'll admit that I was skeptical on Mike. He has seemed too passive to me in the past, but there's no doubt that his versatility is a great asset for Coach.
This is a big reason for the Adrian game. An easy chance to look at several combinations.
That wasn't necessarily 100% by design. Kaleb tweeked something and went to the bench and Mike was already in at the 3. It does tell us something though because rather than bring in a forward and slide Mike to the backcourt he brought in Buss. Mike played the PG that whole stint on offense and forward on defense. It was a pretty interesting lineup though with Mike, Trevor, Buss, Chris and Rakeem. Lots of capable shooters to spread the floor, lots of room for Rakeem to operate 1on1.
I was told Kaleb missed time in the second half due to back spasms. He was on his back, lying on the floor for much of the time he was out in the second half trying to get it right.

Kind of disturbing to see a kid that young with back problems so early in his career. Let's hope it was an aberration.
I was told Kaleb missed time in the second half due to back spasms. He was on his back, lying on the floor for much of the time he was out in the second half trying to get it right.

Kind of disturbing to see a kid that young with back problems so early in his career. Let's hope it was an aberration.

I wasn't sure because on the OAA broadcast they first said they thought he had a leg cramp then later speculated that he had tweaked his ankle. I also hope its not a back having some history with that myself. Lower back muscle issues specifically are almost impossible to completely eliminate. They seem to pop back up for no apparent reason after feeling great for months.
How can you tell a townie from a non-townie?

Very small crowd. The townies largely didn't show and there was almost no one in the student section.

The chicken tenders section (also features Saranac adult beverages) was not open. My peeps hearts were not broken but skipped several beats.

Carleton brought a few hundred people. Most sat behind their bench but I saw a few here and there throughout the Dome. Good turnout for them.

The backcourt area of the Dome was closed off. The staff didn't have time to finish covering the field turf with the blue tiles...they had maybe 17 hours to switch the Dome from football to basketball mode. Might have been the shortest turnaround ever. Props to the Dome staff for getting it done...I am sure it was difficult to make happen.

Nice first NA. That lady had good pipes. The cheerleaders have the skimpiest uniforms I can ever remember them wearing. Maybe the influence of all the warm schools in the ACC? I don't know but their unis are nicely designed and look good.

I think it would be have been highly appropriate to do the Canadian NA as part of the pregame festivities. It is bad enough that we have taken down the Canadian flag that used to be in one of the corners. I thought I read somewhere that it is hoped that the Carleton exhibition becomes an annual event. If so, let's address it next year. Oh Canada is a lot easier and more pleasant to sing than the SSB...can't believe this would be a problem. If so, let the SSS play it, or find a scratchy recording from Kate Smith.

The All Canadian superstar, #23, Phil Scrubb, played the whole game with a mouthpiece. That isn't very remarkable, but the fact that it was half in his mouth and half out all game long was pretty strange.

The two frosh both started. Silent G was the first man off the bench. Roberson was the first man replaced. Tyler struggled on defense yesterday. He did not do a good job staying near his man, who usually was a sharpshooter who liked hanging out deep near the baseline, outside the 3 point circle. After a couple early unguarded jumpers in his area, he was out and getting chewed out by JB. At this early point in the season, he looks like he might be a weak link in the zone. Once Silent G replaced him, our defensive problems at that position largely disappeared.

Speaking of Silent G, he had a good game. Didn't score a lot...but helped the team in other ways. I believe he hit one 3, and when he had an opening, he attacked the rim. Drew a couple of fouls and got some FTs. Ran the offense well, played a lot of PG on offense. Played solid defense, was solid with the ball, made some good passes, etc. His floor game was very good and he played the role of the solid veteran. A role this team needs him to play very badly...

Roberson didn't have a good day on offense either. Didn't move much, despite having a big size and strength advantage on his man (Carleton played man all game long expect when they pressed), he didn't try to post up down low. Just stood around on the perimeter and launched jumpers from there. I think he is still having problems adjusting to playing facing the basket. At least I hope that is what is causing the problems he is having on offense...

CMac played as advertised. Tall, sleek, quick, showed a good first step and had a couple strong moves to the basket. Needs to get stronger to finish some plays, but he has a lot of talent. Good handle, has a good outside shot and looks like he can pass it too. IMHO, he is more advanced on offense than Jerami was even as a sophomore. Will score his share of points but I can see him having trouble against physical defenders stronger than he is (which will happen a lot in ACC play). Should have dominated the glass and did not...isn't as interested in rebounding and doing the dirty work down low as you would like to see. His defense wasn't great...did not follow his man a couple of times and gave up layups, doesn't show great desire and toughness on that end of the court. But he is so quick and athletic, he still made a couple of nice plays. I think he and JB are going to have some discussions over the course of the season on this subject but he should eventually get it.

RC had a bad first half. Was not interested in rebounding, did not demand the ball despite a big size and strength advantage, and he got into early foul trouble. Sat for a long time in the first half after getting his first 2 PFs, got back in when Carleton was threatening to blow the game open around the 6 or 7 minute mark of the first, and almost immediately made a really foolish foul way out beyond the three point arc. That put him out of the game the rest of the half. Pretty sure he had no points in that half.

Second half, he came out motivated and assertive, demanded the ball and absolutely dominated inside play for stretch of about 5 minutes. Gave a glimpse at the player he could be when things are right with him. It must be frustrating for JB to coach a player like this. Great to see him play up to his potential. I think he got 13 points in the 2nd half...was just a different player out there. Though he didn't block many shots and again, was not a factor on the boards.

TC was guarded by Phil Scrubb, who in fairness to Trevor, has to be their best defensive player. He did a solid job on Trevor. Trevor struggled to get good looks, ended up settling for some so so shots where he was still well guarded, missed a few early and then kind of shut down on offense. Didn't even look at the rim for a while there. To his credit, he played well on defense and was a big reason Phil Scrubb had a bad day for the Ravens (he only had about 8 points late in the game and missed a lot of shots). Patterson and Joseph also deserve some props here.

Patterson came in early in the second half and went off, hitting a few 3s in rabid succession, which combined with the damage RC was doing inside, erased the Raven lead and got Syracuse a lead very quickly. It should be noted that Carleton didn't guard him closely...their scouting report must have said he was not a shooter, but credit Ron with making the shots he was given, and again, I want to credit his defense. Looks like he plays very hard on D and takes pride in doing this.

BJ didn't get a lot of run. Played the wing in the 2-3. Didn't look at score aggressively when he was in. Played okay on defense. Looked like he was trying not to make a bad play instead of trying to make good plays. I think there is a role for him with this team...would love to see him run around on offense and try to get open using screens, looping behind the basket, etc. Standing around the perimeter is not going to magically get him a lot of playing time. Definitely looks like he needs to get stronger.

CO got some early PT when RK got in foul trouble. Did not look alert or with it on defense, was not a factor on offense either, where it looked like he didn't want the ball at all. But the defense was the most worrisome part of his game...he just lost his man right away a couple of times, focusing too much on the ball. Got taken out and did not return. JB was not amused.

That leaves CJ. He played really well yesterday. Was under control, didn't force it inside, didn't force any shots that I remember, looked strong with the ball. Got inside and made a layup in half court offense 2 or 3 times (that is really hard to do for a PG). Hit a jumper or two. When he was cut off in the paint and couldn't get to the hoop, he pulled up and hit the runner nicely.

Also played surprisingly good defense...was active and his excellent quickness aided him here. Would have liked to have seen him dish off on a few of his drives...he is going to have to do that sometimes or the scouting reports will choke off those drives to the hoop. Didn't see him explode to the hoop in fast break situations much either, though he showed signs of ability to do that. Definitely a showman, he is going to react when he makes a good play and is going to be a huge crowd favorite.

Last quibble: he was out for an extended period in the second half, lying on the court, stretching his back, which had gone into spasms. To his credit, he returned to the game, and when he did, he took it over. Played really well late in the first and second halves of the game. His fine play late in the first got Syracuse back in the game. His fine play late in the 2nd ensured Syracuse would win. Really looks good at the FT line, which is always nice with a PG, especially one with a handle like his.

I think Carleton is a really well coached, smart and experienced team. They don't have the raw athletic ability to be a great US college team but they are a really tough team to play right now, with all the exhibition games they have under their belt. This was a surprising win, a really nice achievement for a young team trying to figure out how to play with each other. I am really pleased with what I saw.

The other Scrubb brother...I think his name was Tommy (wore #11), was an undersized PF with not a lot of athletic ability but was really a smart player. Used his body beautifully to protect the ball, anticipated well, found a way to get off his shot against bigger players a lot, and was the best player on the floor. Not bad for a 6'6 white kid without much quickness or jumping ability. I think he ended up with 25 points and 13 rebounds. Fun player to watch.

This team has some weaknesses for sure. Not a lot of quality depth almost anywhere. But the core is pretty darned good and if everyone stays healthy and eligible, they are capable of doing some good things this season. When they needed to, they played a very tight and nasty zone defense for an extended period of the second half that I frankly thought this team was not going to be capable of playing until January. It was quite impressive.

Last thought: really like playing Carleton in an exhibition and hope this becomes an annual tradition. I don't think you can find a better team to play early to help point out weaknesses in the zone, problems attacking a man defense, etc.
I was told Kaleb missed time in the second half due to back spasms. He was on his back, lying on the floor for much of the time he was out in the second half trying to get it right.

Kind of disturbing to see a kid that young with back problems so early in his career. Let's hope it was an aberration.

Kaleb said after the game it was leg cramps. He also mentioned that it happens to him quite frequently, so hopefully the trainers can come up with a program for him to help cut them down.

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