Nassib is a running QB |

Nassib is a running QB


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Nassib played HS in Malvern PA his team ran the ball over 80% of their snaps and many times went out of a full house backfield. Ryan is a runner way more so than a passer. If given the chance and if plays are designed he can and will run. I believe the reason he hasnt run is we have been afraid of him getting injured. With Hunt ready as a true backup next year expect to see Ryan run the ball on designed plays.
AGREED. Really athletic and strong kid. Anyone remember when he played behind Paulus and would run quite a bit. I always thought he was a better athlete than quarterback.
Nassib played HS in Malvern PA his team ran the ball over 80% of their snaps and many times went out of a full house backfield. Ryan is a runner way more so than a passer. If given the chance and if plays are designed he can and will run. I believe the reason he hasnt run is we have been afraid of him getting injured. With Hunt ready as a true backup next year expect to see Ryan run the ball on designed plays.

Is everything okay out there in KC?

Have you guys checked the water out lately?

As far as I know Ryan Nassib ran the Double Wing at Malvern Prep. He was not an option QB, but was regarded as a very solid throwing HS QB.

If you think he is a viable running college QB, then you must think that Jack Mildren was a great thrower.

AGREED. Really athletic and strong kid. Anyone remember when he played behind Paulus and would run quite a bit. I always thought he was a better athlete than quarterback.

He ran the ball 27 times for 26 yards in 2009.
Is everything okay out there in KC?

Have you guys checked the water out lately?

As far as I know Ryan Nassib ran the Double Wing at Malvern Prep. He was not an option QB, but was regarded as a very solid throwing HS QB.

If you think he is a viable running college QB, then you must think that Jack Mildren was a great thrower.


actually things are pretty bad on the football front as both of my favorite teams stink this year. As to Ryan im pretty sure that Malvern Prep wasnt much of a passing team. Could be my bad are you sure as i really thought that he came from a program that almost never threw the ball
I still remember his run against Washington and the Washington fans were impressed and thought he had a little Jake Locker in him. I don't know if he still has that speed, but if he does, he can do some damage running the ball. Again, not Mike Vick, but enough to put more pressure the defense. I've been hoping they'd let him loose at least a few times a games to keep the D honest. Marrone was scared of him getting hurt-I am surprised he hasn't gotten hurt with some of the shots he's taken on blitzes.
He ran the ball 27 times for 26 yards in 2009.

It's hard to gauge when they count sacks in your rushing total and you're rarely allowed to run, except as a last resort.
actually things are pretty bad on the football front as both of my favorite teams stink this year. As to Ryan im pretty sure that Malvern Prep wasnt much of a passing team. Could be my bad are you sure as i really thought that he came from a program that almost never threw the ball

He threw the ball, though you're right, the base offense was a Double Wing that ran the ball a lot.

He is obviously a very good athlete - especially at the HS level.
He threw the ball, though you're right, the base offense was a Double Wing that ran the ball a lot.

He is obviously a very good athlete - especially at the HS level.
Orange you are correct but i think you are thinking about 2007 as i believe Ryan was at cuse in 08 anyway Malvern ran the ball about 400 times that year and Ryan passed around 150. He averaged 14.5 passes per game and didnt seem to run much unless he was pressured. My bad
If we are relying on Nassib's running abilit in order to have a successful offense I'm not exactly looking forward to next season. Nassib's running skills are decent straight line speed, no moves and fair probability to fumble. I don't want to see much of that. The only time I want to see him running is if receivers are covered and he sees an opening. Would have thought that would have happened more this year but he couldn't find his way out of the pocket.
He ran 27 times and maybe got a fourth of the snaps. You take out the sacks, I guarantee his rush per carry is pretty good. Nassib is built and fast for his size. He is no Hunt or Kinder but no Manning or Brady either. I would compare him to a poor mans alex smith.
Ryan can definitely run more than he has, and I expect to see it more next year, since I think it will be treated like a make or break season. I also believe that we'll try to use a bit of Hunt as the Tebow to Nassib's Chris Leak.

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Ryan can definitely run more than he has, and I expect to see it more next year, since I think it will be treated like a make or break season. I also believe that we'll try to use a bit of Hunt as the Tebow to Nassib's Chris Leak.

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How is hunt as a passer. I understand he has a strong arm how about the touch. Kid sure looks the part
Combining stats from the SU athletic website and ESPN I came up with this:

In 2009 Ryan Nassib ran the ball 20 times for 91 yards, (4.6), and was sacked 7 times for a loss of 71 yards.
In 2010 he ran the ball 35 times for 216 yards, (6.2), and was sacked 31 times for a loss of 255 yards.
In 2011 he ran the ball 36 times for 194 yards, ((5.4), and was sacked 29 times for 155 yards.

I'm not looking for Nassib to be an option quarterback. I want to see more of what we've seen on occassion- roll-outs, (we know he can pass on the run- he did it often early in the season), run some quarterback draws and sneaks and scramble a bit to buy time for a throw or run for a first down. Not only can he gain yardage doing that but it gives the defense something else to think about and will open up other plays. Marrone said on his show that Ryan "loves to run but runs like a fullback" so they were discouraging him from doing so to avoid injury. If Kinder or Hunt, (but surely not Loeb) are ready to see some action, perhaps they will release Nassib to use this part of his skill set.
I started following SU football in 1991. I watched Graves, Mason and McNabb all run some variation of an option attack. I watched RJ Anderson, Troy Nunes, Madei Williams and Perry Patterson all run, at times. I don't recall any of them ever being hurt on a designed run.

Am I just forgetting something obvious? Why are we so paranoid about football players getting hurt while playing football?
I think likely its the lack of confidence in the back up if hurt ? Just my guess, not as many creative options to replace
How is hunt as a passer. I understand he has a strong arm how about the touch. Kid sure looks the part

I really haven't seen much from him personally, but I've heard the staff is high on him. Right now if I had to bet, I would guess he ends up passing Kinder and Loeb next year, and we'll see Kinder move to either WR or Safety.

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I really haven't seen much from him personally, but I've heard the staff is high on him. Right now if I had to bet, I would guess he ends up passing Kinder and Loeb next year, and we'll see Kinder move to either WR or Safety.

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Just a guess but i think that Kinder is gone
Just a guess but i think that Kinder is gone
Why? I mean wouldn't he be better off changing positions than sitting a year? Is this just another unfounded rumor that run wild on the boards
Why? I mean wouldn't he be better off changing positions than sitting a year? Is this just another unfounded rumor that run wild on the boards
Please read my post i said just a guess. I worry about Kinder soley based on watching him during a few games. He seems very detached doesnt come close to many teamates seems distant. Just a hunch hope that im wrong
Please read my post i said just a guess. I worry about Kinder soley based on watching him during a few games. He seems very detached doesnt come close to many teamates seems distant. Just a hunch hope that im wrong
So from your seat you can tell a guy is likely to transfer
So from your seat you can tell a guy is likely to transfer

To be fair to kcsu, he was speculating based on his observations of kinder's body language. I am more concerned that anyone can watch Nassib and state that he is "a runner way more so than a passer." Maybe he meant in HS, I'm not sure. But Nassib is anything but a fluid runner at the college level. If anything, he looks awkward to me moving around in the pocket when pressured (much better on designed roll outs) and even more so when he commits to running down field.
To be fair to kcsu, he was speculating based on his observations of kinder's body language. I am more concerned that anyone can watch Nassib and state that he is "a runner way more so than a passer." Maybe he meant in HS, I'm not sure. But Nassib is anything but a fluid runner at the college level. If anything, he looks awkward to me moving around in the pocket when pressured (much better on designed roll outs) and even more so when he commits to running down field.
Guess I am just annoyed with all of the wild rumors one says down to 70 scholys next with no facts to back it up and than because a guy has not seen the field speculation that he seems like he is going to transfer, I just wish with things like that we would not speculate with no facts to support, its been a rough season and it just leads to the sky is falling analysis by some on the board

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