NCAA at it again (Non-SU) |

NCAA at it again (Non-SU)

Prolly won't be a popular reply, but i can understand the desire to eliminate all the copycatting that would, no doubt, be in the concepting process. It's probably not really about Monmouth.

It's kinda cute that this existed for this short period of time, but does anyone really miss all the choreographed end zone celebrations in the NFL, using the ball as a prop? The Smurfs/Fun Bunch were great, for a while. Then, it just got out of hand.
Prolly won't be a popular reply, but i can understand the desire to eliminate all the copycatting that would, no doubt, be in the concepting process. It's probably not really about Monmouth.

It's kinda cute that this existed for this short period of time, but does anyone really miss all the choreographed end zone celebrations in the NFL, using the ball as a prop? The Smurfs/Fun Bunch were great, for a while. Then, it just got out of hand.

Is it about the bench being able to have a little creative fun?
Prolly won't be a popular reply, but i can understand the desire to eliminate all the copycatting that would, no doubt, be in the concepting process. It's probably not really about Monmouth.

It's kinda cute that this existed for this short period of time, but does anyone really miss all the choreographed end zone celebrations in the NFL, using the ball as a prop? The Smurfs/Fun Bunch were great, for a while. Then, it just got out of hand.

I miss it. If you get paid millions of dollars to play a game, you should be allowed to act like a jackass when you do something cool. If you don't get paid, even more so. As long as nobody is explicitly taunting the opponent, it's all good.
Is it about the bench being able to have a little creative fun?

I'm no mind reader. I'm just guessing the NCAA sees how popular the Monmouth video has been, and imagines a bunch of other teams are scheming to come up with the same or more outlandish routines. It's a beautiful thing when it's original, but i can imagine it becoming trendy and overdone, and someone is going to take it 'too far.' This is the Barney Fife approach: "Nip it, Andy. Nip it in the bud."
I miss it. If you get paid millions of dollars to play a game, you should be allowed to act like a jackass when you do something cool. If you don't get paid, even more so. As long as nobody is explicitly taunting the opponent, it's all good.

I'm on the fence about it. Remember, though (back to football again), in the 80s, when all the Miami players were running up scores and they'd rip their helmets off and go prancing around the field? And, the NCAA said, No, son, that's just too much self-aggrandizing and whatnot. They put the kibosh on that then, because it sorta got to be ludicrous. Everyone started doing it. There were as many people saying it made the game ugly as there were in favor of it.

It will be interesting to see how the officials assess what is a 'choreographed or overdone' celebration. There will be some stupidity involved in the policing of this kind of policy.
Monmouth is far from the 1st bench to do this, it's just the latest to get noticed (mostly because of the creativity). Most of these guys are probably paying to sit on the bench, so the NCAA should focus on more important things like UNC's fake classes, and keeping perpetrators of domestic violence from playing.
There's no need for a rule for crying out loud. If a coach can't keep kids sitting right next to him on the bench from going over the line, then shame on him.
This is a classic case of talking about something else to take attention away from the outcry over the way they handled Boeheim and the report on the case involving USC just coming out. The USC thing is continuing on and apparently the NCAA purposely ignored facts. Shocking!
Prolly won't be a popular reply, but i can understand the desire to eliminate all the copycatting that would, no doubt, be in the concepting process. It's probably not really about Monmouth.

It's kinda cute that this existed for this short period of time, but does anyone really miss all the choreographed end zone celebrations in the NFL, using the ball as a prop? The Smurfs/Fun Bunch were great, for a while. Then, it just got out of hand.

I miss it.
Looks like Bilas' source was wrong. Orange79's link to ESPN stats that the NCAA was asked about the celebrations and they said they were fine.
This is a classic case of talking about something else to take attention away from the outcry over the way they handled Boeheim and the report on the case involving USC just coming out. The USC thing is continuing on and apparently the NCAA purposely ignored facts. Shocking!
Details please! I just searched and found stories from two years ago. Is there newer info?
I miss it.

Okay. I miss SOME creativity. Better than the 'jump in the air chest bump' thing that everybody has to do now. But remember when using the ball as a prop just got to be ridiculous? Terrell Owens put a sharpie in his sock. Then didn't someone pretend to be taking a dump, with the ball as the...product? Was that TO also?

All I know is that with college kids, someone somewhere is going to think he's smart, and make up some half-veiled sexual thing. And then it trickles down to high schools, and they'll be even worse.

Can/should Monmouth even continue with it? Seems like it's already 'done.' Drawing too much attention to themselves. The routines were funny. Once. But contrived, pre-planned celebrations? All season? Seems kinda lame.
As far as I remember, Arizona was the first team to have a bench of crazy kids doing funny stuff. They were called the Gumbies and they were part of the 1988 team that went to the final four. NO rules were needed then, and NO rules are needed now. The NCAA needs to get a life.
Do they really need to make a rule about this? Cant they just tell them to knock it off or tone it down?
Okay. I miss SOME creativity. Better than the 'jump in the air chest bump' thing that everybody has to do now. But remember when using the ball as a prop just got to be ridiculous? Terrell Owens put a sharpie in his sock. Then didn't someone pretend to be taking a dump, with the ball as the...product? Was that TO also?

All I know is that with college kids, someone somewhere is going to think he's smart, and make up some half-veiled s e xual thing. And then it trickles down to high schools, and they'll be even worse.

Can/should Monmouth even continue with it? Seems like it's already 'done.' Drawing too much attention to themselves. The routines were funny. Once. But contrived, pre-planned celebrations? All season? Seems kinda lame.

Man, don't you remember Billy "White Shoes" Johnson and Icky Woods? The Icky Shuffle was awesome no matter how many times he did it.
Man, don't you remember Billy "White Shoes" Johnson and Icky Woods? The Icky Shuffle was awesome no matter how many times he did it.

I do remember them. That's not the point, though. I'm assuming the NCAA's position is that they want to prevent the perversion of the fun stuff. Like, they believe there is a line that divides Fun and Good Taste from Over the Top and Offensive. And they're predicting this goes way beyond just one team. If I liked Billy White Shoes, and The Fun Bunch, I also disliked Terrell Owens and the turd ball. If they hadn't done something about that, it would have gone further. That's just what people do — push it toward and beyond controversy.

This isn't really about what you or I or one person in the NCAA wants. It's about a huge 'company' wanting to protect and guide its product. Personally, I thought it was entertaining to watch the compilation video of clips. But if I'm watching our game, I'm going to find it incredibly annoying after the first few minutes, it the xa,era keeps swinging over to the bench to cover scripted routines by the walkons rather than game action. Kinda like how I watch 30 of our games per season, but won't watch more than five minutes of a trickshot video once a year. Don't gimmicks get old? Genuine, spontaneous stuff is great. Attention grabbing contrivances are only cute for a moment.
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