Need improvements in two areas for offense. |

Need improvements in two areas for offense.


Aug 26, 2011
Frank needs to finish better when going to the basket. If he does not finish he needs to draw fouls and shoot 80% from the line.
Was hoping that Battle would be able to penetrate better, ether score or get to the line. Still early, but would like to see him get into the lane. Impressed with his outside shooting thus far.
IMO, if these two things happen the offense will click, guys will be wide open and lots of dump offs for dunks, easy put backs.
I think the 3 or 4 really bad charge calls that have gone against Frank have stymied his development in this area. Its made him question what he is doing. Its unfortunate but that is the way they call the game in the NCAA's. I do tend to agree that those two things would make a huge difference.

I still for the life of me cannot understand why jumping infront of a moving offensive player is considered defense and why it is so often rewarded at the NCAA level. Its one thing to be in the path already and set yourself, fine that's a charge you are entitled to that space. Its the jumping/sliding in latterly at the last minute that should ALWAYS BE CALLED A BLOCK that drives me nuts. The referees reward this like its some sort of defense when its actually impedance. The so called defender is often already leaning backwards and beginning to fall down. Its completely BS and not a defensive play. Jumping or sliding sideways and planting your feet rather than trying to move with (defend) the moving offensive player is not defense and never has been. That is never ever called in the NBA so guys don't even attempt it any more.
I think the 3 or 4 really bad charge calls that have gone against Frank have really . . . . . . ed his development in this area. Its made him question what he is doing. Its unfortunate but that is the way they call the game in the NCAA's. I due tend to agree that those two things would make a huge difference.

I still for the life of me cannot understand why jumping infront of a moving offensive player is considered defense and why it is so often rewarded at the NCAA level. Its one thing to be in the path already and set yourself, fine that's a charge you are entitled to that space. Its the jumping/sliding in latterly at the last minute that should ALWAYS BE CALLED A BLOCK that drives me nuts. The referees reward this like its some sort of defense when its actually impedance. The so called defender is often already leaning backwards and beginning to fall down. Its completely BS and not a defensive play. Jumping or sliding sideways and planting your feet rather than trying to move with (defend) the moving offensive player is not defense and never has been. That is never ever called in the NBA so guys don't even attempt it any more.

I've largely quit watching college hoops because of this. It's so stupid. I pretty much only watch Syracuse.

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