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New channel 9 reports..


Walk On
Aug 26, 2011
Felony charges against Mr. Sales has been dropped...interesting maybe he will be back next fall if he can be a good boy.
With regards to getting back on the field, getting the felony charges dropped was the easy part. Now he needs to go through SU Judicial Affairs.
I think he will be back. I have no inside info, just my gut feeling.
this situation, if i'm not mistaken, now boils down to a D.U.I ... how long does a kid get punished for that? While we know a lot more about the situation than one normally would, kids make mistakes, and a lot of kids (and adults) make THIS mistake (whether caught or not). At this point, I wouldn't be against him rejoining the team if HCDM felt he had learned from the situation and saw that he was someone who could contribute to this team (off the field) ... it could be a cautionary tale for the whole team, rather than a damning experience for one...

On the flip side, the business with the Lax team and Desko's car might be enough to create a Zero tolerance about these issues for the University.
If there are no charges being placed against him, does Judicial Affairs have a "conduct unbecoming" rule that they'd apply?
If there are no charges being placed against him, does Judicial Affairs have a "conduct unbecoming" rule that they'd apply?
if the incident did not happen on campus doesnt that mean the J Board has no say?
At this point, if Marrone wants him back and is convinced that Marcus has changed from this incident then he will be back. Judicial, smudicial... I would love to have him back, another kid that can make plays. I do not believe Sales is enrolled in classes right now but I could be wrong there. This may be a spark where Sales could really elevate his game next year, get him back for spring ball and be done with it

I believe they would allow a typical student back if charges were dropped why not Sales? I am somewhat surprised the charges were dropped.

He should be allowed back, charges were dropped, he is innocent... Free Carl Lee!!
I believe they would allow a typical student back if charges were dropped why not Sales?

To school, sure. To Doug Marrone's football team, not necessarily.

Either way, I imagine his brother is going to be going away for a little while...
To school, sure. To Doug Marrone's football team, not necessarily.

Either way, I imagine his brother is going to be going away for a little while...
Like I said, if Marrone wants the kid back, he will be back with zero tolernace and maybe an agreement to be tested periodically, plain and simple. I bet Sales has done a lot of soul searching and growing up the past 2-3 months at least you would hope so
I would hope so. In all honesty, though, it'd shock me to see him make it back onto the team in good standing. Stranger things have happened, of course.
With regards to getting back on the field, getting the felony charges dropped was the easy part. Now he needs to go through SU Judicial Affairs.

Why does this have to go theough SU Judicial Affairs? It wasn't on campus, it didn't involve another SU student, and if I'm not mistaken it didn't occur during the school year.

If there are any consequences, I think they be doled out by the guy wearing the visor and holding the clipboard and whistle.
Why does this have to go theough SU Judicial Affairs? It wasn't on campus, it didn't involve another SU student, and if I'm not mistaken it didn't occur during the school year.

If there are any consequences, I think they be doled out by the guy wearing the visor and holding the clipboard and whistle.

Agreed, and like I said even if it does have to go through SUJA, it's up to Marrone.. I can see his decision either way

This article makes it sound like he had no idea his brother had the drugs in his possession. I suppose it's possible. It was his brothers car...he could have asked Marcus for a ride to the store or something since he had been drinking. Obviously since only the open container charge was brought against Marcus and not DUI/DWI, he wasn't drinking. The drugs were in a backpack in the car or in the trunk. I can't remember what the original story said.
I wish I knew the truth here.

This article makes it sound like he had no idea his brother had the drugs in his possession. I suppose it's possible. It was his brothers car...he could have asked Marcus for a ride to the store or something since he had been drinking. Obviously since only the open container charge was brought against Marcus and not DUI/DWI, he wasn't drinking. The drugs were in a backpack in the car or in the trunk. I can't remember what the original story said.
I wish I knew the truth here.

It doesn't really matter, the charges versus Marcus Sales have been dropped, so in the eyes of the law he is innocent.. It's up to Marrone now, but Marcus could probably transfer somewhere for a 5th year I believe.
Interesting note from Axe:


BrentAxeMedia Brent Axe

Now hearing Marcus Sales coming back is all contingent on his status with the University. Marrone wants him back football-wise. Interesting
Interesting note from Axe:


BrentAxeMedia Brent Axe

Now hearing Marcus Sales coming back is all contingent on his status with the University. Marrone wants him back football-wise. Interesting
surely he doesnt mean for this season does he?
Interesting note from Axe:


BrentAxeMedia Brent Axe

Now hearing Marcus Sales coming back is all contingent on his status with the University. Marrone wants him back football-wise. Interesting

Of course he does, they should let the kid back if Marrone gives the OK... charges were dropped, does the university really want to get into passing judegement on what the courts deemed worthy of dropping.. His brother is taking the heat, right or wrong. I don't see why they would not at least let him back and iof Marrone wants him back that should be good enough
Of course he does, they should let the kid back if Marrone gives the OK... charges were dropped, does the university really want to get into passing judegement on what the courts deemed worthy of dropping.. His brother is taking the heat, right or wrong. I don't see why they would not at least let him back and iof Marrone wants him back that should be good enough

Agreed, if he didn't do anything wrong why should he continued to be punished?
If Marrone were smart, he'd rather have Sales next year with the departure of Chew, we'll need a trusty WR opposite Lemon.
Didn't someone say previously that he was no longer in classes? I thought I saw that in response to a discussion that Miller was no longer on campus. If he is still o campus, I have my doubts whether Marrone would allow him back, this year at least.
If there are no charges being placed against him, does Judicial Affairs have a "conduct unbecoming" rule that they'd apply?

This is the million dollar question--what jurisdiction [if any] do they have?
Didn't someone say previously that he was no longer in classes? I thought I saw that in response to a discussion that Miller was no longer on campus. If he is still o campus, I have my doubts whether Marrone would allow him back, this year at least.

Bees, I don't think he is class currently but certainly could probably start again next semester and be back for spring... I see no purpose for bringing him back next year.. If you count Anchione and Chew we lose 2 schollie WR's this year and Cornelius is the only one we have a verbal from now.
I've been hard on Sales on this topic b/c the whole thing was idiotic and moronic on his part. If Marrone wants him back, I'm fine with that. What he did was completely stupid but not much more then that, IMO. I'm okay with letting stupidity back in the program and hopefully he learned his lesson and does something with himself. Maybe he'll come back to the program ready to bust his @ss and then defenses will have some real problems to deal with.
Bees, I don't think he is class currently but certainly could probably start again next semester and be back for spring... I see no purpose for bringing him back next year.. If you count Anchione and Chew we lose 2 schollie WR's this year and Cornelius is the only one we have a verbal from now.

Yep, we need all hands on deck. Even if the offense keeps humming like last week MS makes the O that much more dangerous and harder to prepare for.

Next year is nice, but it's there for the taking now. Look at the buzz that win had nationally, effect on the community, on recruits. Let's keep turning the corner.

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