New York State University | Page 2 |

New York State University

UB had put it in their plans to be branded THE State University of New York. When Zimpher became Chancellor they did everything they could to try and convince her to endorse it. Needless to say Stony Brook and Albany put an end to it.

Looks like they are trying an end-around via athletics now.

The plain truth of the matter is, like Massachusetts, the private universities have far more cache in the state than do the publics. Heck when they did that study of what a state university system should look like in the recent past the panel making recommendations had almost as many private representatives on it as public which rankled SUNY employees to no end.

Awesome. I'm re-branding myself as THE New York State Poster and will now be the board's flagship poster. My cachet here is about the same as Buffalo's in major collegiate athletics.
Love it for the sheer stupidity.

Let me guess, Buff State would become New York State State Univeristy.
Also, for the record, my mom is attending Empire State's online program, thank you very much.
University at Albany is the one and only candidate if the SUNY trustees decide to change a school's name to represent the state of New York as "New York State University".
If the SUNY system really wanted a well known Division I football program they would have done this a long time ago. There has been talk for the last 25 years about Binghamton University starting a Division I football program and look how far that has gone. The only was this has any weight at all is if Tommy G is really going to put in some money and essentially bribe the other SUNY schools so this can happen.

If they really want this then the only logical candidate is to reach a deal with SU to make it a quasi-public (like Pitt) state affiliated school. Centrally located, would make school more affordable for NYS residents, could potentially grow school size, & already in a BCS conference making it cost effective.

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"The University of New York" is always available. Sure, it could be confusing wrt NYU (recall how many athletes have recently committed to "The University of Syracuse), but it's there.

As OrangePA would remind us, "The University of <state>" is typically a state's premier public institution, with "<state> State University" falling in behind. See Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, etc..

Instead of, or in addition to, having a "<state> State University", some will have a combination of "<state> Tech" (see Texas), "<state> Institute of Technology" (Georgia), "<state> Polytechnic Institute" (Virginia), "<state> A&M University" (Texas, Alabama), and for state universities with multiple campuses there may be a "University of <state> at <location>" (Texas: UTEP, UTA) or "University of <state>, <location>" (California: UCLA, UCSD).

Since NYS' public university system was never set up as one with a primary/flagship campus, having a single campus strong-arm its way into that situation seems highly unlikely. The four "University Centers" have done well to dual-brand themselves, including their moves to D-I athletics. It's true that UB is currently he only one to play football at the FBS level, but I suspect that the Seawolves and Great Danes will want to keep their options open on that front.

In short, UB should stick with what they have.
Aside from the if and how this could happen...I'm seriously confused as to why Golisano would want to see this happen. He's not even a UB alumnus.
Aside from the if and how this could happen...I'm seriously confused as to why Golisano would want to see this happen. He's not even a UB alumnus.

Well he's an Alfred State alum and I don't think even someone with his wealth could build that into a football power. My guess is just that he has a lot of money and is bored with it. I'd personally rather have him invest some of his money into becoming part of an ownership group to buy the Bills.

Side note: Golisano is dating Monica Seles? What the what?
I think they should change their name to University of America. Or even better, University of Earth. Maybe we make contact with aliens someday, better play it safe and call yourself University of the Universe.

If they did that, the AAC would expand and take them in a heartbeat. Might even change the league name to the EAC or UAC.
Well he's an Alfred State alum and I don't think even someone with his wealth could build that into a football power. My guess is just that he has a lot of money and is bored with it.

Then he should do what I do and what every other SUNY alum should do...recognize Syracuse University as the flagship collegiate athletic entity of New York State and support them as much as possible. SU could use some Golisano money.
Well he's an Alfred State alum and I don't think even someone with his wealth could build that into a football power. My guess is just that he has a lot of money and is bored with it. I'd personally rather have him invest some of his money into becoming part of an ownership group to buy the Bills.

Side note: Golisano is dating Monica Seles? What the what?
They've been together a long time now. I saw them at the Pittsford Wegmans a couple years ago. He was leading her around by the hand as she cowered behind him. It seemed really weird and sad, can't blame her for being nervous in public after getting stabbed.
University at Albany is the one and only candidate if the SUNY trustees decide to change a school's name to represent the state of New York as "New York State University".

Not even close. Binghamton has the only claim, from an academic standpoint, of being the flagship.
Then he should do what I do and what every other SUNY alum should do...recognize Syracuse University as the flagship collegiate athletic entity of New York State and support them as much as possible. SU could use some Golisano money.
My understanding is that New York state has approached Syracuse in the past and invited it to become part of the SUNY system. If they accepted, they would have become the flagship university of the system...
My understanding is that New York state has approached Syracuse in the past and invited it to become part of the SUNY system. If they accepted, they would have become the flagship university of the system...
That's pretty interesting.
My understanding is that New York state has approached Syracuse in the past and invited it to become part of the SUNY system. If they accepted, they would have become the flagship university of the system...

Is the offer still on the table? I'd be interested to know the pro's and con's of such a deal.

Pro - SU would no longer have to cry poverty
Con - Would have to associate themselves with other public schools aka peons and ditchdiggers

Not even close. Binghamton has the only claim, from an academic standpoint, of being the flagship.
I'm not arguing that Bingo is the better school. I'm saying state Ed would only rebrand Albany as NYSU.
From a value of degree perspective as an alumnus, the idea of SU integrating into the state system makes me cringe. This is going to sound obnoxious and it's not as if even in the late 90's when I was there SU was the height of prestige, but I could have paid $12k and gone to school in my home state if I had wanted a public school educational experience/pedigree.

This would however make the admissions model that has been pursued by NC sustainable. Her model is well suited to a flagship public school but absolutely horrific for a private school. Without going too far into it, she has essentially decided to shift from a quality based model to one that relies on quantity. She has grown revenue by lowering admissions standards and has made the university more diverse an inclusive - I support the latter but am really upset about the former - there are better ways to reach these goals. The problem is that when you decrease quality but don't decrease price (tuition) it forces you to decrease quality by more than you would have wanted --- thus the dramatic slide from the 30's to the 50's in the rankings and peer schools changing from BC/Tulane to Northeastern/Fordham. With the skyrocketing cost of a college education kids are no longer just going where they want to go and taking out the loans to do it, they are saying what is the best school I can go to that will provide the most bang for the buck. When you are ranked in the 50's, the return on investment you are offering (based on potential salary and/or prestige level of jobs available to you upon graduation) for private school tuition rates does not look good when compared to much cheaper in-state options. There are differentiators that still make SU attractive for those who can afford it, and the ROI for newhouse or Maxwell remain quite good I am sure - but the end game of this is you get a large pool of kids on scholarship, some of whom would be better off going to community college for a couple of years to get college ready and then transferring in to a school like SU, and a large pool of rich sort of lazy kids who want to go to a private school but don't want to work very hard. You miss out on the middle of the road kids from middle class families who want to go to a place where they can work really hard, maybe get a decent financial aid package, and can move up in the world once they are done ... i look at the people who were in my year who are doing exceptionally well in life - and the vast majority are in this category. If I'm that kid and I live in New Jersey today, why would I pay for SU when I can get the same results from Rutgers for a fraction of the price and maybe sacrifice a bit on quality of experience? I really hope whoever comes in can get this right - keep the things that were working, recognize kids in the admission process who have overcome challenges of all varieties or done well against the odds and throw scholarships at them, but also focus on getting the standards and the rankings back to a level that justifies the tuition. If they can't do that then unfortunately joining the state system would make a great deal of sense.

I tend to think the impact on athletics would be negative as well - is there any evidence that existing NY state public schools have significant resources to devote to sports?? I think the athletic department would be leveled by thick thick layers of bureaucratic nonsense and eventually we would fade from national prominence. For those same reasons I would never worry about U buff becoming a serious athletic threat to SU. Time to find a chancellor who knows how to thread the needle and make this school as successful as it certainly has the potential to be, someone who understands what makes SU unique and attractive to students who are going to take their degree and go far in the future.
Grabbed this off of the Bills board. Interesting potential movement taking place to rename SUNY Buffalo to "New York State University" and mark it as the state's flagship public university. Supposedly Golisano may be involved in this and the end-goal is to raise the athletic reputation of UB. Certainly something to keep an eye on as SU fans.”


"The New York State University"

...said the NYSU alum NFL player in pre-game position soundbites, NEVER...
My understanding is that New York state has approached Syracuse in the past and invited it to become part of the SUNY system. If they accepted, they would have become the flagship university of the system...

SU join them????!!!! They join US! All of NYS will eventually become part of The Syracuse University of New York State!
Not even close. Binghamton has the only claim, from an academic standpoint, of being the flagship.

They also have the claim from their attempt to ignore academics and laws and build a basketball program. Of course, they should have expected no less when they hired a Georgeown assistant as their head coach.
You miss out on the middle of the road kids from middle class families who want to go to a place where they can work really hard, maybe get a decent financial aid package, and can move up in the world once they are done ... i look at the people who were in my year who are doing exceptionally well in life - and the vast majority are in this category.

Those type of kids usually don't attend private schools anyway, unless they receive scholarships.

There are many public schools with higher ranked academics than SU. Moving SU to the public sector wouldn't mean having to sacrifice academic prestige.

It would be huge for the school's athletics, that's not even up for debate. The athletic success (or lack there of) of other SUNY schools like UB is a bad comparison. SU is already the flagship university of Central New York from an athletic standpoint, and there are some that feel SU's sports teams represent all of NY State. I know that's the goal of the athletic department with their excellent "New York's College Team" promotional campaign. But many scoff at that idea because Syracuse is a private school in which the vast majority of people growing up in the state know that 90% of the programs they offer are not worth the insane cost.

But take that barrier away, and now you're talking the New York equivalent of Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, UNC, Florida, etc.
Those type of kids usually don't attend private schools anyway, unless they receive scholarships.

There are many public schools with higher ranked academics than SU. Moving SU to the public sector wouldn't mean having to sacrifice academic prestige.

It would be huge for the school's athletics, that's not even up for debate. The athletic success (or lack there of) of other SUNY schools like UB is a bad comparison. SU is already the flagship university of Central New York from an athletic standpoint, and there are some that feel SU's sports teams represent all of NY State. I know that's the goal of the athletic department with their excellent "New York's College Team" promotional campaign. But many scoff at that idea because Syracuse is a private school in which the vast majority of people growing up in the state know that 90% of the programs they offer are not worth the insane cost.

But take that barrier away, and now you're talking the New York equivalent of Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, UNC, Florida, etc.
Those kids used to get a good combination of grants and loans that made SU a more compelling value vs public institutions when we were ranked in the 30's and had prestige factor that went beyond that ranking in NYC where so many of the grads wind up. Believe me I was one of those kids and knew many of them. Now that scholarship money is being funneled to the lower end of the applicant pool which causes a suffering in the rankings and takes funding away from the 'sweet spot'.

I am in no way convinced that becoming a state school would help athletics. You would immediately lower revenue with drastic tuition cuts coupled with some government subsidy. I don't think you could increase the student body much beyond what Nancy has already done without a big expansion of facilities that would take years. And I again I don't see evidence that the state of New York would do anything but crush an atheletic department budget. Look at the northeastern public schools - which one looks like Ohio state?? Uconn? Umass? Maryland???? Not buying into it.

And really as an alumnus I hope it would never be considered. For full disclosure I am an affirmative action loving slightly left of center Obama guy - I just think the university needs a sustainable admissions model and doesn't have it at the moment...which long-term bodes poorly for athletics as well.

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