Nick Provo |

Nick Provo


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Bud and the Manchild interviewed several players for the morning show. One of them was Nick Provo who showed up with a finger wrapped. he said it was dislocated and in fact it was wrapped for the last game as well. This might explain his drops and the fact that they aren't throwing to him much.
He also said he's been open over the middle and was told by coach Hackett that Nassib said he couldn't see him. They have some pckages for Nick but they are all dependent on the O-line protecting.
hard to see down the middle with no time i agree.. and add to that we have been rolling out..

still dont think a dislocated finger should effect catching..
Bud and the Manchild interviewed several players for the morning show. One of them was Nick Provo who showed up with a finger wrapped. he said it was dislocated and in fact it was wrapped for the last game as well. This might explain his drops and the fact that they aren't throwing to him much.

Are we really gonna make excuses for Provo? The finger is probably wrapped after the 2 passes that blew up his fingers in big spots when we needed a first down! Sorry, most of you love this kid but he has not met his expectations the last few hyped years. A tight end in this offense can get 40 catches by default checkdowns. Looking for impact. Just not there.
When he dropped that first pass in the first game, they showed a close up of him running off the field and you could see two fingers were taped together over the glove.
provo is hurt CONSTANTLY, sorry he is not tough enough for this level---every year there are injury issues with him---spot player, has a big one now and again, not consistant except for injuries. i look for someone with the toughness that is required --he is not it.
provo is hurt CONSTANTLY, sorry he is not tough enough for this level---every year there are injury issues with him---spot player, has a big one now and again, not consistant except for injuries. i look for someone with the toughness that is required --he is not it.

Wait, so being tough prevents dislocations, stingers, sprains, jams, etc.? Being tough stops other players from accidently stepping on your ankles, getting their helmets under dropping hands, etc.? Provo is playing with dislocated fingers. That seems like toughness to me.
Wait, so being tough prevents dislocations, stingers, sprains, jams, etc.? Being tough stops other players from accidently stepping on your ankles, getting their helmets under dropping hands, etc.? Provo is playing with dislocated fingers. That seems like toughness to me.
sorry he is not reliable --for d1-- he does not have the go to mentality or more importantly the mentality and perseverance that is required at this level.--a very good back up ---but not top shelf. he will lose a game not win it.look at his history--not OVERLY impressive
sorry he is not reliable --for d1-- he does not have the go to mentality or more importantly the mentality and perseverance that is required at this level.--a very good back up ---but not top shelf. he will lose a game not win it.look at his history--not OVERLY impressive

What are you looking for exactly? He was pretty decent last year and will probably come out with the same stat line this year.
sorry he is not reliable --for d1-- he does not have the go to mentality or more importantly the mentality and perseverance that is required at this level.--a very good back up ---but not top shelf. he will lose a game not win it.look at his history--not OVERLY impressive

This is pretty brutal, and unfair, in my opinion.
What are you looking for exactly? He was pretty decent last year and will probably come out with the same stat line this year.
does not make the big catch, misses assignments, droppes balls, does not run after a catch(tries to juke rather than go upfield) he does not have the speed to juke. he is a player that you use as an emergecy release--not a threat to anyone, always "injured".---say what you want----just not tough enough
does not make the big catch, misses assignments, droppes balls, does not run after a catch(tries to juke rather than go upfield) he does not have the speed to juke. he is a player that you use as an emergecy release--not a threat to anyone, always "injured".---say what you want----just not tough enough

I don't understand why you're questioning his toughness. Guy blew out his knee in 2009. He hasn't missed a game due to injury otherwise (to my knowledge anyway). Sure, he may not be an NFL TE, but he's a decent college player. What more can you really ask out of a 22 year old? Could your body handle the beating his has taken for the last 5 seasons, as his has during his time here?
does not make the big catch, misses assignments, droppes balls, does not run after a catch(tries to juke rather than go upfield) he does not have the speed to juke. he is a player that you use as an emergecy release--not a threat to anyone, always "injured".---say what you want----just not tough enough

I agree wholeheartedly. Nick very well could have played on a shredded ACL but couldn't man up and play. I'm sick of these pampered kids not playing with broken collarbones and concussions.

Nick was also terrible juking people and scoring our first touchdown against wake. I'm sick of touchdowns when our TE's have to bowl people over and dive for scores. I want to see jockstraps on the ground and defenders missing shoes when they score.

Good lord.
I agree wholeheartedly. Nick very well could have played on a shredded ACL but couldn't man up and play. I'm sick of these pampered kids not playing with broken collarbones and concussions.

Nick was also terrible juking people and scoring our first touchdown against wake. I'm sick of touchdowns when our TE's have to bowl people over and dive for scores. I want to see jockstraps on the ground and defenders missing shoes when th
sorry he is not reliable --for d1-- he does not have the go to mentality or more importantly the mentality and perseverance that is required at this level.--a very good back up ---but not top shelf. he will lose a game not win it.look at his history--not OVERLY impressive

nick is nick, he would be better to "bowl" someone over rather than try to run around them--he needs to be a tight end!!!! sorry not impressed. there is ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG" YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT. he does not have "THE RIGHT STUFF"----a great back up but hears the footsteps----second tier tight end---historically speaking---take a look
I'm just glad it's not a concussion or something more serious.
Wait, so being tough prevents dislocations, stingers, sprains, jams, etc.? Being tough stops other players from accidently stepping on your ankles, getting their helmets under dropping hands, etc.? Provo is playing with dislocated fingers. That seems like toughness to me.
dislocated fingers???/ are you kidding??? ask bball players about that---every game occurence with exception of helmets, all that you mention happens on daily basis

Chuck Bednarik
I guess I'm in the minority, but I just don't see why so many people are enamored of Nick Provo and believe he's one of the top tight ends in the Big East. He's never done anything overly impressive, in my estimation. I'm sure he's a fantastic kid, and I know he works his ass off and plays through injuries, but I just don't think he's that good. He's an undersized tight end, and an oversized (slow) wide receiver. At best, he's a solid H-Back.

I hope he proves me wrong this year, but I just don't see it. 30 catches at best this season.
I find this to be a curious observation. Please explain.
you catch with your hands not your fingers.. I have one right now been screwed up since march, but it didnt really change how i well i caught the ball once its taped up.. it might effect the ability to hold and block though..
I really would love to see this young man stay healthy for a year because I've always thought he was a very good TE.
I like how Stevens has looked anyway. BTW, has anyone seen Beckett Wales?
dislocated fingers???/ are you kidding??? ask bball players about that---every game occurence with exception of helmets, all that you mention happens on daily basis

Are you really saying dislocations happen in basketball more than football? Clearly you've never played either sport in your life.

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