Nick Provo's Big Catch & Run |

Nick Provo's Big Catch & Run

'72 Orange

Aug 26, 2011
They said in the post game on SNY he was channeling John Mackey. When I saw the play I flashed on Mark Bavaro dragging the entire 49er seconday dowen the field on Monday Nite
Would love that as a .gif to put as my signature.
They said in the post game on SNY he was channeling John Mackey. When I saw the play I flashed on Mark Bavaro dragging the entire 49er seconday dowen the field on Monday Nite

It's taken what, four or five years, but he really has developed into a true tightened (big enough to block, quick enough to receive). In no way do i mean that as an insult, but i think it underscores what you see with the team in general. It is nice that he has had the time to develop. This program will be much better off when all of these diamonds in the rough have actually had the time to form, rather than just throwing them out there as lumps of coal.

I think the linebacker corp will be a good example of this. They are young now and the top 5 guys will all be back next year. That gives big athletic kids like Owens, Parsons, Washington and Whitehurst time to grow into the position, rather than throwing a glorified safety out there. Next year we should have three or four 225 lbs backers that can really cover ground.
They said in the post game on SNY he was channeling John Mackey. When I saw the play I flashed on Mark Bavaro dragging the entire 49er seconday dowen the field on Monday Nite

I was thinking Pat Kelly/Chris Gedney, but same analogy. That was a play worthy of the NFL. 20+ tough and needed yards.
Provo "big boy'ed" the Toledo defense, it was great to see him drag those guys along.
Yeah, which one of you was calling him soft a couple weeks ago? Own up.

Never mind, shocker:
provo is hurt CONSTANTLY, sorry he is not tough enough for this level---every year there are injury issues with him---spot player, has a big one now and again, not consistant except for injuries. i look for someone with the toughness that is required --he is not it.

does not make the big catch, misses assignments, droppes balls, does not run after a catch(tries to juke rather than go upfield) he does not have the speed to juke. he is a player that you use as an emergecy release--not a threat to anyone, always "injured".---say what you want----just not tough enough
That was the first time I can really remember Provo living up to his hype as a potential elite TE. He's had his share of catches, but none have been anywhere near that impressive.
Yeah, which one of you was calling him soft a couple weeks ago? Own up.

Never mind, shocker:
TippHill's pretty much a Rutgers fan trying to fit in with Syracuse fans. I'm not surprised.

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