Class of 2017 - not impressed | Page 2 |

Class of 2017 not impressed

I'm impressed with any one from Tip Hill! The green over the red. Learned how to hit a wiffle ball at Passes? field Aka Green gate field.
passes field --lived just down the street on bryant ave
passes field --lived just down the street on bryant ave

Spent the first 2 years of my life on Bryant Ave. Then my parents bought a house over by fairmount
The OP frankly does not make sense to me. You look at 24/7 Sports rankings and we are currently number 47 in the country and Ninth in the ACC. We are beating teams such as NC State, Louisville , Pitt and Wake Forest. We have over half the commits we have room for and July just started. We have locked down an elite 11 QB and he's likely to become a consensus four star recruit pretty soon. I guess I don't see what you were expecting. If we break top 40 is that good enough? Top 35? 30? Do we need to be top 25 for it to be a decent class? Babers got the #108 & #110 classes in his time at Bowling Green per 24/7 and managed to win with them, I think a top 50 class at this point is more than adequate.
That's not even to mention that this is the highest ranked class since 24/7 started tracking in 2003. The closest we've gotten was we were ranked 49th in 2007, so if Babers can just maintain this ranking it's our highest ranked class per 24/7 in over 13 years. I realize recruiting website rankings aren't everything but it's the best we have and they say Babers is our best recruiter since the 90s.
This staff by all accounts has identified and offered players who they have had an opportunity to evaluate in person for the most part. If they fill a class based on personal evaluations im thrilled. In looking at our commits they all seem to fit the profile by position. In addition many of these kids are coming from power programs which is a great sign. I think that the staff is off to a very solid start.
Let me help the OP with this too:

- Devito and Stritzinger are close to 4* - with a good season, you could see them jump up to a 4*. Trotter could see a bump too (since he missed 3/4 the season last year).

- There are two guys that are unranked. That doesn't mean they are awful, it means they haven't been seen enough. Now that they are committed here, they will get seen and get a bump (prob to 3*).

Those changes would put this class as one of our best since P's hey day. That's 2 classes better than Shafer or Marrone BEFORE an actual game is played. AND I agree with Grotto - the players will come once we win with this system (which we will).
as of today, not impressed with the offer sheets of most of these recruits----but as i said before--i give him a year to improve performance . then we will see what he can do
With your stellar history of recruiting high school players to play in college, and building D-1 college football programs, we should all pay heed.
my only question is are we now recruiting to the system in a way that competes at the P5 level? Are the coaches getting the same level of kid they got the last 2 years or a step above? time will tell
I love watching kids commit to playing football here and have been excited about various prospects over the years, but the proof is in the pudding. I've lost my passion for evaluating each player and would like to gauge coaches by their success on the field more than by ambiguous stars associated with high school kids that have varying degrees of media exposure. For many years that's what we've had to define the level of optimism we should have going into the season.

I have great optimism for the dawn of the Babers era. Partly because I think we have some kids that can compete with our peers, but mainly because SU now features a system proven to create problems for many teams. Coach Babers will rock the dome and scare the bejeezus out of coaches that have kicked our butts with regularity. We may not win as many as we'd like at first, but it's going to be fun all the way...
In comparison to other classes. This class is just as good or better than any of Marrone's or Shafer's classes were at this point. Marrone and Shafer didnt have high level classes after having momentum from bowl wins. This is Babers first year here and he's doing just as well or better. Wait until kids see the product on the field. He will get higher profile kids to come, especially if we start winning earlier than we thought. Devito is already high level. I will be really impressed if he can get Fagan, TFD to verbal this summer. The only two that I question with my eyes are Sharod Johnson and Tyrell Richards. I thought the staff could have held off and got a higher profile slot WR instead of accepting his commitment so early. Tyrell, there's not much film on him and he played against terrible competition. With that said, Sharod is still better than any WR we'll get in NYS and the staff saw Tyrell in camp. Obviously they know this kid can play. They can care less about what I saw on tape. lol. The staff are grabbing kids that will excel in their schemes. They know what they are doing. lets wait until February until we truly judge this class but I like the fact tipphill is expressing his opinion and creating discussions about this. Which is great IMO because it forces us to evaluate where we are and where we have to be.
McKayla's not impressed with the OP either...

hard to argue kids who get offers after camp performances.

as a coach i watch a lot of youth lacrosse at various tournaments. the all star team i'd put together would probably be different than the all star team my coaching buddies would put together. we just like different kids. fans have eyeballs to but fans tend to like flashy. i like high iq kids that work hard and just get the job done. does the star kid run hard off the field when he's subbing or does he loaf? is he coachable? you cant see those things on tape. and that's my point you have to believe in your coaches especially when they are evaluating kids first hand.
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passes field --lived just down the street on bryant ave
To get into passes field we had to look for where someone bent the bars on the gate or go over the pointed steel bars by placing your knee between them and jumping over. I slipped once and the green steel spike went into my leg and I impaled my leg on the top of fence. I pulled it off then had to find a family across the street to take me home...the Galardo's. thank God we have great Mexican families in America!
Its like hiring based on an interview vs a resume.
hard to argue kids who get offers after camp performances.

as a coach i watch a lot of youth lacrosse at various tournaments. the all star team i'd put together would probably be different than the all star team my coaching buddies would put together. we just like different kids. fans have eyeballs to but fans tend to like flashy. i like high iq kids that work hard and just get the job done. does the star kid run hard off the field when he's subbing or does he loaf? is he coachable? you cant see those things on tape. and that's my point you have to believe in your coaches especially when they are evaluating kids first hand.
Your right on my man. I just remembered something. One of the local basketball coach in my area tapes his bench during his games. I asked him why? he had some good reasons but one particular reason stood out to me. He checks to see which players are giving positive energy, which players are genuinely happy for his team mates when they are not in the game. The teams that went far had all the attributes he looked for, the teams that underachieved had multiple players on his bench that gave negative energy. One of his high level players didn't get recruited by a lot of schools because he showed he was all about himself. Those are the things you can't see on film. That's why watching a live game during the season is important.
I disagree but everyone has an opinion...guess you haven't been impressed with any recruiting class for more than a decade...geez...
True, everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it. In this case, however, it really can be taken with a grain of salt since this poster is a closet Rutgers fan.
In comparison to other classes. This class is just as good or better than any of Marrone's or Shafer's classes were at this point. Marrone and Shafer didnt have high level classes after having momentum from bowl wins. This is Babers first year here and he's doing just as well or better. Wait until kids see the product on the field. He will get higher profile kids to come, especially if we start winning earlier than we thought. Devito is already high level. I will be really impressed if he can get Fagan, TFD to verbal this summer. The only two that I question with my eyes are Sharod Johnson and Tyrell Richards. I thought the staff could have held off and got a higher profile slot WR instead of accepting his commitment so early. Tyrell, there's not much film on him and he played against terrible competition. With that said, Sharod is still better than any WR we'll get in NYS and the staff saw Tyrell in camp. Obviously they know this kid can play. They can care less about what I saw on tape. lol. The staff are grabbing kids that will excel in their schemes. They know what they are doing. lets wait until February until we truly judge this class but I like the fact tipphill is expressing his opinion and creating discussions about this. Which is great IMO because it forces us to evaluate where we are and where we have to be.
^^^^ Great response responded with an opinion that did not require taking a pot shot at the OP and you were able to get your points framed. Some folks on this board could learn that better. If you disagree just say need to take shots...the purpose is to have discussions...good stuff Money...and for the record I overall really like the class at this stage...we are getting some pretty good young men and making inroads into some great programs that we want pipes into...oh and Georgetown still sucks...have a nice 4th all!
Yeah there's that. To me the recruiting is fine. I think the best we can recruit at Syracuse will be 25-35. Have a good season, show some progress and we should be just fine. I think people are always unrealistic about recruiting when it comes to Syracuse football. Babers will get great things done if he can recruit at just a bit higher level than he is right now, but as we have been saying, you have to win ball games, which he will. He has good recruiters and has a great system to sell for sure. Going to be just fine, but like I said the program will always be developmental. If he can develop the sky is the limit, which I believe he can.

I'm with grotto, I really don't care much about recruiting at this point. Win games, score points, recruit the kids you want in your program. Win some lose some.

In recent times, we've just tried to get the best players we can and build a system around them. How many offensive systems have we had since 2000, about 14? (even Deleone tried to change his in 2001).

Now we have a guy who brings a system, and a staff who has worked with him in that system, so he's trying to put together pieces that will work within it.

Is it every recruit he wants for his all star team? No. But it's a completely different approach. I'll take my chances that it's going to work better.
To get into passes field we had to look for where someone bent the bars on the gate or go over the pointed steel bars by placing your knee between them and jumping over. I slipped once and the green steel spike went into my leg and I impaled my leg on the top of fence. I pulled it off then had to find a family across the street to take me home...the Galardo's. thank God we have great Mexican families in America!
my brother did the same thing but it went into the knee cap---we had to lift him off. he recovered nicely
Spent the first 2 years of my life on Bryant Ave. Then my parents bought a house over by fairmount
i think half of bryant moved to fairmount/camillus---i have brothers and sisters out there and in marcellus. nieces and nephews live on tipphill
. They know what they are doing. lets wait until February until we truly judge this class but I like the fact tipphill is expressing his opinion and creating discussions about this. Which is great IMO because it forces us to evaluate where we are and where we have to be.

Meh... the original post is crap. There's a hundred ways to make that point and start a discussion without being a douche.
Babers could pull an offer if better kids commit later, no good to do that but Harbaugh did it last year
Its like hiring based on an interview vs a resume.

Nicely said. All we can rely on is resume. Baber's is also relying on live interviews.

I think Babers is taking the right approach. He's being aggressive early. I like that we're rated 47th because it tells me his intention of being aggressive early is paying off. Look who's also sitting in the 40s: Pitt, Oregon, Texas, and TCU. We're in good company. However I think that's also a sign its real early. Some of the teams sitting now in the 40s will finish in the top 25 on signing day.

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