Now that it's public knowledge, it's Audition week |

Now that it's public knowledge, it's Audition week


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
Everybody in the pool on offense.

Like he said in his post game press conference and again to Dave in his article to today, the offense they are running is about execution. They are taking this last week and the next two weeks of practice, and tomorrow's game, to see if anyone on the roster is capable of performing their roles better than the guys doing it now.

Less base personnel and more packages. One guy that isn't being changed is Nassib. What Marrone sees in him is a radically different than what many here do.

Comment from me, there's no obvious easy answers, Mike Williams ain't walking through that door. There aren't any impact players on the offense, yet. Not an indictment, just a fact. Kids in this program need time to develop, but time has run out.
What Marrone sees at QB is Nassib beling fairly decent at not turning the ball over until last Saturday. Loeb really isn't a viable option, Miller may never come back or even play, essentially with the injury and boluder bullying Miller has been recuited over. Kinder is getting to being the #2 from what I was told by the end of the summer.

I don't think marrone loves Nassib it's just that until Kinder/ Hunt/ Broyld get more timer under their belt Nassib will be the starter with nobody to take his spot, probably for the next year and a half unless someones performance in the rotation jumps drastically or Nassib loses his mind. Nassib deserves to start and most likely will for the next season and a half and that is fine but he still is very average at best, not a knock just the reality. You will never hear me say that Nassib isn't the best we have right now, doesn't make him good though
I really hope that Flemming, West and Foster step up. I'm not sure why it took Marrone this long to realize that Chew and Lemon aren't the answer.
I'm thinking that Marrone will now live with a few drops and get some added speed if he goes with guys like Kobena. How well have the receivers been getting off the line?

Nassib needs more time and I think this will help as well. I haven't broke down the games but if he checks Chew, he's covered he has to check down and not check Lemon. Sometimes you just happen to not see the one open when they are and one ting vs Toledo he missed Chew long. Marrone, Moore and Hackett have the film and I'm sure they're looking and watching every play and focusing on each receiver and breaking down who is actually getting open and who isn't. There just isn't enough separation right now and when there is, the line breaks down so it's too late.
What Marrone sees at QB is Nassib beling fairly decent at not turning the ball over until last Saturday. Loeb really isn't a viable option, Miller may never come back or even play, essentially with the injury and boluder bullying Miller has been recuited over. Kinder is getting to being the #2 from what I was told by the end of the summer.

I don't think marrone loves Nassib it's just that until Kinder/ Hunt/ Broyld get more timer under their belt Nassib will be the starter with nobody to take his spot, probably for the next year and a half unless someones performance in the rotation jumps drastically or Nassib loses his mind. Nassib deserves to start and most likely will for the next season and a half and that is fine but he still is very average at best, not a knock just the reality. You will never hear me say that Nassib isn't the best we have right now, doesn't make him good though

Idoubt what I heard the guy say is spin.
Can't be spin, he has no options. I am sure he believes it because he has too. That said, the translation to this article is who can make a play when the lights come on. Practice only gives you so much of a look, ie Marcus sales.
Another great article by Rahme.

It's what I've been saying all week. The coaching staff has to do a better job recruiting impact offensive skill position players.

This team may have the worst WR unit among all BCS programs.
I'm not sure why it took Marrone this long to realize that Chew and Lemon aren't the answer.

He didn't just realize it. The problem is, no one else is the answer either.
Why not put Bailey in the slot more often and give Smith or who ever a chance at RB, not all the time but add the wrinkle.
Another great article by Rahme.

It's what I've been saying all week. The coaching staff has to do a better job recruiting impact offensive skill position players.

This team may have the worst WR unit among all BCS programs.

I disagree. I think losing Sales hurt and now you have guys moving up the chart that would have excelled at being 2's or 3's. I agree more speed and separation is needed and we depth there but this is not the worst group of receivers in the BCS, not by a longshot.
I disagree. I think losing Sales hurt and now you have guys moving up the chart that would have excelled at being 2's or 3's. I agree more speed and separation is needed and we depth there but this is not the worst group of receivers in the BCS, not by a longshot.

Sales isn't on the team, so he is irrelevant.

Not by a longshot? Are there 10 BCS teams out there with worse WR units than SU has? I very very much doubt it.

We have a #99 ranked in offense in college football against a less-than-stellar schedule, and no one will argue that the offense's main weakness is WR. I find it extremely hard to believe that there are 10 BCS teams in worse shape at the position.
This team may have the worst WR unit among all BCS programs.

That is WAY over the top.

Collectively the guys they've recruited the last two years to the position have played maybe 20 snaps.

Let's see what happens.
Bailey is a very good running back that is not the right guy for certain situations. In other words, he's not an every down back, which I've been posting since August. It's not an indictment of the kid. There are a lot of role players in the NFL.
Sales isn't on the team, so he is irrelevant.

Not by a longshot? Are there 10 BCS teams out there with worse WR units than SU has? I very very much doubt it.

We have a #99 ranked in offense in college football against a less-than-stellar schedule, and no one will argue that the offense's main weakness is WR. I find it extremely hard to believe that there are 10 BCS teams in worse shape at the position.

Sales was on the team during recruiting last fall so that's my point. I understand he's not currently on the team.

I think you might have to look at each team and then you can give this assessment of who has better receivers than SU. You are actually just looking at the total offense and basing it on that? Hyperbole city here we come.
That's kind of the point. Why have they only played 20 snaps? Alec and Van could be valuable members of a receiving corps. Neither is equipped to be a lead receiver and they are worse as a tandem than they are individually.
That is WAY over the top.

Collectively the guys they've recruited the last two years to the position have played maybe 20 snaps.

Let's see what happens.

Well, why do you think that is? If you are looking for a game breaker, you don't have to worry about nuance (or shouldn't worry about nuance). Forget precise blocking skills on the edges. There are only two things that are important: Getting off the line and blowing by the defense. That fact that they haven't played suggests only two possibilities - being too picky about irrelevant skills or that SU doesn't have anyone.
Well, why do you that is? If you are looking for a game breaker, you don't have to worry about nuance (or shouldn't worry about nuance). Forget precise blocking skills on the edges. There are only two things that are important: Getting off the line and blowing by the defense. That fact that they haven't played suggests only two possibilities - being too picky about irrelevant skills or that SU doesn't have anyone.

Or subpar practice habits for some; possibly West? Like I say about West, he was heading to Stanford if he qualified. That says to me that the kid can be a starter here. Why isn't he? I don't know but like Sales, I will not buy "That he isn't that good or can't start here" I just won't. Or maybe Marrone's up offense is to tough for him to pick up, who knows. People use to say that about Nassib as well, it's an excuse

Only way as a fan we can judge kids is by what they do on the field during games for the most part, Coaches see these kids everyday but I think they want to see all these kids in game conditions and see what they do. West will be tough on the inside. Graham and Kobena have legit speed, Foster is big and could be tough to cover...

Sales wasn't a good practice player but on gameday I think he was our best receiver, lets hope we have another guy like that out here
Sales isn't on the team, so he is irrelevant.

Not by a longshot? Are there 10 BCS teams out there with worse WR units than SU has? I very very much doubt it.

We have a #99 ranked in offense in college football against a less-than-stellar schedule, and no one will argue that the offense's main weakness is WR. I find it extremely hard to believe that there are 10 BCS teams in worse shape at the position.

I don't buy that. Our guys are more than functional, clearly losing Sales hurts.

Go back a few years to Lane and Moss, these guys are world beaters next to that.
Or subpar practice habits for some; possibly West? Like I say about West, he was heading to Stanford if he qualified. That says to me that the kid can be a starter here. Why isn't he? I don't know but like Sales, I will not buy "That he isn't that good or can't start here" I just won't. Or maybe Marrone's ****** up offense is to tough for him to pick up, who knows. People use to say that about Nassib as well, it's an excuse

How about they are all first and second year players. West didn't even practice last year. Graham is in his second year at the position. Jesus.
Everybody in the pool on offense.

Like he said in his post game press conference and again to Dave in his article to today, the offense they are running is about execution. They are taking this last week and the next two weeks of practice, and tomorrow's game, to see if anyone on the roster is capable of performing their roles better than the guys doing it now.

Less base personnel and more packages. One guy that isn't being changed is Nassib. What Marrone sees in him is a radically different than what many here do.

Comment from me, there's no obvious easy answers, Mike Williams ain't walking through that door. There aren't any impact players on the offense, yet. Not an indictment, just a fact. Kids in this program need time to develop, but time has run out.

The only thing that stands out to me in the article is this:

“Look for starter Antwon Bailey to catch the ball out of the backfield and be a sparkplug rather than an every-down off-tackle back”

Bout time. This is what made Bailey very good last year. I think he’s good for a 15/18 carries a game – and like to see him get outside – but the 20+ carriers a game forget it. Geezus 27 carries against Toledo is ridiculous. He needs the ball in space. The staff has failed miserably in this department – the handling of Bailey and the other running backs has been bad.

In defense of the staff the other running backs – sans Gulley – aren’t that good.

The WR’s – I think Lemon is a very good WR. West looks like he’d going to be a good one to. Chew just isn’t strong enough and has had some bad drops. Graham should’ve never been moved but since he did why not throw him a couple long balls – oh yeah Nassib can’t get time for anything more than a 3 step drop.

The other guys who the heck knows. Foster and Flemming look slow. Hale was not mentioned today. For those pulling for Kobena – forget it – he runs bad routes and needs to get stronger to.

Nassib is a fine quarterback. My only knock is that he panics. But he throws a good ball and is very accurate. Kinder/Hunt we’ll have to wait and see. I hope Broyld is practicing throwing a football through a tire because he’s a lot like David Legree. Syracuse has a couple of offers out to QB’s right now and are still looking at others – read between the lines.
How many routes have you see Kobena run? Just curious... I haven't seen him out there at all other than the spring game where I thought he looked decent.

Graham and Kobena have issues catching the ball, that is there problem.
Graham has done a nice job in games of catching the ball and was huge on a 3rd down play against Toledo. I know he's had issues in the past but he seems to be getting better and better.
Did anybody notice how important it was to Rutgers to have a WR who has the ability to just go up and get it?

How many times did the Rutgers QB simply throw the ball up for grabs last week?

Right now, Nassib does not have that luxury and that hurts.

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