Oh Boneyard | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Oh Boneyard

The comical thing about that is they seem to forget when everything fell right for Kemba's team. That bracket parted like the Red Sea did for Noah.

I know, they're a funny (and by funny I mean sad) bunch over there.
And back by popular demand: more Hoya butthurt posts...

It makes me feel bad when teams like Cuse and Kentucky make the final four or win. Boeheim runs such a sham of a program and how that gets no attention is just unreal. This post season is really testing my resolve as a fan. It may be hard to get into college basketball for me for a while if cuse wins this thing.

It is one thing to lose to a 15. It's another to have your arch rival, who you beat up twice in the same year reach the final four and run through teams the way a power team should.

I want to throw up.

This isn't fair.

So who wants to start the countdown for when this Syracuse Final Four gets vacated?

That wasn't good defense by Syracuse, that was one of the worst shooting performances I've ever seen by a high-major college basketball team in my life. They got GREAT looks at the basket the entire game and damn near missed every single three-point shot they attempted.

I want to vomit after watching that game.

This deserves its own thread.
The real question is why you care. Your team makes the Final Four, and you spend your time trolling other boards.

Congrats on the FF, but you seriously need to get a life.
What's worse, SU fans looking at other teams boards to see what they're saying about our team after the game (I looked at Duke, UConn, G'Town, and 'Ville -- Duke and 'Ville because their fans are usually pretty knowledgeable) or you coming over here, seeing this thread and deciding to be Captain Boneyard? Seriously, we're in the Final Four, I'm ecstatic. I think it's funny how bitter your fanbase is. Why are you here defending them?

Don't you have something better to do? No, wait a minute you're a UConn fan in March and the women already finished their game today. Never mind, carry on.
Sorry Tom but your team's board is full of butt hurt jerks. I used to stick up for them (UConn to the ACC) but never again.

So true.

Screw them--I'm going to enjoy their descent into umass-caliber irrelevancy.

Very pleased to be on opposite trajectories from their loser program / fanbase.
Sorry Tom but your team's board is full of butt hurt jerks (only about 25
% are decent). I used to stick up for them (UConn to the ACC, UConn series to continue, etc...) but never again.
Once again Mark, I did warn you. Wait until nothin g happens on this NCAA investigation, and nothing will, there heads will explode.
Once again Mark, I did warn you. Wait until nothin g happens on this NCAA investigation, and nothing will, there heads will explode.

It's a travesty that some of those two faced backstabbers are associated with the administrative control of our board. Time to jettison the ballast.

The passive aggressive boneyard venom thrown our way proves the nature of their true colors.
What's worse, SU fans looking at other teams boards to see what they're saying about our team after the game (I looked at Duke, UConn, G'Town, and 'Ville -- Duke and 'Ville because their fans are usually pretty knowledgeable) or you coming over here, seeing this thread and deciding to be Captain Boneyard? Seriously, we're in the Final Four, I'm ecstatic. I think it's funny how bitter your fanbase is. Why are you here defending them?

Don't you have something better to do? No, wait a minute you're a UConn fan in March and the women already finished their game today. Never mind, carry on.

They're insecure tools, all of 'em.
It's a travesty that some of those two faced complainers are associated with the administrative control of our board. Time to jettison the ballast.

Their passive aggressive boneyard backstabbing proves the nature of their true colors.

Hell yes, RF.
He's a moderator here actually, and a founder of the board if I'm not mistaken.
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It's a travesty that some of those two faced backstabbers are associated with the administrative control of our board. Time to jettison the ballast.

The passive aggressive boneyard venom thrown our way proves the nature of their true colors.
Really over the top and uncalled for. Temery is a pretty good poster and does not deserve the cheap shot.
There is no "schadenfreude" in Basketball, especially in the former Big East.
When it comes to Uconn well they can go Marsh themselves.
Yep. Some of 'em are even questioning the difficulty of our path so far.

To be fair, we've done that to them in the past (2004, 2011)
Enjoyed reading the whole thread as they went thru the classic stages of grief! Many of these uconn morons can't get past the denial stage. My favorite comment was "Figures the team we probably hate the most is waltzing to the Final Four and there's nothing we can do to stop them". At least they got that right!
lol yeah, THEY would stop us.
Enjoyed reading the whole thread as they went thru the classic stages of grief! Many of these uconn morons can't get past the denial stage. My favorite comment was "Figures the team we probably hate the most is waltzing to the Final Four and there's nothing we can do to stop them". At least they got that right!
lol yeah, THEY would stop us.

It's really amazing--and sad--how collectively deluded that fan base is. Case in point.

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