This thread took a turn.
Exactly...this isn't the basketball board ;-)Can we try to keep the thread on topic? Christ.
Hey Bam - I'm as excited as everyone else here to have Shy on board but what really impressed me is how involved you are with your son's future, not only in football but an education at a fine institution. Its gratifying to know that you invested so much time to make sure Shy found the right fit for him.
Perhaps most parents of potential scholarship athletes are like you, but I've read of parents looking for the 'glory' of going to a big time program and driving their child's decision to fit their idea/goals/dreams instead of finding the best situation for their child. Kudos to you man, this entire thread has been a real treat to read from your perspective and thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Like Shafer and company, you seem like a real straight shooter and I appreciate your candid posts.
Also, kudos for being a great parent, your kids ... all of them, lol ... are lucky to have you guys as parents. And like some of the others, when you were describing the joy of tears that you, your wife and Shy were sharing when he accepted the offer ... well, it was a pretty darn moving moment![]()
We will take visits and speak with any schools that call. If god forbid tomorrow HCSS were to get fired or the NCAA gets a picture from Rutgers and were to level a death penalty on Syracuse or something of that catastrophic nature... Where say a new head coach came in and didnt like Shy or wasnt honoring past commits type of thing. As much as that would be a stretch of the imagination... I feel burning bridges does us no good. Shy sent emails to every coach he has spoken to the minute we left Syracuse telling them thank you and letting them know he committed...even schools who only called once and division 3 schools that just said Hi. But as I have said in the past Shy will be attending Syracuse...even if Alabama begs. He doesnt want to end up in a factory that doesnt care about him or that will take his commit away the week before signing. Barring the catastrophe he is all Syracuse
Lol you can see that?Bam, your post to like ratio is off the charts, probably approaching hall of fame territory!
Shys high school coach is doing an interview on score radio today at 330
Lowell Sun paper came to the weight room and interviewed Shy got some video of him lifting
Good form.
Lowell Sun paper came to the weight room and interviewed Shy got some video of him lifting
Mostly they talked about Shy's work ethic. He asked him about when he knew Shy was going to be good and the coach said he was good the first time he saw him. Shy was one of two kids out of 8th grade to go to the football camp. He asked him about the athleticism and the coach said they were in the weight room this morning and Shy was putting on a show then went up to the basketball court and was dunking a ball on the basket ball court no problem. Most of the rest was just stuff you have heard from me before. lol.
Lowell Sun paper came to the weight room and interviewed Shy got some video of him lifting