One more thought on our play calling and O |

One more thought on our play calling and O


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Simple question. Why does Doug try and force our O which is run first when it is evident that we are not a good running team against Strong fronts. Against LV Rutgers and Uconn we wasted about a half of each game trying to pound a square peg into a round hole vs taking what the D was giving us. In each game once we adjusted we started to move the ball. Our stubborn reluctance to adjust quickly is hurting this O more than anything else. In addition it shows a complete lack of trust in Ryan and puts him in very difficult positions. Regardless of how much Doug wants to use the run to set up the pass this team just doesnt have the personel to pull it off this year and im tired of his stubborn reluctance to change.
Simple question. Why does Doug try and force our O which is run first when it is evident that we are not a good running team against Strong fronts. Against LV Rutgers and Uconn we wasted about a half of each game trying to pound a square peg into a round hole vs taking what the D was giving us. In each game once we adjusted we started to move the ball. Our stubborn reluctance to adjust quickly is hurting this O more than anything else. In addition it shows a complete lack of trust in Ryan and puts him in very difficult positions. Regardless of how much Doug wants to use the run to set up the pass this team just doesnt have the personel to pull it off this year and im tired of his stubborn reluctance to change.
What's strange about that is that with a multiple offense we should be able to do just about anything if the defense doesn't account for something.
I know i sound like an old broken record but Doug is stubborn and believes that you dont just abandon your game plan. He is an Oline guy in charge of the O. If he were a QB or WR in college he might be taking a different stance. At his core he wants to run the ball. Multiple yes as long as we run first.
Our game plan to start almost every game is to run to set up the play action.
Our game plan to start almost every game is to run to set up the play action.
Exactly which is why i think Doug and Hack are such poor in game coaches. If you have ever had a chance to meet with Doug and get past his very pleasent exterior you will learn that if he is one thing it is deliberate, methodical. Doug has his way and he is very reluctant to change. Great traits in many situations just not so great when it comes to in game coaching. If you notice he does great after a bye week. Why because given enough time to plan he is really good. However if his plan doesnt work he seems to take way too much time to adjust.
Simple question. Why does Doug try and force our O which is run first when it is evident that we are not a good running team against Strong fronts. Against LV Rutgers and Uconn we wasted about a half of each game trying to pound a square peg into a round hole vs taking what the D was giving us. In each game once we adjusted we started to move the ball. Our stubborn reluctance to adjust quickly is hurting this O more than anything else. In addition it shows a complete lack of trust in Ryan and puts him in very difficult positions. Regardless of how much Doug wants to use the run to set up the pass this team just doesnt have the personel to pull it off this year and im tired of his stubborn reluctance to change.

While I agree with your overall premise, we ran the ball well vs RU.

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