One of the least-informed posts ever ... |

One of the least-informed posts ever ...


Aug 26, 2011
I responded to the post from chakka3421, but since mine was the 133rd response on the 9th page in a thread that already had nearly 5700 views, I doubt many have seen it. So I will repost it here...

"You have no clue as to what you are talking about (in stating that the Board of Trustees has refused to build a new football practice facility).

"The school/trustees would love to build a new football practice soon as the football program raises a certain percentage of the money needed for it.

"This is exactly how the Melo facility was built...and how Newhouse III was built ... and how the new law school is being built. The school committed to none of them ... until the money was raised.

"This is how athletic facilities on most campuses are built...they are mainly funded by substantial private donations. For an example close to home, look at the football facility and soon-to-be-built basketball facility at UConn -- both funded by private donations.

"When Doug talks about fan support ... he is in part talking about the extreme difficulty in raising the money that the program needs to build necessary facilities."
AD Gross' response to me in an e-mail was the post was "simply not true."
What not true? Clarify please

I asked AD Gross if he could verify the accuracy of this information (see below) and also expressed my displeasure if it was true that the BOT was not supportive if the football program.

Plans for a practice facility was proposed 1st year HCDM was hired - this has been on the table for 4 years now. TGD is also a football first AD. The resistance to upgrade football facilities comes from the Board of Trustees many of whom are basketball homies and still can't believe football drives the bus. The football upgrades needed exceed $20 million. HCDM is extremely frustrated with the university administration.

Secondly Trustees are sticker shocked about how much they need to pay HCDM almost twice as much now to keep him - $2.5 million a year versus the $1.25 million they are paying him now. Long term negotiations broke down because HCDM wants a commitment from the SU for salary, facilities and contract. Trustees acting like Congress and can't agree on what to do - this whole thing will come down to the wire - this week probably - as SU Trustees are on their own "cliff" right now. They can't believe that the football coach will need to be paid so much more than their beloved JB.

We will see if SU Trustees comes through this week - source believes its not really HCDM or TGD as being the problem - the ball is currently in the chancellor & trustees court right now. All HCDM wants is to be paid a "competitive wage" like what Charlie Strong gets and he will stay. HCDM wants this now since we will going to ACC next year - money will be coming - and he feels the practice facility is necessary to remain competitive on the recruiting front and win more recruiting battles. Unfortunately, the "Melo" center is being used against us as our recruits are being told we are basketball first school - just look at practice facilities!
Thanks CTO, I have been waiting for you to chime in. Goes along with what you told me during the NW game.
I responded to the post from chakka3421, but since mine was the 133rd response on the 9th page in a thread that already had nearly 4400 views, I doubt many have seen it. So I will repost it here...

"You have no clue as to what you are talking about (in stating that the Board of Trustees has refused to build a new football practice facility).

"The school/trustees would love to build a new football practice soon as the football program raises a certain percentage of the money needed for it.

"This is exactly how the Melo facility was built ... and how the new law school is being built. The school committed to neither ... until the money was raised.

"This is how athletic facilities on most campuses are built...they are mainly funded by substantial private donations. For an example close to home, look at the football facility and soon-to-be-built basketball facility at UConn -- both funded by private donations.

"When Doug talks about fan support ... he is in part talking about the extreme difficulty in raising the money that the program needs to build necessary facilities."
I posted this but will post again. I agree that the school has for the most part funded major capital projects through significant contributions. The point is that depending on the current situation they may have to make a decision to move forward outside of the norm. Given the situation do you believe that they should and will? Thank you.
I responded to the post from chakka3421, but since mine was the 133rd response on the 9th page in a thread that already had nearly 4400 views, I doubt many have seen it. So I will repost it here...

"You have no clue as to what you are talking about (in stating that the Board of Trustees has refused to build a new football practice facility).

"The school/trustees would love to build a new football practice soon as the football program raises a certain percentage of the money needed for it.

"This is exactly how the Melo facility was built ... and how the new law school is being built. The school committed to neither ... until the money was raised.

"This is how athletic facilities on most campuses are built...they are mainly funded by substantial private donations. For an example close to home, look at the football facility and soon-to-be-built basketball facility at UConn -- both funded by private donations.

"When Doug talks about fan support ... he is in part talking about the extreme difficulty in raising the money that the program needs to build necessary facilities."
CTO - how much more $$ is needed for the practice facility? Are we close? I'd assume the ACC helps in this regard? Thanks as always for your insight. Also, in fairness to Chakka, what he posted re the facilities isn't technically inaccurate based on what you are saying. He said the BOT has refused to build a new practice facility. That seems to be true. Now, your post clearly adds important context but in terms of 'least informed posters ever' he doesn't make the top 1000.
CTO - how much more $$ is needed for the practice facility? Are we close? I'd assume the ACC helps in this regard? Thanks as always for your insight. Also, in fairness to Chakka, what he posted re the facilities isn't technically inaccurate based on what you are saying. He said the BOT has refused to build a new practice facility. That seems to be true. Now, your post clearly adds important context but in terms of 'least informed posters ever' he doesn't make the top 1000.
My point was... the ball was in the fans' court (e.g., prospective donors)... not the BOT's court. The original post ... said just the opposite.
My point was... the ball was in the fans' court... not the BOT's court. The original post ... said just the opposite.
The fans,boosters...or both?

Are suggesting that, since the season is over, the ship has sailed?
The fans,boosters...or both?

Are suggesting that, since the season is over, the ship has sailed?
Obviously, I was referring to prospective donors when I was discussing facilities.
My point was... the ball was in the fans' court... not the BOT's court. The original post ... said just the opposite.
But to play devils advocate the BOT could take it out of the fan's court by just paying for it. I understand that is not the norm, either for SU or in college athletics in general, but it is technically possible.
I responded to the post from chakka3421, but since mine was the 133rd response on the 9th page in a thread that already had nearly 5700 views, I doubt many have seen it. So I will repost it here...

"You have no clue as to what you are talking about (in stating that the Board of Trustees has refused to build a new football practice facility).

"The school/trustees would love to build a new football practice soon as the football program raises a certain percentage of the money needed for it.

"This is exactly how the Melo facility was built...and how Newhouse III was built ... and how the new law school is being built. The school committed to neither ... until the money was raised.

"This is how athletic facilities on most campuses are built...they are mainly funded by substantial private donations. For an example close to home, look at the football facility and soon-to-be-built basketball facility at UConn -- both funded by private donations.

"When Doug talks about fan support ... he is in part talking about the extreme difficulty in raising the money that the program needs to build necessary facilities."

This to me makes the most sense, in todays day and age I find it extremely difficult to believe the BOT would be ignorant to the fact that football is driving the money/athletics future bus of big time Div 1 college football. I cannot fathom a BOT member refusing to vote or be in support of anything to help the football program within reason.
My point was... the ball was in the fans' court... not the BOT's court. The original post ... said just the opposite.
That is not exactly true. I would imagine that the BOT is empowered to allocate capital to projects regardless of outside contributions if they feel it is in the best interest of the University .
My point was... the ball was in the fans' court... not the BOT's court. The original post ... said just the opposite.

Perhaps a philosophical distinction, but is it the fans court...or the university's court for allowing fandom to erode to the degree it has? It seems weird to ok the strategic move to the ACC but be unwilling to assure a competitive playing field. The fans didn't decide on the move. If support under indexes the business case or SU's ability to sell to the fans, it feels like the university should make up the difference.
CTO44 - you just made it worse than I ever imagine and confirmed what I originally posted and tried to state. KCSU has it right in a follow up post to your #133 - go read everyone.

Can you tell me that the practice facility wasn't proposed during the first year DM became HC? 4 years later and guess what - still no signs of a practice facility. Where is the fundraising leadership on the BoT to get it done? Do we expect HCDM to do fundraising as well?

However, as a moderator, please feel free do delete the whole thread that I started today. Be warned, the truth will eventually come out.
CTO44 - you just made it worse than I ever imagine and confirmed what I originally posted and tried to state. KCSU has it right in a follow up post to your #133 - go read everyone.

Can you tell me that the practice facility wasn't proposed during the first year DM became HC? 4 years later and guess what - still no signs of a practice facility. Where is the fundraising leadership on the BoT to get it done? Do we expect HCDM to do fundraising as well?

However, as a moderator, please feel free do delete the whole thread that I started today. Be warned, the truth will eventually come out.
If you think I don't know the truth, I give up.
This to me makes the most sense, in todays day and age I find it extremely difficult to believe the BOT would be ignorant to the fact that football is driving the money/athletics future bus of big time Div 1 college football. I cannot fathom a BOT member refusing to vote or be in support of anything to help the football program within reason.
What is and is not 'within reason' is often open to debate
Freeney, where are you with your $? We should have charged him a gym membership fee at SU...$1 mil per visit
In other words, where is our T. Boone Pickins?
CTO44 - you just made it worse than I ever imagine and confirmed what I originally posted and tried to state. KCSU has it right in a follow up post to your #133 - go read everyone.

Can you tell me that the practice facility wasn't proposed during the first year DM became HC? 4 years later and guess what - still no signs of a practice facility. Where is the fundraising leadership on the BoT to get it done? Do we expect HCDM to do fundraising as well?

However, as a moderator, please feel free do delete the whole thread that I started today. Be warned, the truth will eventually come out.

Maybe the issue is that there isn't a football equivalent to Carmelo Anthony that is going to step up and donate 3 to 5 million necessary to move the project from the planning phase to execution? Outside of McNabb, have other football players stepped up and donated back to the football program with some of the money they made during their football careers?

The university financial resources should go to academics first and as much as we as football fans want money spent on the program, when tuition is over $37K per year, maybe the majority of the BOT would rather fund building initiatives that impact the students. We can argue about what has been built from an academic perspective but when you invest in a new academic buildings and dorms that has a much larger impact to the overall university than a practice facility for 100 players + staff.

For the argument about spending money to make money on football, lets remember that when McNabb was here his sophomore - senior years the program was a top 15 program with a good slate of home games and yet the home schedule wasn't sold-out. So if you couldn't sell out home games 15 years ago with less external competition, why is it this thought that you can sellout and make more money now? This isn't a fanbase that will support the athletics teams with large attendance regardless of the opponent no matter how good the team is.

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