One of the least-informed posts ever ... | Page 4 |

One of the least-informed posts ever ...

I was thinking of Daniel D'Aniello founder of the Carlye Group.
Holy crap! I had no idea that my classmate Danny, for that is what my friends & I called him when we frequently used to eat at the same table in SU dining halls, was connected to Calyle. I can tell you he came from a very working class family around Pittsburgh (father was a steel worker, I believe). He was just a regular Joe, a good guy. Wish I had kept in touch with him :)!
CTO, I don't think it's wise to insist that X percent be raised by the football program when time is of the essence. We already have a unique game changing situation with the ACC money coming in. I think it would be possible to finance this in the short term and still hold the football program responsible in the long term.

Giving Marrone what he needs will pay off for everyone.

Nice post. Very true.
CTO, I don't think it's wise to insist that X percent be raised by the football program when time is of the essence. We already have a unique game changing situation with the ACC money coming in. I think it would be possible to finance this in the short term and still hold the football program responsible in the long term.

Giving Marrone what he needs will pay off for everyone.

Whenever I read threads like this I wonder what is the net increase for the ACC and where is that money going? If we were in the black with our low football attendance and BE Conference revenue nickels then what changes with the windfall?

I figured (in no particular order) Marrone raise to market, assistants raise to market, football facility upgrades. And by market, I don't mean Alabama.

I know there are other sports, but the revenue sport that is behind its peers in funding should be priority 1. Hoops program seems pretty well set.
You can't do projects like this incorrectly or on the cheap. Its a lot of money to build a proper football practice facility.

I don't see the money for this being there until SU becomes a football school again. So make a BCS game and then it will be on.

I think the ACC will be easier than the BE. I expect a shot in the arm like Boston College got when they stepped up/dropped down to it. Next year if we split with Clemson and FSU that is the making of a huge season since every other game is winnable and relatively easy (BC, NCSt, Mary, and Wake all are easier games than just about every BE game SU played this season.)
I have the utmost respect for CTO, and I know we are lucky to have her as a benefactor. But I agree, the BOT stance seems short-sighted. And I do NOT believe that all facilities funding is private donation driven.

CTO, I don't think it's wise to insist that X percent be raised by the football program when time is of the essence. We already have a unique game changing situation with the ACC money coming in. I think it would be possible to finance this in the short term and still hold the football program responsible in the long term.

Giving Marrone what he needs will pay off for everyone.
I responded to the post from chakka3421, but since mine was the 133rd response on the 9th page in a thread that already had nearly 5700 views, I doubt many have seen it. So I will repost it here...

"You have no clue as to what you are talking about (in stating that the Board of Trustees has refused to build a new football practice facility).

"The school/trustees would love to build a new football practice soon as the football program raises a certain percentage of the money needed for it.

"This is exactly how the Melo facility was built...and how Newhouse III was built ... and how the new law school is being built. The school committed to none of them ... until the money was raised.

"This is how athletic facilities on most campuses are built...they are mainly funded by substantial private donations. For an example close to home, look at the football facility and soon-to-be-built basketball facility at UConn -- both funded by private donations.

"When Doug talks about fan support ... he is in part talking about the extreme difficulty in raising the money that the program needs to build necessary facilities."

In CTO we trust.
First, CTO is one of the best posters of fact and universtiy position on this board. She has demonstrated along with Jake, Bees, Orangeyes, and others ...not only a love for 'Cuse but also taken substantitive positions that typically are supported by "insider" fact.

Interestingly, other universities (source) are indicating that this is a very important decision. Remember that the ACC has schools at opposite ends of the such as UNC and VA and state supported like NCstate and FSU and private such as Wake Forest and Duke. The 'Cuse offer to join was made on many different levels but certainly because of a belief that football is important to SU...certainly tradition says it now, with the availability of making 2X to 4X more conference dollars for TV contract etc, it really is time to demonstrate that 'Cuse is a football player. Afterall, Duke and Wake etc are being challanged to bring football up to a higher standard...which means spending more dollars.

The realignment issues at stake, demonstrate what happens to those universities and conferences that don't spend dollars on making football important...The BE comes to mind...just about gone. A university cannot be half in when it comes to football...if your desire is to make significant TV dollars than you must do so by spending signifcant dollars against the sport that is bringing in 80% of the TV dollars...otherwise, 'Cuse belongs with the 7 bball schools...half way will not hold water if and when conferences continue to realign based on football expenditures (Rutgers aside...unless 'Cuse has a B1g invite we don't know about).

Bottom line is we need to build the practice facility...need to pay Doug (and don't forget JB is not a top 10 bball coach in salary so he should get more too)...we should try and find a means to make this do we generate the dollars to do this...who is our Under Armour...and if not one, who are the many that will provide $100-$500 for the pledge...I am in...there has to be 10,000 of us and a few that will match...that would be a terrific way toward helping meet this obligation...lets do it!
To paraphrase a wise man:

College football you do "yes", okay. College football you do "no", okay. College football you do "guess so", sooner or later squished like grape.

All I made was 2 points:

1. Compensate HCDM on the Lville commitment level
2. Invest in football facilities - arbit is spot on

It's that simple - no disrespect for CTO or Bees, but this is a cliff hanger if I ever saw one. Put up or shut up.

Finally I don't buy the private university disclosure - every major compensated individual must be disclosed in the IRS form (forgot the number). Why keep it secret when you are required to disclose it by law.

Sorry but their is no contract extension, just a small bump in the current contract that ends next year. Otherwise it would have been loudly proclaimed. It is a waiting game now but if offered by the Bills, HCDM goes unless SU steps up to the plate.
the Fine Lot boys need to invite this guy to a tailgate.
Giuliani turned down his $10 mil post 9/11 because the Prince said something about hoping that the attacks prompted the US to rethink their approach to the middle east. Gtown and HBS had no problem taking his money though. are the largest individual gifts ever made to Cuse as of 2010. I believe this is before CaliCuse made his $50 mil donation. According to the article the Phanstiels also made a substantial donation to the Melo Center. The $20 mil was to endow a bunch of scholarships for middle class students (and I think it actually goes way beyond that). And to think it could have gone to build an awesome locker room! Where are the priorities????
Other major donations to Syracuse University

  • $28.8 million, 2006, estate of Frederic N. Schwartz
  • $20 million, 2010, Howard and Louise Phanstiel
  • $17.5 million, 2003, S.I. Newhouse Foundation
  • $15 million, 2010, children of Robert and Carolyn Dineen
  • $15 million, 1964, S.I. Newhouse Foundation
  • $12 million, 1996, Ruth Freeman Meyer
Whether she knows or not is irrelevant.
It would be completely inappropriate for her to answer here.
Neither would it be appropriate for her to speculate in a public forum.

Asking such questions and expecting a response is actually unfair.
If you're waiting for actual answers to those questions from her then you'll be waiting for quite a while.

* yes, I know that CTO can speak for herself. This is one of those "questions" where it's likely best she not even acknowledge the post with a response.
These things I know. I thought it better to frame the real questions rather than continuing the uninformed accusations as to the BOT's suckage.

The only problem with your post was that you neglected to include your phone number in case Joyce needs your counsel on other matters.
The only problem with your post was that you neglected to include your phone number in case Joyce needs your counsel on other matters.
That's actually pretty funny... but don't worry, she already has it. :)
When Marrone is extended and the money has been committed for facilities, I'll donate $500.00. I'm neither wealthy, nor am I an alumnus but I can't be part of the problem...

I won't donate to a University that has what it wanted and needs but is unwilling to find a way to make it work. If they screw this up, I will say that I will never donate.
Giuliani turned down his $10 mil post 9/11 because the Prince said something about hoping that the attacks prompted the US to rethink their approach to the middle east. Gtown and HBS had no problem taking his money though. are the largest individual gifts ever made to Cuse as of 2010. I believe this is before CaliCuse made his $50 mil donation. According to the article the Phanstiels also made a substantial donation to the Melo Center. The $20 mil was to endow a bunch of scholarships for middle class students (and I think it actually goes way beyond that). And to think it could have gone to build an awesome locker room! Where are the priorities????
Other major donations to Syracuse University

  • $28.8 million, 2006, estate of Frederic N. Schwartz
  • $20 million, 2010, Howard and Louise Phanstiel
  • $17.5 million, 2003, S.I. Newhouse Foundation
  • $15 million, 2010, children of Robert and Carolyn Dineen
  • $15 million, 1964, S.I. Newhouse Foundation
  • $12 million, 1996, Ruth Freeman Meyer
I've kept this quiet for as long as I've been on this board, but it's time. I am Howard Phanstiel
I've kept this quiet for as long as I've been on this board, but it's time. I am Howard Phanstiel

Sweet. You or any of your buddies have another $20M lying around for a practice facility?!!! Kidding. Sort of.

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