What kills me is they are considered role models and even pushed as role models by the league. Yet when they get in trouble, the league gives them a slap on the wrist. If any person in society did this, they would be fired in a heartbeat. Imagine if that was your child's teacher or your coworker. Do you think there would be this double standard? This is why I respect what Coach Strong is doing at UT. He is teaching kids that there are rules that must be followed and if they don't they can be replaced. The NFL should take a zero tolerance approach to all of this. Look below at the suspensions so far this year. Gordon's suspension is still pending but it will also be for a year.
PlayerReasonLengthFirst offense?Cost
Ray RiceConduct detrimental to the league2 gamesYes$528,588.00
Fred DavisSubstance abuseIndefiniteNoN/A
Jake KnottPEDs4 gamesYes$116,470.00
Brandon MooreSubstance abuse4 gamesYes$98,823.00
Frank AlexanderSubstance abuse4 gamesYes$134,117.00
Stedman BaileyPEDs4 gamesYes$120,551.00
Robert MathisPEDs4 gamesYes$705,882.00
Daryl WashingtonSubstance abuse1 yearNo$3,000,000.00
Will HillSubstance abuse6 gamesNo$201,176.00
Jayron HosleySubstance abuse4 gamesYes$134,117.00
Lane JohnsonPEDs4 gamesYes$123,750.00
Dion JordanPEDs4 gamesYes$123,750.00
Rokevious WatkinsSubstance abuse4 gamesNo$123,750.00
LaVon BrazillPEDs1 yearNo$570,000.00