orange club points? |

orange club points?


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
Has the information been sent out to people on the points they have yet? I have not gotten anything and it says may 1st it should have been all sent and received?
I was told today the points have been posted.. I have no idea where . On mycuse account i dont see anything that even says where there are shown.
Received mine in the mail. Not sure it means much unless you have a ton of points.
The onus is on you to prove anything before some magic date ('90, '95, '98, something like that) when SU started keeping records. It's probably not that big of a deal, but it has rubbed some the wrong way.
I was told today the points have been posted.. I have no idea where . On mycuse account i dont see anything that even says where there are shown.

its on your my cuse acct page. after you log in on the left side of the page it has your name, then a help thing then priority points
it just showed up this morning.. looks like they lost about 10 years of my total of season tickets though.
it just showed up this morning.. looks like they lost about 10 years of my total of season tickets though.

All I got was 1 year of donation and alumni points.

90s season tix, (non-student years) and a few other Orange Pack/Club donation years are gone.

But I think someone here told me to expect that.

Don't think it matters in the grand scheme of things and the donation benefits really won't be used anyway.

Will wait to see if I have to grease the entry of a kid later...
Anyone been able to find the priority point ranking they mention? Says its on your profile page but I don't see it.
Anyone been able to find the priority point ranking they mention? Says its on your profile page but I don't see it.

Neither do I? And where do you see how the points have accrued? Is 469 good?
Received mine in the mail. Not sure it means much unless you have a ton of points.

What is considered a ton of points?

Mine came today. Impressive. First time I have received in a LONG time. Didn't get how points correlated to current benefits...
They are way off on my STH points. I should have twice as many. I think my donation and preferred amounts are correct. I would have to dig up records to confirm. Being that they were so off with the STH points I may have to.
More details came in the US mail today. I don't think mine are right at all.
I dont have many points but i lost about 15 years of season tickets not sure what records i have going back that far though.. i think the thing said consecutive seasons were used so people who had some and then went away lose out.
I see mine now too. Paltry...
No idea how the numbers are calculated.
i think it said 3 pts for consecutive years of fball wbb or lax,
2 pts for every $100 of donation
1 pt for preferred seating donation
1 pt $5000 donation
1 pt for bball consecutive years

then some bonus for alumni, letterwinner, employment etc.

looking at the stuff they sent it takes 400+ pts to be in the top 1000

which actually means a 25 yr alumni who works at SU with had preferred fball/bball seating for that time would be someplace around 100-150 pts i think. if you have fball, BB, WBB and LAX though you can rack up 10pts a year and 30 years of that doesnt get you into the top 1000

seeing the top 100 takes 4000 pts that means some serious donations but even getting to the top 1000 you cant do that by just having season tickets as thats 424 pts.
Arrived on Saturday. Historic stuff is lost. They should add a child category.
in the long run not sure how much it really matters to most of us.. if you cant get inside the top 1000 then you are not going to get any special things and its pretty clear that buying tickets wont be enough to get you any place on the list.
My father died in 2008. At that time I eliminated his football tickets, and rolled out basketball tickets over to my account which already had football.

In 2009 I bought the old homestead.

Yesterday, I received two envelopes. One for me, one for my father. So he has points.

His account should be terminated considering his passing, and the letter that I had to submit from my mother for proof of death and approving the transfer to my account.

Oh, and I'll take those points. ;)

Guess I'll have to call and have them eliminate his account. I wouldn't think it would be necessary.
I wrote a letter about this new system. It is unfair to alumni who do not live anywhere near Syracuse and don't buy season tickets, but have supported the program monetarily. They lose out on those years of season tickets, which they obviously would have if they lived in the area. Of course I say this having just bought 2 men's football season tickets and 1 women's basketball season ticket. But I am unusual in doing that, and may not do it for years and years.
Although with this system it would benefit me to own those seats, instead of just making a donation. Oh wait, that makes a lot of sense. Lots have lots of far away people buy season tickets, instead of just making a pure donation that is 100% donation to athletics, and have those purchased seats sit empty so people can get a better point total. For example you can purchase a women's basketball season seat for $75. That is THREE points. And then never use it, so it sits empty. Or you could donate $75 that would go directly to women's basketball with no overhead attached to it, and is purely a donation on the books for them, and get ZERO points. I am just going to purchase a ton of women's season tickets, and not donate anymore.
One of the main points of my letter was to suggest that if you give 1 point per year for SU employment, that maybe this would be a very good opportunity to give back to those that give a lot of time through volunteer work for the university. I suggested...Trustees, Members of the Boards of the various schools and the athletic board, the National Alumni Board, and the Alumni Club Presidents. I thought giving one point going forward for each year was a simple way to say thank you for all of the hard work you do for the university. I did not receive a nice response back from Dave Wishart regarding that point. He wanted no part of this . I mean really you are basically giving nothing to say "thank you". To me this was a no brainer. He did say he might consider the trustees in the future if they amend this plan at all.
Received my letter on Saturday. I have 54 points which seems about 9 short.Going back to 95
You do get points for every $100 in donations or something like that..
I got points for preferred, but not for the seasons themselves.

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