OT: Can we all agree to just be cool with PEDs? | Syracusefan.com

OT: Can we all agree to just be cool with PEDs?


All American
Aug 29, 2011
Seriously, I just can't take these "controversies" anymore. The stupid baseball HOF voting and ridiculous ARod stuff. Christ, who cares? And if your'e one of those guys who really cares about some absurd notion of the "integrity of the game" or something, fine. But do me a favor and don't watch the super bowl this weekend. B/c if you think those guys are naturally 6-4, 255 and run 4.4 40s, you're dreaming.
Seriously, I just can't take these "controversies" anymore. The stupid baseball HOF voting and ridiculous ARod stuff. Christ, who cares? And if your'e one of those guys who really cares about some absurd notion of the "integrity of the game" or something, fine. But do me a favor and don't watch the super bowl this weekend. B/c if you think those guys are naturally 6-4, 255 and run 4.4 40s, you're dreaming.

Goddamn I cant agree more. Afreaking men. Now this whole Alabama Deer Antler Spray thing. Just live with the fact that athletes will do this.
No, I won't be cool with PED's. I won't encourage people to put synthetic substances into their bodies so they can excel at an athletic endeavor, only to pay the price later in life. I know people will say, "It's their choice," but a high level athlete in their twenties (many of whom are not very well educated, degree or not) should not be trusted to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to their health later in life. Look at the guys that would still willingly go back on the field right after being diagnosed with a concussion despite all of the information available to them now.
My wife asked me this last night... I gave her about the same answer that you guys gave. I'm just sick of hearing about it, and sick of some players getting away with it, and some players getting killed in the media.
No, I won't be cool with PED's. I won't encourage people to put synthetic substances into their bodies so they can excel at an athletic endeavor, only to pay the price later in life. I know people will say, "It's their choice," but a high level athlete in their twenties (many of whom are not very well educated, degree or not) should not be trusted to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to their health later in life. Look at the guys that would still willingly go back on the field right after being diagnosed with a concussion despite all of the information available to them now.

Really? We can drive at 16, vote at 18, drink at 21, but how old do we have to be to be able to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to our health? How old is Arod?
Seriously, I just can't take these "controversies" anymore. The stupid baseball HOF voting and ridiculous ARod stuff. Christ, who cares? And if your'e one of those guys who really cares about some absurd notion of the "integrity of the game" or something, fine. But do me a favor and don't watch the super bowl this weekend. B/c if you think those guys are naturally 6-4, 255 and run 4.4 40s, you're dreaming.
Feels weird that we can rebuild arms and knees by repositioning parts and using pieces from cadavers...and we can use some range of supplements, but PEDs are out of bounds. Who draws the line on what science is ok and what science is an unfair advantage? As a society, we've just run out of real problems and focus our attention on this nonsense...or we ignore real problems and focus our attention on this nonsense...or maybe both.
Really? We can drive at 16, vote at 18, drink at 21, but how old do we have to be to be able to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to our health? How old is Arod?
Is there an incentive of gaining millions of dollars by doing those things? People get a lot dumber and short sighted when money is involved.
If the Yankees can use this to void the rest of ARod's contract, I will promise to then be ok with PEDS.
Is there an incentive of gaining millions of dollars by doing those things? People get a lot dumber and short sighted when money is involved.

True, but an adult is an adult, rich or poor. Both are capable of making their own decisions, no matter how dumb they are. If PEDs were the norm, they could maybe be regulated, team doctors could perform the procedures. idk.. I'm just sick of it all...
Oh and MLB loved PEDS when it was bring fans back after the 1994 strike. McGwire/Sosa, riveting. And roided.

What MLB is doing to these players who took PED;s is flat out embarrassing. Like you said they were all high fiving and counting their money when this happened and now they scold them like a dog who sh it on the rug.
Massive can of worms when you get into the trickle down effect it has on college and high school athletes.

One thing that has always irked me is people completely writing off the accomplishments of those who use PEDs. Sure, Lance Armstrong used steroids. He also beat testicular cancer and won seven tour de france titles in a row. I don't care if he was using a motorized bike, that is an impressive feat and what I will remember him for before being a cheater or a liar.
True, but an adult is an adult, rich or poor. Both are capable of making their own decisions, no matter how dumb they are. If PEDs were the norm, they could maybe be regulated, team doctors could perform the procedures. idk.. I'm just sick of it all...
There's safety regulations in all industries, e.g. OSHA. Should players be allowed to make the decision to reenter a game if they are concussed? Not to mention that many of these substances are federally controlled. Each individual league can put whatever supplement regulations they want, above and beyond federal regulations, for whatever reason they want. Maybe it's an attempt an even playing field, maybe it's public perception.
No, I won't be cool with PED's. I won't encourage people to put synthetic substances into their bodies so they can excel at an athletic endeavor, only to pay the price later in life. I know people will say, "It's their choice," but a high level athlete in their twenties (many of whom are not very well educated, degree or not) should not be trusted to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to their health later in life. Look at the guys that would still willingly go back on the field right after being diagnosed with a concussion despite all of the information available to them now.

I think an incorrect notion here is that PED's are unhealthy. HGH, when used correctly, helps extend life. To think athletes are using these unhealthy is not really the case. These guys are more regimented then anyone.

What MLB is doing to these players who took PED;s is flat out embarrassing. Like you said they were all high fiving and counting their money when this happened and now they scold them like a dog who sh it on the rug.

It isn't MLB (work in baseball for past 5 years). The people to be mad at are the sports writers. They are the "holier than thou" people who are preventing PED positive or PED suspicion from entering the Hall of Fame. The players were the best of a PED era. They should be in the Hall of Fame. But, writers are more comfortable voting for murderers (Ty Cobb) or drugs of abuse users.
No, I won't be cool with PED's. I won't encourage people to put synthetic substances into their bodies so they can excel at an athletic endeavor, only to pay the price later in life. I know people will say, "It's their choice," but a high level athlete in their twenties (many of whom are not very well educated, degree or not) should not be trusted to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to their health later in life.

Encouraging them to use them versus allowing them to use them are two different things.

Is it the synthetic PEDs that you have a problem with? What about natural PEDs? A lot of banned PEDs are natural substances. What if there are no long-term side effects? A lot of people seem to think all of these athletes are roiding up on dangerous levels of Dianabol like in the 70s and 80s. For a lot of athletes, its a lot more subtle and the long-term effects are fairly minimal and less detrimental than prolonged use of NSAIDs given to athletes without any thought of the long-term effects. It's not as black and white as you make it seem. The main danger is the use of PEDs among younger athletes whose bodies haven't fully developed.

What about vaso-dilators for erectile dysfunction? Are you against those as well or just those that allow improved "athletic" performance?

I think PEDs should be allowed in professional sports.
Is there an incentive of gaining millions of dollars by doing those things? People get a lot dumber and short sighted when money is involved.

I used to be anti-PEDS, I thought it ruined the integrity of the game and considered it cheating. I was 18 and wrote an English paper on it . Today I think we should allow whatever they want to do. That's the trade off , hurt yourself physically for lots of money. I would do it if I had the ability and it meant millions of dollars.

Firefighters make good money but put themselves at serious risk. Isn't the risk vs reward here much a higher reward. And if usage was allowed wouldn't capitalism in theory be a driving force to weed out harmful products until all that was left were supplements that weren't as dangerous
Really? We can drive at 16, vote at 18, drink at 21, but how old do we have to be to be able to make sound decisions about things that can do serious harm to our health? How old is Arod?

I agree. It's the philosophy that 20 year-olds are still "kids" and need to live with their parents and be handheld on everything. Look folks, some people never become responsible. That doesn't mean the rest should suffer.
There's safety regulations in all industries, e.g. OSHA. Should players be allowed to make the decision to reenter a game if they are concussed? Not to mention that many of these substances are federally controlled. Each individual league can put whatever supplement regulations they want, above and beyond federal regulations, for whatever reason they want. Maybe it's an attempt an even playing field, maybe it's public perception.

Federal Regulation doesn't always mean it's the right thing.
I think an incorrect notion here is that PED's are unhealthy. HGH, when used correctly, helps extend life. To think athletes are using these unhealthy is not really the case. These guys are more regimented then anyone.

It isn't MLB (work in baseball for past 5 years). The people to be mad at are the sports writers. They are the "holier than thou" people who are preventing PED positive or PED suspicion from entering the Hall of Fame. The players were the best of a PED era. They should be in the Hall of Fame. But, writers are more comfortable voting for murderers (Ty Cobb) or drugs of abuse users.

Well said
Is there an incentive of gaining millions of dollars by doing those things? People get a lot dumber and short sighted when money is involved.

But do we know what those PEDs are actually doing to the human body down the road? Everyone acts like it's killing people and they point to Lyle Alzado or something, but if you were really that concerned with the decision-making of 20-year-olds, wouldn't you steer them away from football to begin with -- PEDs or not? And if you let them play, are you letting them use the "legal" supplements they can get over the counter at GNC? Is there long-term testing on that garbage? No, it's all just a complete crapshoot and if some dude wants to take a few cycles of HGH so he can be Sammy Sosa Home Run King instead of, well, Sammy Sosa Strikeout King, why not? I actually think you could make the argument that it's not only not a terrible decision, but that it's a really good one.
Problem is the guy that makes the safe and healthy choice will be at a disadvantage to those willing to be a human guinea pig.

But life is never fair that way. You know who else has an advantage? A guy who is 6-foot-8. Hell, I'm balding, have three kids and a wife who works full time -- you think I"m beating out the 26-year-old smoking hot girl with no kids that works for our company for that free sales trip?
What MLB is doing to these players who took PED;s is flat out embarrassing. Like you said they were all high fiving and counting their money when this happened and now they scold them like a dog who sh it on the rug.

Not to mention the fact that there weren't many fans complaining about how boring it was to watch McGuire hit the cover off the ball all day. And if PEDs were what made David Ortiz into Big Papi, then thank God for PEDs.
Feels weird that we can rebuild arms and knees by repositioning parts and using pieces from cadavers...and we can use some range of supplements, but PEDs are out of bounds. Who draws the line on what science is ok and what science is an unfair advantage? As a society, we've just run out of real problems and focus our attention on this nonsense...or we ignore real problems and focus our attention on this nonsense...or maybe both.

Not to mention that everyone gets all bent out of shape about how you can't compare Bonds to Al Kaline or something. Seriously? Is there really any way to compare players who played in the 70s to today? The whole thing is so f=ing annoying.

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