Wow. Sorry Mrs. Belichick. No earthly idea how I ever implied "he never made the playoffs in Cleveland and coached the Ravens". All I was saying was that when you look at the Browns/Ravens from 91-98, '94 sure looks like more of an outlier than '95 (and the '96 team did have a lot of the same personnel as 95, Lol @ "not close to the same").
Thanks for the history lesson though. Maybe next you can enlighten us on how Don Shula never actually coached the Indianapolis Colts, contrary to popular belief.
BB's record with that NE QB formally coached by Parcells was 5-13 btw.
I mean, what do you expect those guys to say - "we would've gone 6-10 for another couple years & been fired"?
The Ravens missed the playoffs their first four years in Baltimore so it's not like they proved the '95 disappointment was a fluke.
You know darn well what the intent of your above post speaks for itself, you can retort and spin it now how you wish. Additionally, it was a conversation amongst a couple of Browns fans, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to respond several days later on basically a dead thread, other than to just throw-up.
Belichick and company pretty much said in all their years, nothing has ever come close to that chaos and trying to get a team ready and focused to play. As much as you can try to block out the outside elements, it was as impossible as it could be. I doubt any coach, throughout history, could have fared any better. So, the '95 6-10 record really has the largest asterik next to it you can imagine.
Your subsequent response is interesting. A backhand acknowledgment of the playoff feat in '94, but basically refering to it as an anomaly when considering the 91-98 years. When Belichick came to the Browns, they were in complete rebuilding. So, duh, it took some time. The comprehensive improvements being made, had the Browns in the aforementioned '94 playoffs. Though some of the personnel transferred to Baltimore, Belichick didn't, as again, he was fired. Call me crazy, but usually the
head coach is the
most important piece of the puzzle. Nice try though, I guess encompassing the Raven's 96-98 years under that same umbrella, is convenient for the subsequent argument you're attempting to make.
Oh, by the way. Shula's from Cleveland...went to school with my aunt, last name Shuba, back in the day. That's about all the enlightenment I'll offer...