OT: ESPN to air video of Mike Rice throwing basketballs at players’ heads | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

OT: ESPN to air video of Mike Rice throwing basketballs at players’ heads

I'm fine with taking heat as long as people are understanding my point.

When did I say it was 'ok'? Your office analogy is a really bad one. Not all environments are the same. You do realize even Boeheim yells at his players, right? Would that be appropriate in an office?
I realize he yells. I've heard him yell. Show me the tape of him calling them f***ots. Show me the tape of him firing balls at kids' heads. And btw, check your post (#66 above) - you brought up the office, not me. I'm done. But just in case you couldn't tell, this thread is not going well for you.
I realize he yells. I've heard him yell. Show me the tape of him calling them f***ots. Show me the tape of him firing balls at kids' heads. And btw, check your post (#66 above) - you brought up the office, not me. I'm done. But just in case you couldn't tell, this thread is not going well for you.

You should check out post #64 in this thread.

Lighten up. We're in the Final Four. Life is good.
I realize he (Boeheim) yells. I've heard him yell. Show me the tape of him calling them f***ots. Show me the tape of him firing balls at kids' heads. And btw, check your post (#66 above) - you brought up the office, not me. I'm done. But just in case you couldn't tell, this thread is not going well for you.

Be careful what you say some dunderhead might come to the conclusion that there is such a tape and post it as fact. :D
rice is not only abusive but obviously stupid... he fits right I'm on the north Jersey shore sadly
#1 Rutgers and recruiting - two words that haven't and won't belong together for a long time.
#2 Regardless if he's right I doubt Eric Murdoch will have a rush of job offers.
I can't believe one of the players didn't knock the out of him.


His players would run through brick walls for him...well, to get at him and kick his a$$ actually.
al bundy time!

in 7th grade, our modified soccer coach wanted to toughen us up so he lined us up in a wall drill and just drilled us with the ball - they were cannons.. we were dropping like flies to the point where the girls team watching in horror was crying. he knocked the wind out of me and when i recovered the power of speech i let loose with a rant i'm still proud of before walking home. much less at stake obviously for me but i can't understand how these guys can put up with this and not knock him out. it's easy to say, if that were me, i would've dropped him but i really would've. especially if i were a giant. i wanted to fight a guy who weighed 125 lbs more than me.

that said, he was still the best coach i ever had and i got over it pretty quick
The players are kind of powerless. If they attacked the coach, they'd be blackballed, even if the coach eventually lost his job.

Still, I'd have liked to see one of the "toss" the ball back to him.
WFAN reporting that Murdock wanted $1 Million not to release tape. RU counter offered with 200k.
al bundy time!

in 7th grade, our modified soccer coach wanted to toughen us up so he lined us up in a wall drill and just drilled us with the ball - they were cannons.. we were dropping like flies to the point where the girls team watching in horror was crying. he knocked the wind out of me and when i recovered the power of speech i let loose with a rant i'm still proud of before walking home. much less at stake obviously for me but i can't understand how these guys can put up with this and not knock him out. it's easy to say, if that were me, i would've dropped him but i really would've. especially if i were a giant. i wanted to fight a guy who weighed 125 lbs more than me.

that said, he was still the best coach i ever had and i got over it pretty quick

So what life skill did that coach instill in you that makes you a better person today? If you're at a restaurant and your steak is overcooked, do you fire the salt shaker at the head of your waiter?
Still, I'd have liked to see one of the "toss" the ball back to him.

I like how there was always a team manager at his side ready to hand him another ball.
Besides the fact that their basketball program sucks, they are losing players and coaches, etc. How hard is it going ot be now for them to hire coach to work under an AD that caved to the public? I realze he did it to save his own job, however that still says something to prospective coaches. First the AD tried to rehabilitate the HC, then when the issues were baout to come public, he released them himself and then turn around and said he made a mistake and fired the HC? There has been nothing said on how Rice has behaved since his suspension and fine and whether the anger management has been working. My understanding is this all occurred before the anger management order...for all we know it may been effective and Rice may been making some serious life changes (not trying to defend him, just trying to look at this from a different angle/perception). So now, you possibly have someone who is trying to change himself for the better after being called out on the carpet and being told you do this, this and this and you can continue to coach, then when the public comes in you cave instead of having a backbone and defending said person, to me that says something about the AD and that program and makes wonder if other prospective coaches see that as well?
They really can't do much worse.
Its 2013...and in this day in age throwing basketballs at kids heads and using homophobic slurs will be looked upon in the same light as committing murder or what happened at Penn St...

Obviously there is a line that was crossed. If there wasn't it wouldn't be a huge deal and there wouldn't have been 200k offered to the guy with the tapes to not release them.

But I don't see that 1 really terrible thing. Obviously I would want to fire the coach because that behavior is completely over the top and uncalled for but its an edit tape taken from hundreds of hours of practice and while the guys a jerk I don't see anything that bad. (If it was a high school coach it would be a lot worse of course and worthy of outrage.)

I'm pretty surprised how many people are outraged by a college coach throwing balls, grabbing players, and calling them faries since he didn't punch any of them or do anything that would hurt.
With the scandal, we should try and poach some of Rutgers' basketball recruits.

- said no one ever
Besides the fact that their basketball program sucks, they are losing players and coaches, etc. How hard is it going ot be now for them to hire coach to work under an AD that caved to the public? I realze he did it to save his own job, however that still says something to prospective coaches. First the AD tried to rehabilitate the HC, then when the issues were baout to come public, he released them himself and then turn around and said he made a mistake and fired the HC? There has been nothing said on how Rice has behaved since his suspension and fine and whether the anger management has been working. My understanding is this all occurred before the anger management order...for all we know it may been effective and Rice may been making some serious life changes (not trying to defend him, just trying to look at this from a different angle/perception). So now, you possibly have someone who is trying to change himself for the better after being called out on the carpet and being told you do this, this and this and you can continue to coach, then when the public comes in you cave instead of having a backbone and defending said person, to me that says something about the AD and that program and makes wonder if other prospective coaches see that as well?

Great post, but Rutgers had no choice but to get rid of him once the mothership got their greasy hands on the tape and decided to exploit it.

Its 2013...and in this day in age throwing basketballs at kids heads and using homophobic slurs will be looked upon in the same light as committing murder or what happened at Penn St...

Obviously there is a line that was crossed. If there wasn't it wouldn't be a huge deal and there wouldn't have been 200k offered to the guy with the tapes to not release them.

But I don't see that 1 really terrible thing. Obviously I would want to fire the coach because that behavior is completely over the top and uncalled for but its an edit tape taken from hundreds of hours of practice and while the guys a jerk I don't see anything that bad. (If it was a high school coach it would be a lot worse of course and worthy of outrage.)

I'm pretty surprised how many people are outraged by a college coach throwing balls, grabbing players, and calling them faries since he didn't punch any of them or do anything that would hurt.

Two intelligent, open-minded posts that go against the witch-hunt / mob mentality.

Get ready to be blasted...
Have you seen the tapes yet? He kind of makes Bobby Knight look like an altar boy. And ESPN reports that there are 100s of hours of evidence and repeated incidents.

Yeah, the thought that snuck into my head was who hasn't been called a "p*ssy" by your high school football coach or PE coach at some point in time?
But this guy seems to spout his obscenity with such venom its different, and the physical abuse is going too far.
Great post, but Rutgers had no choice but to get rid of him once the mothership got their greasy hands on the tape and decided to exploit it.

Two intelligent, open-minded posts that go against the witch-hunt / mob mentality.

Get ready to be blasted...

If they had fired him when they first found out about this four months ago, I could understand...also could understand if they had fired him now because he had not changed...however it is more than just ESPN, but overall public pressure that caused them to fire Rice...which to me is kind of weak spined/saving your own ass kind of thing to do...if you really were/are concerned about rehabilitating Rice, then when not suport him and give him a chance?? Could be he has not changed...but I don't think we know that...
seriously-the dude was kicking kids-

yes kids today are spoiled- but what he was doing was over the top-unless of coarse he won
Its 2013...and in this day in age throwing basketballs at kids heads and using homophobic slurs will be looked upon in the same light as committing murder or what happened at Penn St...

Obviously there is a line that was crossed. If there wasn't it wouldn't be a huge deal and there wouldn't have been 200k offered to the guy with the tapes to not release them.

But I don't see that 1 really terrible thing. Obviously I would want to fire the coach because that behavior is completely over the top and uncalled for but its an edit tape taken from hundreds of hours of practice and while the guys a jerk I don't see anything that bad. (If it was a high school coach it would be a lot worse of course and worthy of outrage.)

I'm pretty surprised how many people are outraged by a college coach throwing balls, grabbing players, and calling them faries since he didn't punch any of them or do anything that would hurt.

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