So VY reportedly blew 26 million in 6 years. Just for fun, let's play with some numbers. Let's say that $26 million was his gross income (I have no idea how accurate this is, but it's the number I saw). If he loses 50% to taxes, he's left with $13 million. Let's say he takes half of that and tells a respected financial consultant he wants it invested so that he can live off of his returns, leaving enough over every year to account for inflation. If his investments yield 5% (any piss poor financial advisor should be able to get him this), he can leave 3% for inflation. The remaining 2% would then give him $130,000 for the first year. That number would of course go up annually due to the 3% set aside to account for inflation. How many of us would love to live off of $130,000+ for the rest of our lives for doing nothing?