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OT - Zion Williamson terrorizing Duke students

health care guy here who treats lots of knees everyday. STOP squats! Any of you dudes over 40, unless you're a real competitive runner/running your whole life and live for it, stop running! Walk fast, rollerblade, treadmill, elliptical, etc. Remember smooth rhythmical and symetrical. EVERY dang day I see someone who has good intentions with exercise to get in shape, I see them for their dang knee, hip, ankle and/or back pain.

You guys are good for my business so I guess I should shut up, but seriously it ridiculous how literally every dang day I'm having this conversation with my patient base. If ya just can't give it up at least supplement with the supportive joint supplements out there today (glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM/cetylmyerostoleate/hyluronic acid/fish oil, etc. They at least help a little.

Ok there's my unsolicited advice for the day...I'm literally off right now to treat 3 knees, two hips, and 20 some back issues.

Thanks, but I won't stop. Nothing wrong with squats if done correctly. My knee issue wasn't a result of squats just degeneration. If nothing else squats help me strengthen my muscles which help stabilize my knees, allow me to do things I wouldn't be able to do. I will never stop. Nor have my ortho docs recommended I stop. One thing I have stopped is leg extensions because they do place an inordinate amount of stress on the joint.

BTW, I also deadlift...with a history of lower back issues. My back has never been better or stronger once I focused on correct deadlift mechanics - pulling up the shins rather than away from the body. Oh, and stopped doing situps.

I do agree with you on the running. Irks me to no end that my Fortune 500 company is promoting a Couch to 5K the last couple months - part of their promoting wellness...to mostly out of shape fat, older people. Absolutely stupid.
i have a whole new respect for jeremy mcneil now - this story and "shlt looked good" confirm that he's funny
i'm still thinking about this. "pass my the fvcking ball, boy meets world" - that is a solid b+ insult. either he had instant recall of the cast he'd been waiting for the right moment to say it - either way it elevates to a++

this makes me think of heckling - we may have to have a greatest heckling moments thread. heckling is like the saxophone. most of the time it's just unnecessary and douchey and oh my god would you please stopp but there is the 5% of the time that it's glorious and you remember the sound for the rest of your life
fish oil is great if you need to be celibate forever - i took one fish oil pill and the smell of my burps caused a nuclear winter for the rest of the day
Discover krill oil my friend, all the same benefits as its still fish oil but without those concerns
Thanks, but I won't stop. Nothing wrong with squats if done correctly. My knee issue wasn't a result of squats just degeneration. If nothing else squats help me strengthen my muscles which help stabilize my knees, allow me to do things I wouldn't be able to do. I will never stop. Nor have my ortho docs recommended I stop. One thing I have stopped is leg extensions because they do place an inordinate amount of stress on the joint.

BTW, I also deadlift...with a history of lower back issues. My back has never been better or stronger once I focused on correct deadlift mechanics - pulling up the shins rather than away from the body. Oh, and stopped doing situps.

I do agree with you on the running. Irks me to no end that my Fortune 500 company is promoting a Couch to 5K the last couple months - part of their promoting wellness...to mostly out of shape fat, older people. Absolutely stupid.
Hey good to hear you're so active and motivated, really, it's nice to see. BUT, you've received some bad information, ask any PT. Squats (with weights I'm assuming) cause the degeneration of the knee cartilages. If you are not using weights and just squatting with bodyweight you will be fine. If you are using weights even just do not want to give it up use a leg press machine instead as you will you get the same bang for the buck but without as much injury potential. Just make sure the knees do not get anywhere past 90° on the way down.

But don't give up leg extensions as they are one of the best things you can possibly do to strengthen the quads to protect the knee in particular in that they work the vastus medialis oblique muscle which is necessary to keep the patella in its Boney grove and protect the knee. Similarly just do not use heavy weight nor lock out the knee nor allow your leg and knee to get at 90° on the way down and do what's called tke's (terminal knee extensions).
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Hey good to hear you're so active and motivated, really, it's nice to see. BUT, you've received some bad information, ask any PT. Squats (with weights I'm assuming) cause the degeneration of the knee cartilages. If you are not using weights and just squatting with bodyweight you should be fine. If you are using weights even just do not want to give it up use a leg press machine instead as you will you get the same bang for the buck but without as much injury potential. Just make sure the knees do not get anywhere near 90° on the way down.

But don't give up leg extensions as they are the best thing you can possibly do to strengthen the quads to protect the knee in particular in that they work the vastus medialis oblique muscle which is necessary to keep the patella in its Boney grove and protect the knee. Similarly just and do not lock out the knee nor allow your leg and need to get at 90° on the way down.

I do not want to sound like a jerk, but this is bad info.

Leg press puts extra pressure on the spine in a weaker, fixed position and it doesn't prevent lateral movement of the knee any more than what is experienced when squatting. Leg pressing often is a good recipe for lower back pain.

Lateral pressure on the knee joint is where you have the greatest potential for injury. The shearing forces on the knee are highest when reversing the motion. If anything, you want to get below parallel (90 deg.). If you stop at, or just shy of, 90 deg. when you try to lift the weight back up, the shearing forces are at their highest (studies have proved this out). Shearing forces are lower when you get below parallel. Stopping well short of 90 limits the effectiveness of the excercise and could cause muscle imbalances (weak hip flexors) that could be a real problem down the road.

Leg extensions are fine if not loaded heavy. There's no lateral pressure on the knee, which is good, but there is a lot of overall stress on the knee. Going too heavy can push this to dangerous territory. Going lighter and focussing on squeezing the quads at the top (top is not fully locked out, btw) of the lift is what you'd want.

Free squats can have long term drawbacks, but they're safer than leg press or Smith Machine squats. An even safer alternative is lunging with dumbbells if squatting is a big concern.

All of this comes with the caveat that you have to have good form. Leg press might be safer than squatting if the dumdum doing the squatting has no idea what they're doing.
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You do not want to get into a link war on this topic. I understand you're in the medical field in some capacity, but this isn't a battle you want to pick.

Edit. Let me get ahead of this before it spirals. We're talking about 'normal squatting' for a person with good form. Somebody doing like 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Not a light load, but not heavy either. This person's knees won't give a crap that they're squatting. If we're talking competitive lifters doing 80%+ of their squat max at high volume for years, yeah they're gonna have some messed up joints.
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Hey good to hear you're so active and motivated, really, it's nice to see. BUT, you've received some bad information, ask any PT. Squats (with weights I'm assuming) cause the degeneration of the knee cartilages. If you are not using weights and just squatting with bodyweight you will be fine. If you are using weights even just do not want to give it up use a leg press machine instead as you will you get the same bang for the buck but without as much injury potential. Just make sure the knees do not get anywhere past 90° on the way down.

But don't give up leg extensions as they are one of the best things you can possibly do to strengthen the quads to protect the knee in particular in that they work the vastus medialis oblique muscle which is necessary to keep the patella in its Boney grove and protect the knee. Similarly just do not use heavy weight nor lock out the knee nor allow your leg and knee to get at 90° on the way down.

Sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree.
the long hook shot - the go to low percentage shot for average height people who can't get around anyone and can't shoot but thinks godd@mmit i'm sick of never shooting, thudding off the corner of the backboard 80% of the time - i know this feeling
They're not always low percentage. I had mine down good for a long time. I'm 5'11" and have a cousin who's 6'4" with orangutan arms. As a kid I was always stuck guarding him because I could jump, but the only shot I could ever get off without betting blocked was a baby hook. I refined that thing. One day in my mid 20's, I was still athletic but couldn't jump quite like I could in high school, I'm playing pick up and end matching up with an 18 year old kid who was 6'7". I used a little Arinze Onuaku shoulder to the chest to get space and scored like 10 in a row on that kid with my hook. Guys on his team started picking on him.

Of course I'm 42 now. It's been 3 years since I could touch the rim. Getting old is a shot to the ego.

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