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Our forwards- some statistics

Goodness. If he leaves, I won't lose a second of sleep. I said it when I went to the hoop hall classic and saw him play 2 years ago. He couldn't stay in front of me. Goot stationary jump shooter. Doesn't handle the ball. Doesn't rebound. Doesn't play defense. We have to get a forward in the portal that does all 3 of those.
Bell is completely dependent on his teammates getting him good shots, covering for him on D and getting rebounds. He does nothing to make his teammates better. Zip
This statement alone speaks volumes why we have struggled the last two years.
This is the result from not retaining Allan Griffin, Braswell, QG, Woody Newton and mis evaluating Benny. Yeah it's from 3 years ago but those roster moves can have lingering effects for multiple seasons especially when you are unable to adequately replace through portal or high school recruiting. In a normal world or roster Chris Bell doesn't sniff starting here until at least his junior year. Yeah, I know times have changed a bit. It's kinda scary, hard to have confidence that they can get that quality F to pair w Brown and Freeman next year. Unrelated, how nice would it be to just have Frank Anselem to pair with Maliq?
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Red has to get creative with lineups instaed of putting Taylor in there who is unlikely to be in the program next year. Spot minutes subbing the guards should be it for JT.

Bell should come off the bench if hes hot he plays more and maybe he'll have some urgency to rebound.

Brown is great but hes in a tough spot having to play so many minutes and not foul out despite his best strength being his insane ability to get steals.

Benny is fine in his role and its time to start him.

I wonder if Copeland not starting is part of his promises to JJ and Judah hes clearly big enough to handle the 3.
I don't believe Frank has really done much where he went, has he?
I won't agree with that. The guy before him was 100% reasponsible for the players that are on this team.
Yeah, because JB was working in the transfer portal this year. Lol jfc
Bell is completely dependent on his teammates getting him good shots, covering for him on D and getting rebounds. He does nothing to make his teammates better. Zip
And yet, there's a correlation between Bell playing well and us winning.
I don't believe Frank has really done much where he went, has he?
No, but he's more servicable than Hima and Carey, maybe even Macloud. It's just another example of losing players and the quality to replace declines.
Were they truly JB guys or guys the assistants could recruit and land since JB was not very engaged with recruiting at the end? Didn't JB say the assistants bring me the players and I coach them? Something to that affect, we're splitting hairs and I see your point and ar injs.
JB Made all recruiting decisions.
JB Made all recruiting decisions.
Sure there's making decisions and then there's going over hours of film, watching in person etc to make an informed decision.
For example, JB complained of Bells rebounding in pressers last year, my thoughts are did you do any evaluation of that recruit and knew what you were getting??? Lol, I could see he was allergic to rebounding and I'm no scout.
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