Anybody know I'd the drug test includes booze? Weed is illegal but so is underage drinking. I'm guessing the NCAA has differentiated between the two but in reality that would be inconsistent (imagine that...the NCAA being inconsistent...)
Yeah, I find drug testing to be completely preposterous for this very reason. Listen, I'm not a drug user and only really basically dabbled a bit in high school and college. Unless we're counting alcohol, but even that is pretty minimal at this point (though those that see me at the BET this weekend may find that hard to believe).
But, ultimately, who cares? I mean, if we're talking health concerns, then what about all the athletes that are overweight and have terrible diets (cc sabbathia, bartolo colon, nfl linemen ...) thus running the risk of heart disease or diabetes as they age? Or what about unsafe sex? Or all the legal supplements that are completely unregulated and, for the most part I believe, not FDA approved with no long-term testing? Or alcoholism and binge drinking?
If we're talking about integrity of the game or record books, then it's even more insane. In what meaningful way can you really compare the stats the 87 team put up with the stats this one did taking into account how much the game, the competition, the workout regimens, etc. have changed? And what is the integrity of the game? I'd even argue that athletes taking advantage of their fame or simply being terrible human beings is easily as much a part of the culture of athletics as ideals like great sportsmanship, character building, etc.
If a 20-year-old wants to pump himself full of a few cycles of HGH b/c he wants a shot at the NFL, I say it's fine as long as he understands the inherent risks. And if they want to go out and smoke a little weed or do some blow? I get why parents are concerned, but kids/adults do it all the time. Again, what does that matter to the ncaa or the university?