Yeah, I'm not sure it's worth arguing good vs. great. My feeling is he took pretty decent talent and had some really good defenses (two top 25, really only one that was mediocre, and four groups that had the ability to make plays, which is key for defenses these days). And he only won the pinstripe bowl, but we didn't have a particularly functional offense in the first three years. Regardless, he was at least pretty good.
And I mean soundbites in the sense that a lot of folks love stuff like 'hardnosed' and 'friggin' and stuff like that.
But, as a general rule I'd say I'm a bit more optimistic than you are. They've basically lost two games they weren't going to win with Lombardi, IMO. NW and Clemson are simply better and more talented. They crushed two patsies that we probably could have beat down with GRob ... well, maybe they weren't that bad, but they weren't good.
We had one close game vs. PSU. We have a chance to win it and didn't. That probably falls on coaching. But I'm willing to give them a few more weeks before I decide how I feel in general.