I would equate selling weed to driving 47 in a 35 mph zone. Yeah, technically it's wrong, but ugh who cares.
(Yes a speed camera got me yesterday and I'm still annoyed).
Here is the bottom line however...doesn't matter what your stance is on legalizing weed...
it's illegal to sell it. Not the same as speeding...
selling in Florida is a felony...throw in the possibility that it was being sold within 1000 ft of a school, or college, or a park...you now have an aggravated charge, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. It's not even legal to sell it in states where it's legal to buy it, unless you're a licensed seller. The whole point is to eliminate the black market, and the crimes that come with black market sales (things like murder), and to gain tax revenue. So what he was doing was, at the very least, a felony. No way he doesn't know it, and accept the risks...which means he's dumb as a box of rocks, and now charged with a felony if anything comes out of it.
Not sure I would equate it with doing 47 in a 35. I would equate it with being a drug dealer.
When someone sells weed at a low level, they bought it from someone who bought it in bulk, who purchased that bulk from someone who more than likely is selling more than just weed. It funds the black market, and all the wonderful things that come along with it, like human trafficking, rape, murder, etc.
When you eliminate the black market, and sell it legally, you are not funding the gangs, and cartels operations. It's not a small deal.