Poor QB recruiting doomed P--will it also doom Marrone? | Syracusefan.com

Poor QB recruiting doomed P--will it also doom Marrone?


2nd String
Aug 27, 2011
Everyone expected the USC loss, but Rutgers, Louisville and UCONN are all bad losses. I think one player would have made a difference. I think we win at least two out of those three with a better QB. Nassib's poor vision, yips in the pocket, and accuracy issues cost us big time. The more I see of him, the less I like.

Marrone has now recruited...

Charley Loeb
John Kinder
Jonny Miller
Terrel Hunt
Ashton Broyld

0-6 in quarterback recruiting is what gets a coach fired. We all know it's what got P fired. Maybe Broyld or Hunt turn out to be the guy, but if it doesn't happen next year, I don't see Marrone lasting past year 5 unfortunately.

Want to win at the college level? Recruit a playmaker at QB. Marrone has not shown the ability to do that yet. The clock is ticking...
Take it a step more, what big recruit have we landed? Just one. Not a bunch. Shouldn't we be able to land one blue chip player. One guy that believed in what our coaches had to say. Just one. One guy that big schools wanted and he said nope, I'm going to syracuse. We mock Shady, but he does it. And they don't win much either. We can't land kids whose parents went to syracuse. Just one.
Since none of the above mentioned QB's have seen the field (and Broyld isn't on campus this year) ... how is Marrone 0-6?
Since none of the above mentioned QB's have seen the field (and Broyld isn't on campus this year) ... how is Marrone 0-6?

Broyld is a QB recruit who couldn't make it to the Hill. So he's 0-1 right there. While it's not Marrone's fault, it's one of his guys, so he takes the loss there. The other guys obviously couldn't beat out Nassib (a GROB recruit) in practice, so Marrone still hasn't brought in a QB. Broyld may be the guy next year. Hunt may be too. But the fact remains that if Nassib is the best we got, we got problems with QB recruiting.
I guess McNabb was a failure too because Kevin Mason started in 1994, right.

Hunt could very well see a lot of playing time next season and end up a 3 year starter for us. I'm not prepared to write off a kid who's redshirting this season.

But Hunt counts as 0-1 on your scorecard.
Broyld is a QB recruit who couldn't make it to the Hill. So he's 0-1 right there. While it's not Marrone's fault, it's one of his guys, so he takes the loss there. The other guys obviously couldn't beat out Nassib (a GROB recruit) in practice, so Marrone still hasn't brought in a QB. Broyld may be the guy next year. Hunt may be too. But the fact remains that if Nassib is the best we got, we got problems with QB recruiting.

Silly post
*Nassib is not one of Marrone's guys (that said, I like Ryan and he'll be a real asset next year).
*Broyld will get to campus.
*Loeb was "taken" the year Marrone arrived, when he had about 3 weeks to recruit. And we did not have a viable backup. Loeb will never start a game at SU (knock on wood).
*Hunt looks like a viable option, along with Broyld.
*Kinder is a wild card. Either he or Broyld will be a starter at another position someday.

That really was a silly post. It just was.
I've mentioned this before but Nassib has very poor pocket presence but overall I'm fine with him.

I don't know how you can say anything about the young kids and the one who isn't even here yet. We haven't seen them play and judging from assumptions really doesn't prove anything.
You can call the post silly, but the reality is that none of Marrone's guys have seen the field. Why? Because they are not better than Nassib. That's a problem.
Silly post
*Nassib is not one of Marrone's guys (that said, I like Ryan and he'll be a real asset next year).
*Broyld will get to campus.
*Loeb was "taken" the year Marrone arrived, when he had about 3 weeks to recruit. And we did not have a viable backup. Loeb will never start a game at SU (knock on wood).
*Hunt looks like a viable option, along with Broyld.
*Kinder is a wild card. Either he or Broyld will be a starter at another position someday.

That really was a silly post. It just was.
Lot of excuses there...not a lot of results on the field which is the only place they keep score. Guess we see things differently. I don't think that's silly.
I've mentioned this before but Nassib has very poor pocket presence but overall I'm fine with him.

I don't know how you can say anything about the young kids and the one who isn't even here yet. We haven't seen them play and judging from assumptions really doesn't prove anything.
I guess that's my point. Why haven't we seen them? Because they can't beat out Nassib and get on the field. Maybe next year one of them will. I would be thrilled if that happened.
I guess that's my point. Why haven't we seen them? Because they can't beat out Nassib and get on the field. Maybe next year one of them will. I would be thrilled if that happened.

Here are my assumptions and I'm a bigtime ass so I'll take the heat on this one!

Loeb and Kinder are not nearly as good as Nassib. Hunt has potential to be good but there's no reason to lose an eligible season, especially now. Next year I wouldn't be surprised to see Hunt getting some plays and let's face it, SU has not crushed anyone so the back ups are not even getting "garbage" time.
Here are my assumptions and I'm a bigtime ass so I'll take the heat on this one!

Loeb and Kinder are not nearly as good as Nassib. Hunt has potential to be good but there's no reason to lose an eligible season, especially now. Next year I wouldn't be surprised to see Hunt getting some plays and let's face it, SU has not crushed anyone so the back ups are not even getting "garbage" time.

I agree with you on Hunt this year. We shouldn't burn a year for a couple plays. But I guess I wish we had a QB on the roster that was so good we couldn't keep him off the field.

I was at SU during the Graves/Mason/McNabb years and one of my fraternity brothers was a manager on the FB team. He always used to tell me about this one guy who tore the first teamers up in practice. A guy who the coaches were raving about and couldn't wait to play. Guess who? McNabb. If he were on this team, I would hope they would burn his redshirt to get on the field. (BTW--from what he told me, all the BS about the competition between McNabb/Johnson at QB was just that, BS. But that's another post...)

I'm disappointed that Marrone hasn't been able to recruit a stud at the QB position. It's what ultimately did in P because he couldn't recruit a successor to Graves/Mason/McNabb. Will it doom Marrone if he's unable to recruit a playmaker? Will he fail? We shall see. I hope not...
Once schools found out that athletes can be good qb's it was over for SU and those schools went after those kids along with the drop back qb's. That to me is why SU got those young men and those salad days are over and now the competition is heavy big time. Athletic kids found out they could play qb and not be forced to run the option only and now the whole picture changed for them as it should have. This happened during P's time and we've struggled to land a top qb since the Vick debacle.
Everyone expected the USC loss, but Rutgers, Louisville and UCONN are all bad losses. I think one player would have made a difference. I think we win at least two out of those three with a better QB. Nassib's poor vision, yips in the pocket, and accuracy issues cost us big time. The more I see of him, the less I like.

Marrone has now recruited...

Ridiculous crap. Kids are in the system who need a shot, now. If they dont have another qb in place next year you'll have a point. Time for a look see at a youngin
Charley Loeb
John Kinder
Jonny Miller
Terrel Hunt
Ashton Broyld

0-6 in quarterback recruiting is what gets a coach fired. We all know it's what got P fired. Maybe Broyld or Hunt turn out to be the guy, but if it doesn't happen next year, I don't see Marrone lasting past year 5 unfortunately.

Want to win at the college level? Recruit a playmaker at QB. Marrone has not shown the ability to do that yet. The clock is ticking...
I am in on Terrell Hunt. Hooper and football at Christ the King. If he can ball there he can move. Hopefully another Graves type.
Everyone expected the USC loss, but Rutgers, Louisville and UCONN are all bad losses. I think one player would have made a difference. I think we win at least two out of those three with a better QB. Nassib's poor vision, yips in the pocket, and accuracy issues cost us big time. The more I see of him, the less I like.

Marrone has now recruited...

Charley Loeb
John Kinder
Jonny Miller
Terrel Hunt
Ashton Broyld

0-6 in quarterback recruiting is what gets a coach fired. We all know it's what got P fired. Maybe Broyld or Hunt turn out to be the guy, but if it doesn't happen next year, I don't see Marrone lasting past year 5 unfortunately.

Want to win at the college level? Recruit a playmaker at QB. Marrone has not shown the ability to do that yet. The clock is ticking...

This post is at least three years pre-mature. If in three years none of Kinder, Hunt or Broyld have produced, feel free to re-post.
Do you not see about a thousand other problems with this team?
You think Nassib is the biggest problem?
Receivers that can't catch are a problem, receivers that struggle to get open are a problem, a line that can't protect for longer than 2.5 seconds is a problem, a defense that practices missing tackles is a problem, a special teams unit that may be the worst in the country is a problem, a secondary that can't locate opposing players or the ball is a problem, having zero/zilch/nada playmakers is a problem.
This is rooted far more than DM not recruiting a QB.
Do you not see about a thousand other problems with this team?
You think Nassib is the biggest problem?
Receivers that can't catch are a problem, receivers that struggle to get open are a problem, a line that can't protect for longer than 2.5 seconds is a problem, a defense that practices missing tackles is a problem, a special teams unit that may be the worst in the country is a problem, a secondary that can't locate opposing players or the ball is a problem, having zero/zilch/nada playmakers is a problem.
This is rooted far more than DM not recruiting a QB.
Couldn't agree more. But it's only one post.
Everyone expected the USC loss, but Rutgers, Louisville and UCONN are all bad losses. I think one player would have made a difference. I think we win at least two out of those three with a better QB. Nassib's poor vision, yips in the pocket, and accuracy issues cost us big time. The more I see of him, the less I like.

I don't follow posts like this. It is extremely hard to beat out a productive upperclassmen. Nassib may not be a Marrone guy, but he has learned Marrone's offense since he has been here essentially and has a feel for it.

Because of that, it is extremely difficult for a guy to unseat him, especially those guys who are true and RS frosh.

I mean, how many programs have a QB ready to take over after a QB departs? Ohio State had to turn to Braxton Miller, a big time recruit as a frosh, who clearly isn't ready. Bridgewater took a lot of lumps early on that would have this board in conniptions for the games he would have lost.

Nassib is the starter this year. He will be the starter next year.

Then, we will see how Marrone has recruited at QB. And hopefully not any earlier, b/c that will mean an injury.

I personally think people are over-rating Hunt at this point. What is the difference b/w him this year and Kinder last year? Just the new "it" guy.
So QBs not starting as freshmen makes them failures? Alright cool, noted.

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How's John Brantley doing for Florida this year. Guess Urban Meyer was 0-6 behind Tebow...
The local paper wrote a great article about Steve Spurrier not putting a QB into the NFL yet since taking over at Univ of South Carolina...take a look at who he has recruited and the star ratings...


BTW here is Spurrier's first five years won-loss record after taking over for Lou "mush mouth" Holtz- It even took the Ole Ball Coach Steve Spurrier more than 3 weeks to rebuild a program ...

2005- 7-5
2006- 8-5
2007- 6-6
2008- 7-6
2009- 7-6

2010- 9-5
2011- 7-2
I guess McNabb was a failure too because Kevin Mason started in 1994, right.

McNabb never sat behind Mason, so your argument doesn't apply.

That really was a silly post. It just was.

It isn't a "silly post" at all. Marrone has recruited Loeb, Paulus, Kinder, Miller, Broyd, and Hunt.

Of all these 6 quarterbacks, only one was "good" enough to play in his first year: Paulus. But Paulus sucked, and he wasn't "good" or "polished" at all. So the bar is set very low. In order to play at QB for Syracuse, all a QB would have to do is be better than a SR Paulus (who was lousy) or be better than a SO or JR Nassib. Not only have none of the QBs beaten out any competition, but they haven't even seen the field at all.

There is a chance that Hunt comes in and plays very well, but Paulus, Miller, and Loeb have already proven to be poor selections, Kinder has been a non factor, and Broyd has eligibility issues. That's 0-for-3 (locked up), with Kinder and Broyd likely to push up to 0-for-5.

Marrone's biggest problem has been his inability to bring in a good QB.

Do you not see about a thousand other problems with this team?
You think Nassib is the biggest problem?
Receivers that can't catch are a problem, receivers that struggle to get open are a problem, a line that can't protect for longer than 2.5 seconds is a problem, a defense that practices missing tackles is a problem, a special teams unit that may be the worst in the country is a problem, a secondary that can't locate opposing players or the ball is a problem, having zero/zilch/nada playmakers is a problem.
This is rooted far more than DM not recruiting a QB.

This is the typical "rabidly pro-Nassib" nonsense that somehow gains traction on this board. I really dislike this counter factual attitude. THERE ARE NOT 1,000 PROBLEMS ON THIS TEAM!

The OL is solid, mediocre, decent, ok, etc. They ocilate back and forth from poor to good, grading out about average. With the emergence of Graham, our WRs have solid players at the three receiving positions: Graham is an explosive flanker, Chew is a solid route running SE, and Lemon is the bulky over-the-middle slot. Provo and Lemon give Nassib good safety valves, and Graham can beat press coverage and run over the top of bracket coverage. Bailey and Smith are solid running backs. Harris and Stevens are good blockers and reliable pass catchers. Nassib has plenty of help on offense. We miss DC and Sales, and an upgrade over Hay would be awesome: but the offensive unit is talented.

Blaming a lack of "play makers" is just complete nonsense. We have Dorian Graham and Ant Bailey! Those guys are play makers. NFL teams will be looking at them to make plays against Revis, Lewis, Cushing, etc. Chew, Lemon, and Provo are all decent college play makers. Plus, if you watch the game, it is obvious that our receivers are getting separation and are getting open. Nassib is simply missing open receivers, or choosing to throw to a check down receiver rather than taking a chance down field with one-on-one coverage.

All pre-season, the established posters and their echo chamber coterie pronounced the WRs and OL to be strengths of the team (minus concern about Macky). Now Macky and Graham have emerged to shore up these units, but the offense still stinks, so Nassib defenders pretend that everything is broken with the offense other than Nassib. Nassib defenders throw the whole team, and the coaching staff, under the bus: just so they can pretend we have escaped our post-McNabb quarterback curse.

Obviously, I don't need to detail the strengths of Scott Shafer's defense in order to demonstrate that this team does not have 1,000 problems. It has one problem: a veteran laden, talented offense that is struggling to function against quality teams because the Quarterback has been lousy (114 QB rating) against AQ competition.

For you to call our special teams unit "one of the worst in the country" proves that you must not be taking a logical and empirically informed approach. Cuse's special teams is 48th in the country. From a distance, this might be hard to believe, since we had a terrible stretch against Rutgers and our punting has been sub par. But looking closely,our return and coverage units have been outstanding, giving us good field position regularly.

You are incorrect: our current problem really is as singular as Marrone's failure to recruit a prolific Quarterback.

I agree with you on Hunt this year. We shouldn't burn a year for a couple plays. But I guess I wish we had a QB on the roster that was so good we couldn't keep him off the field.

Couldn't agree with you more. QB is the "difference maker" position. Marrone was Brees' OC, that is a big part of his appeal. Like many struggling programs looking to take it to the next level, we need QB talent, pure and simple. Marrone is a winner, so I'm glad he is likely to be treated with patience during the search for a QB.
So QBs not starting as freshmen makes them failures? Alright cool, noted.

When an offense is holding back a solid team/solid defense, and a freshman QB doesn't even get a sniff, doesn't even challenge for 2nd string, and isn't projected by any scouts to be a star Quarterback, then 9 times out of ten (or more) that freshman QB isn't going to be good enough to help elevate a mediocre football program into a top 25 type program.

There are exceptions, but they are very rare. On good offences with good QBs, talented frosh QBs often sit. One lousy offenses with struggling QBs, it is extremely rare for a talented frosh QB to not even challenge for 2nd string or sniff playing time.

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