PS4 vs. Xbox One |

PS4 vs. Xbox One


All American
Aug 29, 2011
I'm not much of a gamer, I haven't owned a console since PS2 or even played one in years, and I probably won't buy either of these two either ... but it's impossible not to sit back and eat popcorn watching this geeky soap opera play out. I have plenty of friends that game a bunch that are following these console's announcements like politicians following election results... with the same level of hostility and vitriol.

From what I gather ... this is the biggest 'console war' in like a decade, since Xbox was announced & Microsoft entered the industry. Xbox slowly built itself into the top console since, and this E3 announcement was supposed to determine who would dominate the next 10 years.

Judging from the internet's grapevine, not only did the PS4 'win' the verdict ... it humiliated the Xbox, and Microsoft is now wading in an abyss of bad PR. Supposedly over connectivity and game-trading-market rules? I don't really understand any of what's going on or why one is better than the other... but I have to say, just spectating the tantrums is amazingly entertaining... like the demolition geek derby... and everyone is now celebrating after watching the hero underdog little guy clobber the evil empire. Which is kind of absurd considering this is Sony we're talking about, and anything BUT the 'little guy'.

That said, seeing the trailers for the new consoles, these games are getting scary realistic... at this rate i give it 10, 20 years tops before graphics engines reach the level of being un-discernable from reality.
I'm not much of a gamer, I haven't owned a console since PS2 or even played one in years, and I probably won't buy either of these two either ... but it's impossible not to sit back and eat popcorn watching this geeky soap opera play out. I have plenty of friends that game a bunch that are following these console's announcements like politicians following election results... with the same level of hostility and vitriol.

From what I gather ... this is the biggest 'console war' in like a decade, since Xbox was announced & Microsoft entered the industry. Xbox slowly built itself into the top console since, and this E3 announcement was supposed to determine who would dominate the next 10 years.

Judging from the internet's grapevine, not only did the PS4 'win' the verdict ... it humiliated the Xbox, and Microsoft is now wading in an abyss of bad PR. Supposedly over connectivity and game-trading-market rules? I don't really understand any of what's going on or why one is better than the other... but I have to say, just spectating the tantrums is amazingly entertaining... like the demolition geek derby... and everyone is now celebrating after watching the hero underdog little guy clobber the evil empire. Which is kind of absurd considering this is Sony we're talking about, and anything BUT the 'little guy'.

That said, seeing the trailers for the new consoles, these games are getting scary realistic... at this rate i give it 10, 20 years tops before graphics engines reach the level of being un-discernable from reality.

I am a Sony guy...most of my equipment is will always go with I am not a big fan of Microsoft.

If anyone is the little guy, it's Nintendo...
The real little guy is the small independent developers (as is the case for pretty much every industry) ... so I guess I root for whoever helps them out. Assume that's the PS4 too because the internet masses usually reflect their plight... but I was always under the impression that the PC is really the home of the little guy.
So the game trading is really interesting. From what I understand, basically they want to destroy the used game market and make it so that everything is connected to personal online accounts. Not only would you not be able to sell a game, you also wouldn't be able to take a game you own over to a friend's house and play it on their system.

That's like, the super cliff's notes edition.
Also, the Xbox must be connected to the internet at all times and is not compatible with games from the previous two consoles.
on the doubleplusgood side, Xbox has been awarded the Gold Seal of Approval from the National Security Administration Ministry of Love .
they have backed down on the always connected idea. now its once every 24 hrs. the Ps3 was way better than the xbox 360 but there are some pretty good games on both. Xbox wants to run your life and im not sure how thats going to play out. they forget most people have cell phones to do all the small stuff they think you will want to do on the xbox and most kids are multi tasking but dont really want to switch the screen or slow down playing the game to take advantage of some of the special new xbox features.. the Ps4 has done a better job of recognizing those things so far.

fan boys of both are still arguing.
This is why nerd rage is so fun, they make all sorts of funny internet stuff I don't know how to make ... like gifs

e.g. - this one titled "E3 2013 in a nutshell"...

I am big buyer of used games. In the past games came out mostly complete and would release patches for updates. Today's developers release a lot unfinished games that will require you purchase additional content to complete it. Now nothing is ever required to purchase but you don't get the full experience of the game like you did in the past. So if they want me to shell out 60$ for a new game then they need to start releasing the full game instead of trying to nickle and dime me to death.

Couple that with having two kids who are always wanting new games and I am simply not able to buy them at release. I get more bang for my buck on the used games. As an Xbox guy/family we will be switching if Microsoft follows there on this.

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