Question about Dungey's concussion situation |

Question about Dungey's concussion situation


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
If he gets another concussion, is he done for good? How exactly does that work?
If he gets another concussion, is he done for good? How exactly does that work?

I heard/read something somewhere to the effect that, under Dino's administration, that's no longer chiseled in stone.
I may be mistaken, but I could have sworn I caught something to that effect.

I'm sure SU still has a concussion protocol, but apparently it's not going to be quite so rigid (or draconian) going forward.
A big reason why we are not sure how many concussions ED has is that FHCSS used some very vague and misleading terminology in a few interviews. People then assumed ED had one or two more concussions than he did.
We have no idea if he has even had 2
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Dungey said the big thing in the Central Michigan game was his neck.

You can show still pictures or even clips of a play and we don't necessarily know what the injury was.
Remember when Kong fell hard on his back and head in basketball a few years back. I saw it with my own eyes. He obviously suffered massive brain trauma. How could he not?

Damn all you people who let him continue to play. Who cares if he was 'supposedly' fine after a few days. Who are any of you to question me? I saw it with my own eyes. He should have been sidelined forever immediately.

Anyone who thinks differently obviously doesn't care as much about the players as I do. I am so much smarter and empathetic than y'all.
Glad to see the board Doctors are in full swing already :bat::bat::bat::bat::bat::bat:
Eric15 said:
Some very strange passive-aggressive posts in this thread.

Not strange if you're aware of the months of arguing over the matter.

The simple truth is that due to the science, no one ever really knows. Diagnosed concussions? His family, the team doctor, and the coaching staff know. Everything else is conjecture. The media, posters here - it's all guess work.
I don't know anything more than anyone else, but I think it's safe to assume he got (at least) one. The CMU game, very well, could have been his neck. Louisville was more likely. I played football from pop-warner through college and I love the game but I always tell people if I ever have kids, I'm not going to tell them no but I will try and steer them away from the sport. It just destroys your body. I have no clue how many concussions I've sustained over the years but I know that I've been knocked unconscious (on the field) before. Now, I have memory issues. I'm really hoping Dino and company teach him how to protect himself better. I think the kid is special and its nice to watch these clips on twitter about big college football plays from last season and see SU in there being shown (Dungey hurdling the Virginia LB) with the big dogs. But more importantly because he's a good guy, with a bright future.
I just saw the movie Concussion. Very sad about how serious these types of injuries can be. Also, my granddaughter recently got a concussion from a cheerleading incident. She still has daily headaches months after the event.

Bottom line, Nothing to be fooled around with. Assuming he has had at least one, he should probably give up football if he gets ano0ther. Truthfully, I think ED is a good player, but I don't see a play for pay future for him. Why risk his future for some college glory if he gets hurt again ?
Not strange if you're aware of the months of arguing over the matter.

The simple truth is that due to the science, no one ever really knows. Diagnosed concussions? His family, the team doctor, and the coaching staff know. Everything else is conjecture. The media, posters here - it's all guess work.

I just wanted to know if there was a set-in-stone determination in place where if Dungey gets another concussion, then X happens. From the sounds of it, that is not the case.
Some very strange passive-aggressive posts in this thread.

the cattle, is there to provide food and/or milk (wins).

if it can provide...then let it graze.

if it cannot do so, it should be put down so as to not infect the rest of the herd.

prime health only cattle, kids.

for if not, im sure there are other cattle to be found.

and so be it.
KaiserUEO said:
agree. the cattle, is there to provide food and/or milk (wins). if it can provide...then let it graze. if it cannot do so, it should be put down so as to not infect the rest of the herd. prime health only cattle, kids. for if not, im sure there are other cattle to be found. and so be it.

Obligatory post detesting of the word cattle being used to describe people's kids.
KaiserUEO said:

You want to take a poll of the amount of players parents that find that acceptable? How just posters here?

It's BS and you know it. But by all means - it says more about you than just about anything else.
You want to take a poll of the amount of players parents that find that acceptable? How just posters here?

It's BS and you know it. But by all means - it says more about you than just about anything else.
who cares??

youre better than this, why draw attention to my correct thought??

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