Quick Postgame thoughts-SU/ND | Syracusefan.com

Quick Postgame thoughts-SU/ND


Nunzio Prophet
Aug 14, 2011
  • No one can question the heart of this team, particularly the Defense battling back against a bigger, stronger OL. They kept us in the game for most of the game through a pick 6, blocked punt, and very few 1st downs, much less points from the offense.
  • Feel horrible for Garrett Williams. Really wanted to see him have a healthy year
  • Jahad making another play
  • Was also proud of the offense battling back and coming close to tying a game that looked like we had no business being in
  • Hope Shrader's okay, but agree with others that DRW should start until Shrader's close to 100 percent. I can see a few INT's in there, but also some TD's.
  • Thought Tucker played well. He made the most of what he was given
  • Thought the OL struggled some against a very good DL, but did enough to get us back in the game. We need to figure out why we're getting so many passes tipped recently
  • Though Adams looked very good and Hatcher had some really nice moments, as well. Alford got his usual 1 catch. Liked seeing Wilson spread it around a little. Not gonna lie, the first thing I thought when I head he was starting the 2nd half was it would have been nice to get him more than 1 pass against Wagner. Don't know if it would've made a difference in this game.
  • Obviously the tipped pass for an INT was the turning point of the game, but giving the ND receiver the huge cushion to allow them to easily complete a 3rd and 6 on the drive following the tip kept up from regaining the momentum
  • Surprised Gadsden dropped 3 passes. Wonder if it's an adjustment getting used to Wilson's stronger throws.
  • Don't think Jackson is going to do anything on the outside. Let's give him Cooper's reps in the slot. Thought Pena maximized what he had at Wr
  • Have been a little disappointed in Special teams the last few games. Besides the block punt, the coverage has been very iffy of late. Great kick by Szmyt
  • Would love to see us block a punt in a game that really made a difference. It seems the only ones we've blocked in recent years were in blowouts
  • A positive was we had very few penalties this game
  • Everyone is going to try to run it down our throats from here on out. The good news is we did a little better with it in the 2nd half and we're not going to face an OL like ND again. Need to focus on stopping the run from the start against Pitt and hope our DB's hold up. That's how they'll be playing us. We can do this!
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I don't get the Hatcher love. He had chances to make plays and failed. Adams looked impressive. I think CDRW and him have some chemistry.
Hatcher has an excellent combo of size, speed, and agility. He showed some of it in the game, including an excellent sideline catch that was just barely out of bounds. Hopefully, with more reps, comes more confidence and consistency.
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Watching the replay. At the end of the 2Q when we were 4th and 7 normally GS would scramble and easily pick that up. Instead ND tips the pass and we can’t come up with it. GS then hobbles off the field. We were down 14-7 and on our 40.

A healthy GS picks up that first down and then we tie the game. Instead ND then drives down the field and scores before halftime, 21-7. If Garret was healthy we win that game.

Yes it was a horrible matchup for us but our scrambling QB would have given them fits. We lost not because our DL is undersized but because we didn’t really have our QB1. Not an excuse mind you, but some perspective.
I don't get the Hatcher love. He had chances to make plays and failed. Adams looked impressive. I think CDRW and him have some chemistry.
He had one play where he had that drop on a fairly difficult catch where he short armed it. That wasn't great. But the other grab on the sideline where he climbed the ladder and snagged it but landed just out was a hell of a catch. It just didn't work out. There is love because he is young and has a heck of a lot of potential if you ask me. As he add a bit more muscle I think he can be very good.
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I don't get the Hatcher love. He had chances to make plays and failed. Adams looked impressive. I think CDRW and him have some chemistry.

He gets open. The rest will eventually work itself out with reps.

But yes, more Adams too.

Jackson is just a non factor this year. Cooper is regressing.

Get the more athletic players on the field.
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He had one play he had that drop on a fairly difficult catch where he short armed it. That wasn't great. But the other grab on the sideline where he climbed the ladder and snagged it but landed just out was a hell of a catch. It just didn't work out. There is love because he is young and has a heck of a lot of potential if you ask me. As he add a bit more muscle I think he can be very good.

That was as easy of a play as he will ever get deep. He also had a false start. I thought he had another drop as well, but might be misremembering.

He can't have all these bad plays and get PT now. Maybe he becomes good down the line but can't say he deserves to play now.
That was as easy of a play as he will ever get deep. He also had a false start. I thought he had another drop as well, but might be misremembering.

He can't have all these bad plays and get PT now. Maybe he becomes good down the line but can't say he deserves to play now.
Well I agree you can't have drops either. But really our entire team seemed to have him against Notre Dame so...
But having a bit of explosive ability along with being able to get open and having the ability to go up and get it is a good start. He hasn't played much yet. Just think there is some good stuff there to start getting him some more time.
I think they should move Jackson back to the slot instead of Coopper. And then play Hatcher and Adams on the outside more.

I do t get what happened to Jackson at all. He wasn’t that bad last year. Averaged 3 catches a game with 3 TDs. Maybe the new coach? Maybe the position change?
  • No one can question the heart of this team, particularly the Defense battling back against a bigger, stronger OL. They kept us in the game for most of the game through a pick 6, blocked punt, and very few 1st downs, much less points from the offense.
  • Feel horrible for Garrett Williams. Really wanted to see him have a healthy year
  • Jahad making another play
  • Was also proud of the offense battling back and coming close to tying a game that looked like we had no business being in
  • Hope Shrader's okay, but agree with others that DRW should start until Shrader's close to 100 percent. I can see a few INT's in there, but also some TD's.
  • Thought Tucker played well. He made the most of what he was given
  • Thought the OL struggled some against a very good DL, but did enough to get us back in the game. We need to figure out why we're getting so many passes tipped recently
  • Though Adams looked very good and Hatcher had some really nice moments, as well. Alford got his usual 1 catch. Liked seeing Wilson spread it around a little. Not gonna lie, the first thing I thought when I head he was starting the 2nd half was it would have been nice to get him more than 1 pass against Wagner. Don't know if it would've made a difference in this game.
  • Obviously the tipped pass for an INT was the turning point of the game, but giving the ND receiver the huge cushion to allow them to easily complete a 3rd and 6 on the drive following the tip kept up from regaining the momentum
  • Surprised Gadsden dropped 3 passes. Wonder if it's an adjustment getting used to Wilson's stronger throws.
  • Don't think Jackson is going to do anything on the outside. Let's give him Cooper's reps in the slot. Thought Pena maximized what he had at Wr
  • Have been a little disappointed in Special teams the last few games. Besides the block punt, the coverage has been very iffy of late. Great kick by Szmyt
  • Would love to see us block a punt in a game that really made a difference. It seems the only ones we've blocked in recent years were in blowouts
  • A positive was we had very few penalties this game
  • Everyone is going to try to run it down our throats from here on out. The good news is we did a little better with it in the 2nd half and we're not going to face an OL like ND again. Need to focus on stopping the run from the start against Pitt and hope our DB's hold up. That's how they'll be playing us. We can do this!

Great list. The only thing I'd say is that, with hindsight, that pick six was absolutely killer and then the 2nd and 1 reverse call. Usually I'd say the best time to have a pick six is the first play (so you have the full game to get back), but with GS hobbled and then getting hurt more, that's just a killer.

I'm very bullish on Hatcher. He dropped that long throw on the sidelines, but how many of our guys even get open to make that catch in the first place? That high point on the sidelines that was just out of bounds was beautiful.

Outside of Gadsen, those WR minutes are right there for the taking. Players need to make plays.

Feel terrible for GW. Brutal.

The way I am looking forward now is this: Our only losses are to a team that is vying for the national title and we lost to them on the road and Notre Dame, who has oodles of talent, is on the upswing, and it's not a conference game anyway. 8 or 9 regular season wins this year is awesome.

Yes, other teams may try to replicate what they did, but it doesn't mean they can. And, if you limit your variance on offense, I think Tony White can get us in a position to win if we are competent on O and special teams.
Yeah, re: Hatcher, he hasn't played much but his talent is so glaring you can't miss it - running down Allen on the 90 yard run, the adjustment he made on his first career catch/TD, almost making that sideline almost grab (that was pre-injury Spotwood athleticism), and then yeah the deep drop was bad but I don't think we've seen anyone currently on the roster actually get open on that route like that.

Hatcher is exactly a dude that should be integrated more and more into the offense. Staff says they want a #2 to emerge - I think he's the most likely candidate if he keeps progressing.
Gadsden, Hatcher, Adams and Pena. Alford sprinkled in when necessary. Jackson can’t get open and when he does drops too many passes. Cooper can get open but drops too many passes.

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