Quick SU-Army thoughts | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Quick SU-Army thoughts

I think running game and stopping the run are the two biggest concerns moving into league play.
I don’t really see what u guys are seeing. first half I get run block a bit off but second we had holes my fat ass coulda jogged thru and I don’t jog. They were huge. Pass blocking looked really good.well bleich 2 down big wiffs on pass but makes up in run block
  • Great win after a nerve-wracking start
  • Fantastic to see the WR's step up after being questioned the previous week
  • Denaburg is a great KO guy, but make me a little nervous w/ FG/Pat's
  • Surprised we kept pushing the run when it was wasn't working for a long time. My main question going forward is the lack of a consistent running game. Don't feel confident we can run for a 1st down in short yardage
  • Thought the pass blocking was very good
  • Shrader stepping it up after struggling a bit in the 1st half
  • I continue to be frustrated w/ Dino leaving him and other crucial starters in after the game is out of the hand. Not sure it has cost us yet, but he keeps playing w/ fire on this front. There's no pros to it, only cons. He added a few more unnecessary hits to his body the last 5 minutes of the game. There was definitely no reason to bring Shrader for that last drive.
  • Not sure what changed in our Run Defense in the second half, but it was great to see.
  • Rocky Long is awesome-Hope we can keep him for a few years
  • Nice to see the real Stonehouse step up
  • We can beat Clemson!
Shrader was soo bad the 1st half, he should have sat the first drive of the 2nd. Get him a bloody Mary b4 the next noon start please. Me too

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