Quotes from JB, DM, and JD... | Syracusefan.com

Quotes from JB, DM, and JD...

I think they're sincere, if for no other reason than they sound like pretty vanilla statements.

Got to believe JB is at least a little bit playing the part of a company man though.

JB's quote sounded a little word-smithed.

'Ever-changing landscape'?

I just hope he sticks around long enough to coach in it.
JB's quote sounded a little word-smithed.

'Ever-changing landscape'?

I just hope he sticks around long enough to coach in it.
Jimmy may or may not be around when all this takes place. Why not tow the company line? That said, we all know his real feelings on the subject, it just may no longer be a relevent a point to argue openly. This just may be the scenerio that has JB setting his retirement date.
Only half sincere at best, all those statements were proofread by the chancellor for sure. Last time around when the ACC came to SU to "interview" them everyone at SU was a little skeptical and the comments weren't quite as positive. SU held an ego and felt they were interviewing the ACC as well and we all know how that turned out. Sometimes you have to "kiss ass" a little.

That said ... the same unananimous, positive, likely prepared statements are coming from the other side as well. I doubt all coaches and presidents from the ACC are all peaches and cream over this.
JB comments are interesting since he is already on record as saying he would never schedule Duke because his relationship with coach K is too close and the only way they play each other is if they meet in tounament play.
I think JB will be getting out his golf clubs after the Olympics.
Aye, JB has never wanted to leave the BE. He will probably coach the year or two left in the BE then move on.

As sincere as the pen from the PR person who wrote them.
I think JB will be getting out his golf clubs after the Olympics.

I think just the opposite..
I think we just lost Hopkins, because JB is going to hang around for another 5 years...

As sincere as the pen from the PR person who wrote them.
True. I'd like to see what JB really thinks. He knows this is bigger than him, he's just old school.
It matters not what anyone really thinks about the move, it was a necessary reaction to the storm that is coming this way...

What other choice did Syracuse have?

Do they sit tight & wait for the Big East to crumble around them? Should they HOPE for another major conference to come along & snatch them?

This is the best of any scenario they can have at this point. They will have the advantage of being at the Big Boys table, while not getting buried by football teams who have superior athletes at every position. The ACC is pretty much at the same level as the Big East in Football, except they have a few more teams who are good, and FSU is about to make the step back to annual top 5 status.

In basketball, Syracuse will have fewer real challenges like they do every game in the Big East. Sure, they will face UNC & Duke now, but that will be their only 50/50 games. All other contests will average to a 75% chance of winning. SU's average conference ranking will be HIGHER in the ACC than it does in the Big East. They would end up 3rd at worse, & maybe 4th once in awhile if UCONN joins the ACC.

Even if the ACC merged with the Big East Football schools, you have the same outcome, so why wait for that possible outcome?

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