Ray lewis cheated??? | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Ray lewis cheated???

Just heard watching sb media day that when ray lewis supposesivel a form of growth hormone called deer antler growth. Talk about bad timing and what a distraction

Deer Antler lol

BTW, not at all surprised.
Ray Lewis is far from my favorite player, but I have to stick up for him on this one. The article says he MAY have taken a banned substance. Where's the news in that, every person on earth MAY have taken a banned substance. Poor reporting. Don't report something unless you have proof. SI is the same people who reported Manti's girlfriend died too.

I think the article was pretty clear with the tape phone call(s) with Ray Lewis...Also, if he was a client (proved by the phone call) why deny any affiliation with that company, unless you know you shouldn't have been doing something...Ray Lewis is not the saint he makes himself out to be...
there were several reasons we at Ham tech went from losing like 32 of the previous 35 games over the years previous to 1984 during my time there, to nearly just the opposite numbers right after that year. Besides hard work, letting in more borderline kids academicaly but better athletes, better coaches, etc.

One of the other reasons if I'm being honest is that I'd venture to guess a good third were juicing back then (think it was winstrol?) One of the guys had a brother in pro ball as the connection. Thought they were nuts then and still do now, now that I saw then and now the side effects despite their efforts to get me to do to increase the chances that I could "get to the next level". No thanks. With all the aches and pains I have now anyway, history of head traumas, etc, (which frankly freaks me out with respect to the future), thank God 2 things: never took them, and never made it beyond college.../quote]

There are several reasons then why when I was at Hamtech we went from being respectable the two seasons before I got there and my freshman year (15-9) to winning all of three games my last 3 years. And one is that hardly anyone was juicing. Or if they were it wasn't working. One of many reasons but one nonetheless. I know of other programs were about 30% of the team is. And this is Division III. Sad really.
there were several reasons we at Ham tech went from losing like 32 of the previous 35 games over the years previous to 1984 during my time there, to nearly just the opposite numbers right after that year. Besides hard work, letting in more borderline kids academicaly but better athletes, better coaches, etc.

One of the other reasons if I'm being honest is that I'd venture to guess a good third were juicing back then (think it was winstrol?) One of the guys had a brother in pro ball as the connection. Thought they were nuts then and still do now, now that I saw then and now the side effects despite their efforts to get me to do to increase the chances that I could "get to the next level". No thanks. With all the aches and pains I have now anyway, history of head traumas, etc, (which frankly freaks me out with respect to the future), thank God 2 things: never took them, and never made it beyond college.

This stuff we're discussing here is a tad different and can be bought right over the counter at places like GNC:


And heres a good article on it that actually mentions Lewis name as having taken it, this before todays hub bug:


Like I said tihs ones seems different than some of the others. I'm a big proponent of natural healing products and this sounds more along those lines. Gonna remember this one for the future...

out of curiosity,did your wife leave new vigor as a screen saver for you?
The Ray Lewis "murder" case is a great litmus test on your reading level/knowledge of law/general hurrrrrdom.

Educate us.

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Kaepernick should not be allowed to talk. It may just be me but i think He makes Patrick Ewing sound intelligent.

Let's not say things we can't take back.
didn't Shawn Merriman win NFL defensive player of the year in a season he was suspended for PED use? When it comes to doping and the NFL the fans in large part don't care. We assume everyone is on something anyway.
Stop judging!!

He's had that tortoise for a long time:

AFO and I are on the exact same page here. It's pretty obvious that Lewis is lying and the reason why all of this matters is twofold:

1) He was involved in two murders and we're supposed to believe that he rehabilitated himself.
2) He's seen as a great leader and a man of God.

In the SI article, Mitch Ross describes in great detail the phone call he had with Lewis after Lewis tore his triceps. Ross claims he recorded the conversation and it would certainly help if the tape was released to the public. Even so, Lewis is on record admitting that the call took place and many of the details are similar with one exception: he says he asked only for the stickers, not the deer antler spray.

Fast forward to media day. Lewis denies any involvement. He keeps bringing up a Yahoo story from two years ago, ignoring that he was interviewed (perhaps unwittingly) for the SI story. He uses the Lance Armstrong defense. Then he uses the Armstrong tactic of attacking the messenger. He even brings up the devil.

It's simple. If he didn't do anything wrong, why is he lying about it? We know the conversation between he and Ross took place. We know that - at the very least - he asked for the stickers. We know he admitted as much to SI. Yet he's denying all of this, instead referencing the Yahoo story over and over. And if he didn't do anything wrong, why is he acting like Armstrong? Saying you never failed a test ad nauseum means nothing, especially when the NFL doesn't currently have a test that would detect banned substances like HGH and deer antler spray. Attacking Ross - who I'll concede is probably worthy of such vitriol - is an obvious attempt to deflect.

And then there's the aspect of religion. If I was a religious person - and I'm not - I would be offended that Lewis would use God and the devil as a defense mechanism in this situation. Forget the fact that Lewis wants us to believe that God cares about how he - someone who was involved in a double murder - performs on the football field. Now he wants us to believe that the devil is trying to stir things up before his final game? And we know he's associated with this "devil" in the past. It's obnoxious.

Bottom line, I don't think Lewis has changed very much since that Super Bowl party in 2000. He's still trying to cover up a "crime." His initial instinct in a bad situation remains the same: lie. All that stuff about being a leader, all that stuff about being a man of God...it's an act. He's a phony.

He has one thing right, though. This is destiny. He's going to get exactly what he deserves: an ass-kicking from the Niners and the public humiliation (from the game and this story) that will follow. The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.
AFO and I are on the exact same page here. It's pretty obvious that Lewis is lying and the reason why all of this matters is twofold:

1) He was involved in two murders and we're supposed to believe that he rehabilitated himself.
2) He's seen as a great leader and a man of God.

In the SI article, Mitch Ross describes in great detail the phone call he had with Lewis after Lewis tore his triceps. Ross claims he recorded the conversation and it would certainly help if the tape was released to the public. Even so, Lewis is on record admitting that the call took place and many of the details are similar with one exception: he says he asked only for the stickers, not the deer antler spray.

Fast forward to media day. Lewis denies any involvement. He keeps bringing up a Yahoo story from two years ago, ignoring that he was interviewed (perhaps unwittingly) for the SI story. He uses the Lance Armstrong defense. Then he uses the Armstrong tactic of attacking the messenger. He even brings up the devil.

It's simple. If he didn't do anything wrong, why is he lying about it? We know the conversation between he and Ross took place. We know that - at the very least - he asked for the stickers. We know he admitted as much to SI. Yet he's denying all of this, instead referencing the Yahoo story over and over. And if he didn't do anything wrong, why is he acting like Armstrong? Saying you never failed a test ad nauseum means nothing, especially when the NFL doesn't currently have a test that would detect banned substances like HGH and deer antler spray. Attacking Ross - who I'll concede is probably worthy of such vitriol - is an obvious attempt to deflect.

And then there's the aspect of religion. If I was a religious person - and I'm not - I would be offended that Lewis would use God and the devil as a defense mechanism in this situation. Forget the fact that Lewis wants us to believe that God cares about how he - someone who was involved in a double murder - performs on the football field. Now he wants us to believe that the devil is trying to stir things up before his final game? And we know he's associated with this "devil" in the past. It's obnoxious.

Bottom line, I don't think Lewis has changed very much since that Super Bowl party in 2000. He's still trying to cover up a "crime." His initial instinct in a bad situation remains the same: lie. All that stuff about being a leader, all that stuff about being a man of God...it's an act. He's a phony.

He has one thing right, though. This is destiny. He's going to get exactly what he deserves: an ass-kicking from the Niners and the public humiliation (from the game and this story) that will follow. The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.
great post dude.
What do you do with deer antler stuff? eat it, breathe it, rub it on? I've been traveling and have not had time to go back and understand exactly what people are doing with it.

If it makes things long and hard, I might be interested.
AFO and I are on the exact same page here. It's pretty obvious that Lewis is lying and the reason why all of this matters is twofold:

1) He was involved in two murders and we're supposed to believe that he rehabilitated himself.
2) He's seen as a great leader and a man of God.

In the SI article, Mitch Ross describes in great detail the phone call he had with Lewis after Lewis tore his triceps. Ross claims he recorded the conversation and it would certainly help if the tape was released to the public. Even so, Lewis is on record admitting that the call took place and many of the details are similar with one exception: he says he asked only for the stickers, not the deer antler spray.

Fast forward to media day. Lewis denies any involvement. He keeps bringing up a Yahoo story from two years ago, ignoring that he was interviewed (perhaps unwittingly) for the SI story. He uses the Lance Armstrong defense. Then he uses the Armstrong tactic of attacking the messenger. He even brings up the devil.

It's simple. If he didn't do anything wrong, why is he lying about it? We know the conversation between he and Ross took place. We know that - at the very least - he asked for the stickers. We know he admitted as much to SI. Yet he's denying all of this, instead referencing the Yahoo story over and over. And if he didn't do anything wrong, why is he acting like Armstrong? Saying you never failed a test ad nauseum means nothing, especially when the NFL doesn't currently have a test that would detect banned substances like HGH and deer antler spray. Attacking Ross - who I'll concede is probably worthy of such vitriol - is an obvious attempt to deflect.

And then there's the aspect of religion. If I was a religious person - and I'm not - I would be offended that Lewis would use God and the devil as a defense mechanism in this situation. Forget the fact that Lewis wants us to believe that God cares about how he - someone who was involved in a double murder - performs on the football field. Now he wants us to believe that the devil is trying to stir things up before his final game? And we know he's associated with this "devil" in the past. It's obnoxious.

Bottom line, I don't think Lewis has changed very much since that Super Bowl party in 2000. He's still trying to cover up a "crime." His initial instinct in a bad situation remains the same: lie. All that stuff about being a leader, all that stuff about being a man of God...it's an act. He's a phony.

He has one thing right, though. This is destiny. He's going to get exactly what he deserves: an ass-kicking from the Niners and the public humiliation (from the game and this story) that will follow. The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.

You covered the deer antler spray part very well. My issue with him is how he uses his Christianity/beliefs. I am not a "religious" person, but am a Christian and my beliefs are very important to me. I am not professing to be perfect, however I don't go throwing my beliefs around like Lewis does. There is no doubt in my mind he knows what happened in regards to the double murders. He may not have been directly involved, but he knows what happened. However he has basically refused to meet with vitctim's families (per the plea agreement) to talk to them. All some of the family members want to know is what happened. However, he has not done this. If he truely believed what came out of his mouth, he would have done this a long time ago...which makes you wonder if he really was more directly invloved. Also, I have issue with his lifestyle, he has been married 4x and has multiple children with multiple women. Now this in itself is not a big issue to me, however when you go out there throwing around his Christian beliefs and then say he is retiring due to family, well it's hard not to take what he says with a grain of salt. Now the deer antler spray issue? And people hold him up as this great leader? Just because he is very charismatic, does not mean he is a great leader. A leader is made more for his/her actions, not just words!!

Congrats to the Ravens team...they were the better team last night...Unfortunately, I am afraid, Ray Lewis will think that by winning the Super Bowl in his last game of his career will justify his actions during his career...
You covered the deer antler spray part very well. My issue with him is how he uses his Christianity/beliefs. I am not a "religious" person, but am a Christian and my beliefs are very important to me. I am not professing to be perfect, however I don't go throwing my beliefs around like Lewis does. There is no doubt in my mind he knows what happened in regards to the double murders. He may not have been directly involved, but he knows what happened. However he has basically refused to meet with vitctim's families (per the plea agreement) to talk to them. All some of the family members want to know is what happened. However, he has not done this. If he truely believed what came out of his mouth, he would have done this a long time ago...which makes you wonder if he really was more directly invloved. Also, I have issue with his lifestyle, he has been married 4x and has multiple children with multiple women. Now this in itself is not a big issue to me, however when you go out there throwing around his Christian beliefs and then say he is retiring due to family, well it's hard not to take what he says with a grain of salt. Now the deer antler spray issue? And people hold him up as this great leader? Just because he is very charismatic, does not mean he is a great leader. A leader is made more for his/her actions, not just words!!

Congrats to the Ravens team...they were the better team last night...Unfortunately, I am afraid, Ray Lewis will think that by winning the Super Bowl in his last game of his career will justify his actions during his career...

Very well said.

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Just read an article about Ray Lewis being asked questions by Shannon Sharpe in relation to the double murders, here are some of his comments/replies:

"It’s simple," Lewis said when Sharpe asked him what he would say to the families.
"God has never made a mistake. That’s just who He is, you see. And if our system – it’s the sad thing about our system – if our system took the time to really investigate what happened 13 years ago, maybe they would have got to the bottom line truth. But the saddest thing ever was that a man looked me in my face and told me, ‘We know you didn’t do this, but you’re going down for it anyway.’ To the family, if you knew, if you really knew the way God works, he don’t use people who commits anything like that for His glory. No way. It’s the total opposite."

- So he is blaming God, the system and the family for not knowing how God works?!?! WOW!!!

If Sharpe asked any foll0w-up questions about what Lewis did know about what happened, or who told him he was "going down for it," they weren't shown. The next question was Sharpe asking about a financial settlement Lewis reached with the families.
"The one thing I said that, because my name was used the wrong way, money is the last thing I’m worried about, but if money will help those kids out – and not just those kids but any kid I can help, any family I can support, I’ll support," Lewis said to Sharpe. "So don’t just take that family and say I gave money to that family, because I’ve given money to thousands of families time and time again, just to find a different way to help somebody through a rough time."

- So he is turning this around to make himself look better...WOW!!!

Also credit CBS analyst Boomer Esiason for bringing up what wasn't said in the interview. Esiason mentioned Lewis' "complex legacy" and was challenged by Sharpe on set to clarify what that meant.
"He was involved in a double murder and I’m not so sure he gave us all the answers we were looking for," Esiason said. "He knows what went on there. He can obviously just come out and say it. He doesn’t want to say it. He paid off the families – I get all that, that’s fine. But that doesn’t take away from who he is as a football player. I appreciate you going down there and asking him that direct question. I'm not so sure I buy the answer."

- Good for Boomer...He had the courage to say what I am sure a lot of other media people are saying, but afraid to say so as not to tarnish or go against the great Ray Lewis...Boomer gained a bunch of points there to me!!

Full article here: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-s...milies-two-slain-men-2000-224326545--nfl.html
THere seems to be a real divide in the opinions on RL, and from what I can tell, it seems to be age related. Most of the younger NFL fans I have spoken to like RL, respect his game, and want him to go out a winner. The double murder story is a non-starter to them. Ancient history that has no relevance.

Older fans seem to be more cynical about RL's come-to-Jesus, and believe that he is "still the same person he was in 2000." The whole thing is a little disheartening to me. As Air Force says above, it appears that his SB victory will justify his actions in his mind, as well as in the minds of his fans. I fear we will be seeing a lot of Ray Lewis in the future, if we watch the NFL. And that will be difficult, at least for me.
THere seems to be a real divide in the opinions on RL, and from what I can tell, it seems to be age related. Most of the younger NFL fans I have spoken to like RL, respect his game, and want him to go out a winner. The double murder story is a non-starter to them. Ancient history that has no relevance.

Older fans seem to be more cynical about RL's come-to-Jesus, and believe that he is "still the same person he was in 2000." The whole thing is a little disheartening to me. As Air Force says above, it appears that his SB victory will justify his actions in his mind, as well as in the minds of his fans. I fear we will be seeing a lot of Ray Lewis in the future, if we watch the NFL. And that will be difficult, at least for me.

I dread when he gets elected to and enters the Hall of Fame in 5 years!
What do you do with deer antler stuff? eat it, breathe it, rub it on? I've been traveling and have not had time to go back and understand exactly what people are doing with it.

If it makes things long and hard, I might be interested.

I don't think it works like Viagra. You spray it under your tongue.
THere seems to be a real divide in the opinions on RL, and from what I can tell, it seems to be age related. Most of the younger NFL fans I have spoken to like RL, respect his game, and want him to go out a winner. The double murder story is a non-starter to them. Ancient history that has no relevance.

Older fans seem to be more cynical about RL's come-to-Jesus, and believe that he is "still the same person he was in 2000." The whole thing is a little disheartening to me. As Air Force says above, it appears that his SB victory will justify his actions in his mind, as well as in the minds of his fans. I fear we will be seeing a lot of Ray Lewis in the future, if we watch the NFL. And that will be difficult, at least for me.

You might be onto something, although my brother is only a couple of years younger than me and he loves Lewis. He's also more religious than I am, so he didn't care for what Lewis said during the Sharpe interview.

I think a lot of people grew sick and tired of Lewis this week, even those who considered themselves fans before. His legacy can still change and I do think it will be tarnished as the days and years go by. We'll see if Goodell still brings him on as an advisor.
You might be onto something, although my brother is only a couple of years younger than me and he loves Lewis. He's also more religious than I am, so he didn't care for what Lewis said during the Sharpe interview.

I think a lot of people grew sick and tired of Lewis this week, even those who considered themselves fans before. His legacy can still change and I do think it will be tarnished as the days and years go by. We'll see if Goodell still brings him on as an advisor.
No matter how Goddell and the NFL executives attempt to spin it, the league has a major image problem. Just take a moment and think of the list of violent crimes you could put together right off the top of your head without google.

Why do you think they're pushing all the NFL Evolution propaganda?
No matter how Goddell and the NFL executives attempt to spin it, the league has a major image problem. Just take a moment and think of the list of violent crimes you could put together right off the top of your head without google.

Why do you think they're pushing all the NFL Evolution propaganda?

I love how they use the term that football is violent sport to explain injuries, specifically concussions. However, when these violent off the field issues occur, they can't explain it. Ummmm...if football is a violent sport, wouldn't it be logical to equate some of this off the field violence to players who have trouble leaving the violent part on the field? I am not trying to make excuses for the off the field issues...just saying that football is a violent sport and off the field violence (domestic, clubs, etc.) are not really suprising...
I love how they use the term that football is violent sport to explain injuries, specifically concussions. However, when these violent off the field issues occur, they can't explain it. Ummmm...if football is a violent sport, wouldn't it be logical to equate some of this off the field violence to players who have trouble leaving the violent part on the field? I am not trying to make excuses for the off the field issues...just saying that football is a violent sport and off the field violence (domestic, clubs, etc.) are not really suprising...

A violent sport, played by violent people, in a violent society...
A violent sport, played by violent people, in a violent society...

I would agree with the first part, semi-agree with the second and not sure about the third. Are we really more violent as a society today than in the past? Would be interesting to look back and compare today's society(ies) with those of human history...

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