Rutgers reconsidering Rice |

Rutgers reconsidering Rice

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Aside from how messed up the video is, how could he possibly recruit after this? Lebron James tweeting about it.. Yikes. Chris Christie is definitely not someone you want on your bad side in New Jersey.
If that's any indication of his charming disposition, I hope he isn't married and doesn't have any kids.
The Rutgers AD came off looking real lame in his interview. 'We didn't stand by and do nothing. We gave him a 3-game suspension. And ordered him into counseling.'

What. Ever.
Tee to the rescue!
Serious, the dude's going down. AD. Down. President. Probably not Edit: (but should as el presidente saw the vids in December)
Coach and AD are jacka$$es period.
But what I don't understand is it seems like these pressures from Christie, media, others are what's doing it?
You know people high up saw this video before it was released. Those people should be almost as embarrassed as Mr. Dodgeball.
Interesting. I read in another thread that this was just E$PN blowing this whole thing out of proportion. ;)
Hopkins ? Big ten Job. Recruiting hot bed. Wouldn't shock me
Serious, the dude's going down. AD. Down. President. Probably not.
Coach and AD are jacka$$es period.
But what I don't understand is it seems like these pressures from Christie, media, others are what's doing it?
You know people high up saw this video before it was released. Those people should be almost as embarrassed as Mr. Dodgeball.
What happens in the RAC, stays in the RAC. Unless there's video
Interesting. I read in another thread that this was just E$PN blowing this whole thing out of proportion. ;)
Oof. I saw that. Wild thread. But I'm enticed to read it again. :) Be right back.
yup...that's what i basically said in the post below,once Christie gets on this it's over,and i think Pernetti is in major doo-doo also. These are state jobs
Serious, the dude's going down. AD. Down. President. Probably not.
Coach and AD are jacka$$es period.
But what I don't understand is it seems like these pressures from Christie, media, others are what's doing it?
You know people high up saw this video before it was released. Those people should be almost as embarrassed as Mr. Dodgeball.

Tee just went darkside on your asses!!!!
Interesting. I read in another thread that this was just E$PN blowing this whole thing out of proportion. ;)
Hey, that's not fair. That's not the way that thread should have ended!
Where's the saloon, then the gunfightin' and a cussin' and a hollerin?
Bottom line, how do you ever think those tactics would ever work? They should fire him and let the players pelt him with basketballs on his way out to the parking lot
yup...that's what i basically said in the post below,once Christie gets on this it's over,and i think Pernetti is in major doo-doo also. These are state jobs
Yep - look how quickly they drove out Mulcahy
Bottom line, how do you ever think those tactics would ever work? They should fire him and let the players pelt him with basketballs on his way out to the parking lot

I'd like to throw some basketballs at his face!!!!!

Sorry I was getting my "Tee" on there.
No friggin way Hopkins considers coaching at that cesspool.
If they fire Rice, and I think they will have to, how can Pernetti not be far behind? The first offense rationale will be his undoing.
I just had a terrible thought...what if Hopkins is offered and takes the Rutgers job? ;)

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