Sad news. | Page 4 |

Sad news.

I'm so sorry to hear this terrible news. Someone very close to me also is bi-polar, and has struggled through some very dark times. I wish you and your family all the best at this very difficult time.
It has been a long time since I have posted although I am a daily visitor, and like you, I have not met my fellow posters but feel like I know a lot of them. These forums somehow always feel like home...even when there are, shall we say, disagreements among the family.

Anyway, I felt compelled to log in and express my deepest sympathies upon reading your plight. In my life I have feared both getting "that call", and for a time, being the reason for that call. But I want to point out something you said in your post; you said your son's birth forced you to face your demons and as such, you have remained clean and sober since his birth. I think that is quite a legacy your son has given you. He gave you your life back and everyday you choose to remain clean, you honor his memory. I hope in time, this gives you some modicum of comfort...but for now, you have invisible arms embracing you from afar as we are all your family in this time and in happier times to come as well.

Most sincerely,

Well said.

Your Orange family stands with you at this difficult time.

Stay strong.
I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.

Sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure there are not any words that match what you are going through. I wish I could say something that will ease your pain. I know life is full of suffering and challenges. Your son's love will always live on in your heart. Stay strong and keep your faith. All my prayers and hopes to you and your family.
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I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.

So sorry to read this. Wishing you and your family strength. Hang in there!

I can't even begin to fathom the pain you are going through but you can just see the love bursting out of your words.

My deep condolences to you and your loved ones
I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.

Those of us fortunate enough to have never lost a child could never understand the pain you are going through. That however does not stop us from morning your loss with you. Perhaps one of the best things one can do at a time like this is to stay strong and do what you can to carry his memories and life lessons forward in a way that honors both you and him. Stay strong our friend and may God bless your family in this time of sorrow.
Those of us fortunate enough to have never lost a child could never understand the pain you are going through. That however does not stop us from morning your loss with you. Perhaps one of the best things one can do at a time like this is to stay strong and do what you can to carry his memories and life lessons forward in a way that honors both you and him. Stay strong our friend and may God bless your family in this time of sorrow.

I am very sorry for your loss. Hopefully all those who struggle can find the help that they need.
Best Wishes to your family and yourself.

This will be difficult to overcome, but with the support of all you will eventually heal.
I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.

That is awful, awful news. I am so sorry.

I have a cousin whom I am close with who grapples with some mental health issues and it can be maddening trying to help them when they get into trouble..the system works against them (and those trying to help them) because of privacy laws and the fact that one has to be considered a danger to either oneself or to others to end up getting the help they need.

Extremely frustrating.
Flacusian, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. There are no words that can sum up how sorry I am for your loss. May your sobriety be JJ's legacy, and your way of honoring him daily. As a parent myself, I will hug my children a little tighter tonight. I offer you my heart felt condolences through this difficult time.
I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.
You and your family have our condolences on the loss of your son. God Bless you and keep your family in comfort during this time of sorrow.
Dearest dearest Flacusian, I am shedding tears over this horrible event. I can only imagine the profound, overwhelming grief and shock. This is a hole in the hearts of your entire family and, by extension, your Syracuse family. My family is riddled with bipolar + alcoholism/drug abuse. It is hair-raising. So many people on this board have expressed their sympathies so eloquently, and I can do no better than they can. Please know you are cared for and many loving thoughts are with you as you struggle with the new reality of life without your wonderful son.
I spend a lot of time checking out this board and although I have never met anyone personally who posts here I still feel a special kinship with all of you and some of you with whom I have PM'ed over the years. Last Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving my office to come home my wife called me and told me that my son JJ who was living in Connecticut was found dead on Wednesday morning. JJ had a lifelong struggle with bi-polar disorder and as such had encountered many difficulties along the path of life. We had planned for him to move down here to Ocala and he was going to go to work at my family business in which my wife Beth and my oldest son Justin both work with me. I returned home to Ocala today from Branford, Ct. which is my hometown. The outpouring of hundreds of his friends and family who attended the service yesterday was comforting to myself and JJ's other 4 siblings who were also there but nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child. Mental health issues and substance abuse are still poorly understood by many and in spite of the difficulties which JJ had his caring spirit and fun loving nature were the one thing that all who comforted me were quick to point out. I know for myself that having had a child who had challenging obstacles has made me a more compassionate and understanding person. It was JJ's birth which moved me to made a conscious decision to face my problems with drugs and alcohol and I've been fortunate and blessed to have 26 years of continuous sobriety. He will be missed incredibly by his family and all his friends.

Can't imagine what you are going through but sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
September 13th will be the 10 year anniversary of our child's passing. Although the circumstances are different, I understand the pain and emptiness you are feeling. The coming weeks and months will be difficult and you will likely never look at things the same. However, be assured, your loss will become easier to manage. My wife and I take comfort in our memories and little things (monarch butterflies have a special meaning) will have a lasting impression. As SU in Hershey previously mentioned, your son gave you your life back, and that is quite a legacy. This will be one of the many things you will think back and reflect on throughout your life. Kim and I extend our deepest sympathies and hope memories will provide you and your family with peace and comfort.
This is Mrs. Obie 9... I Was just reading this thread and planning on writing and saying everything my husband said. ... Thoughts will he with you and your family. Please let us know if you need anything . Sometimes it helps to talk to others that have lost a child as it is very different than other losses .
I don't know you, and I know I will hopefully never feel your pain, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Damn man, so sorry to hear. It's stuff like this that makes this board and the sport world so small and petty. Much love to you and your family and friends that have been affected by this tragedy.


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